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Kotoseiya Yuichi

Losing weight

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I made a bet with a friend of mine. On June 1st, 2004 I'm supposed to weigh 78 kg on a scale in our workplace. On May 26th, 2003 the reading was 115 kg. That's not a bad weight for a rikishi (actually it is but vice versa :-S ) but for someone like me it's way too much, of course. I might not be morbidly obese but certainly this isn't healthy in the long run. In 1988 when I served in field artillery (military service is obligatory for men in Finland, optional for women) I already was 181 cm but weighed 62 kg. :-) My brother used to be about 178/59 but now he's gone up to 64. (In love...)

I will lose this bet unless I have enough incentives to fight on for a full year. By making this public I intend to face the public ridicule should I fail in my mission. (Applauding...) Hence the graph in my signature.

Vertically there's the weight, horizontally the time (pixel a day). Top left red pixel means week 22, 2003 and 115 kg. Somewhere close to the right bottom corner is week 23, 2004 and 78 kg. The green line shows the even progress from 115 to 78. As long as I keep myself under that line, everything's going OK.

Black horizontal pixels show the Monday of a month's first full week. The tall (three pixels is tall in this context) point is the year change 2003/2004. I'm supposed to weigh 93 kg or less by then. Three years ago I went from about 112 to 92 in three months but all of it came back with interests. My metabolism seems to be somehow unusual. I seem to both gain and lose weight faster than usual. Hopefully this trait will work in my favour.

The graph will be updated weekly in Tuesday night Finnish time. Wish me luck. :-(

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The graph will be updated weekly in Tuesday night Finnish time. Wish me luck.
Edited by Amanogawa

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A word of advice - any sport practiced about an hour daily will do wonders. For me, it was swimming... (Sign of approval)

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I am right there with you. I am sure there are plenty of us who could lose some extra weight. Good luck!

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Since it's Sunday, and I still haven't started working on the stuff I brought home from work to do over weekend, I seize the opportunity to write an extensive essay on losing weight. (In love...)

I'm sure Kai-zeki would be able to explain this from medical point of view, but I'm chemical engineer, so I'll take the thermodinamic approach. :-D It's really very simple: for your body weight to be in equillibrium, the input of energy (food) has to be equaled by output (work). Nowdays our work is less physical, and thus spends less energy, while we keep eating a lot of food, which is also richer in energy. Hence, our bodies are in non-equillibrium state and tend to increase mass. Succesfull weight-los approach should modify both input and output of energy. Here are few tried out approaches for both.

Decreasing the input - This doesn't neccesary mean you have to eat less, only differently. Radically less cakes, sweets, icecreams, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, bread. Replace them with fresh fruit (excellent for quelling "I need sugar!" cravings) and vegetables. Eat only home-prepared food, carry your lunches with you... If all this is too much effort, you can try my brother's tactic: never eat anything after 6 p.m. (until you wake up the following day). This works especially well for night-owls who wake around noon and spend their nights in front of computer screen! (Computer slaps man...)

Increasing the output - sport, purely and simply. But anything can be sport: biking (not a motorbike, of course), walking (at brisk pace), crosscountry skiing, jogging, excursions, shiko, general spring cleaning, going shopping on foot (doubly effective since you're discouraged from buying - and carrying - extra food). Pick your own tactic, adn be sure it's something you'll like doing, otherwise you'l never keep it up.

I can't swim. (Laughing...) Hm, hmmm, exercising... Can't avoid it, I guess...

This is a good opportunity to learn to swim. ;-)

Really, swimming is quite rewarding way of exercise for people (like me) who hate to sweat and avoid physical extersions because of it...

To quote The Queen, "Easy come, easy go": if you lose weight too quickly, you'll get it back on just as quickly (as you've noticed). As with so many things in life, slowly but surely is the best approach.

And of course, the most important thing, once you reach the new and lighter equilibrium, you will have to continue your regime, otherwise the equilibrium will be disturbed and you're back on start. So be careful what approach to losing weight you choose - you'll have to practice it for the rest of your life. (Being unsure...)

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I dont need to lose weight,at 9 stone soaking wet,I need to put it on and thats just as hard-But best of luck anyway Koto.

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Well done, Kotoseiya! Below the line...

You don't want to be so light that you can fly, though...

Edited by Tokimori

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