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Everything posted by Naifuzan

  1. Naifuzan

    Akebono first round opponent decided

    Oh I thought I recognized the name kakuda, and now I remember from where! He's the guy that's usually the referee in the big k1 fights! It will be interesting to see him fight. That korean giant looks interesting as well. I wonder if he can fight.
  2. Naifuzan

    Akebono to WWE?

    You just gotta remember that those guys arent fighters, the're stuntmen and actors.
  3. Naifuzan

    Akebono to WWE?

    He'll probably suck there too, but at least he might win a match or two, and not get as humiliated as in K-1.
  4. Naifuzan

    Hatsu ICF Results

    Nice job guys! (Sign of approval) It was about time we got it, don't you think? (Shaking head...)
  5. Naifuzan

    Why Konishiki did not become Yokozuna?

    There are lots of people who can answer this better than I can, but I'll get this one started at least. Ususally yokozuna promotion requires 2 yusho in a row. The reason Kaio's tsuna run was continued after he failed to get that second yusho in a row in kyushu was the need for a japanese yokozuna, I think. When konishiki had that record there wasnt really a need for another yokozuna. Especially not a gaijin one. The gaijin thing is mostly speculation tho...
  6. Naifuzan

    Hakuhou Ozeki run?

    I don't think it will be any of the currently established rikishis, but another from the young guard coming up. Kotooshu sounds like a pretty reasonable guess. Or maybe someone lower in the ranks on their way up. I, at least, don't see much ozeki material in the "oldbies" like wakanosato or miyabiyama. It's too late for them.
  7. Naifuzan

    Final- RotoSumo Standings (Hatsu 05)

    Ahh... just a couple of points from 8-7 at J1E (Laughing...)
  8. Naifuzan

    Day 13 pics

    This picture reminds me of kyusho 2002, when shoryu got his first yusho after beating wakanosato on day 13. Same smile as shoryu was getting up off a beaten sato.
  9. Naifuzan

    Rikishi Talk Day 11

    I also think there's been way less henka. Some bashos in the past you could see 5-10 or even more henkas in juryo and makuuchi each day.
  10. Naifuzan

    New keshos spotted..

    It's called kesho mawashi, as the title of the thread implies.
  11. Naifuzan

    Match of a lifetime!

    I remember a couple of really great bouts between these two guys over recent years. I don't know why, but there must be some sumo chemistry between these two ;-)
  12. Naifuzan

    Is it just me or......

    Then you should have seen Tochiazuma a couple of years ago when he didnt seem to do anything but henka to hold on to his ozeki rank ;-)
  13. Naifuzan

    Question about Video Editing

    I've used Adobe Premiere to do such things in the past. I can't remember exactly how you do it, but it's pretty easy to figure out I think.
  14. Naifuzan

    Rikishi Talk Day 4

  15. Naifuzan

    Watching Hatsu Basho At a Reasonable Hour?

    Take a nap during the afternoon? (I am not worthy...)
  16. Naifuzan

    Watching Hatsu Basho At a Reasonable Hour?

    Every day! :-D Wee need more chatters during the weekdays. There are a couple of regulars tho. Sadly I havent been one lately... But I'm trying cause I really enjoy watching the stream live and chatting at the same time. That way you get a little bit of atmosphere as well, more than just watching the bouts on afterwards.
  17. Naifuzan

    ISP Bouts

    When was the last time Asa faced Hakuho on day 1? ;-)
  18. Naifuzan

    Soken Alert

    The tape on the fingers sure makes it look like taikai. A lot of other things does too, but that's probably the most obvious.
  19. Naifuzan

    sad news friends

    I can't believe they'd write such an article. That's just stupid!
  20. Naifuzan

    Frowned upon Sumo techniques

    I see you haven't seen the Swedish eurosport sumo broadcasts (Whistling...) The commentator there seem to be impressed with each and every henka he sees and finds it a graceful and smart move. I find it to be a part of the game and so I accept it. Even if I'd rather see a bout end in some other fashion.
  21. Naifuzan

    Sumo games

    My two favourite daily games are Bench Sumo and Sekitori Toto. Sekitori Toto takes a bit more effort than the other games since you have to pick winners in 30+ matches, but its also very rewarding. Rotosumo is probably my pre-basho favourite.
  22. Naifuzan

    Queen hits in Japanese

    Well, of course it isnt going to be queen. But Brian May and Paul Rodgers on the same stage isn't bad!
  23. Naifuzan

    Queen hits in Japanese

    I heard these news on another forum I visit and it is truly great news! It's not like its the old Queen, but it's probably gonna be one h*ll of a show! (Hugging...)
  24. Naifuzan

    Queen hits in Japanese

    These were great! (Sign of approval)
  25. Naifuzan

    New RotoSumo Banzuke Hatsu 2005

    Wow! J1E! Now I only need another KK and it's my first makuuchi debut in any sumo game! I hope I'm not jinxing myself now ;-)