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Most Enjoyable Rikishi

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I was tempted to call this the Most Fun Rikishi but I didn't know if that really fitted. It's the guys that make Sumo really worth watching and that make you want to see them again. For me it used to be Kaio because when he was on form he just oozed class and power. Despite his ups and downs I think Ama is good to watch because of his tenacity. I didn't like Aminishki all that much before but since he came back from the 2nd knee injury I keep an eye open for him.

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I've never been much of a fan of Kaio, (I should probably add him to my "Hater" list lol.) He's big, fat and more often than not can't show an inkling of fighting spirit to save his ass, (except of course when he's facing "kadoban" like that day 15 bout with Hakuho a few basho back where had he lost he would have been demoted from Ozeki and forced to retire by his shisho, did you see that bastard fight for his life then?! Freakin sandbagger.....) (Sign of disapproval) Oops what was the title of this thread again?......he he he

Edited by Ryukaze

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I was tempted to call this the Most Fun Rikishi but I didn't know if that really fitted. It's the guys that make Sumo really worth watching and that make you want to see them again. For me it used to be Kaio because when he was on form he just oozed class and power. Despite his ups and downs I think Ama is good to watch because of his tenacity. I didn't like Aminishki all that much before but since he came back from the 2nd knee injury I keep an eye open for him.

Well, there are so many! (Applauding...)

Asashoryu, of course, especially when he goes into his gorilla routine before the bout.

Tochiazuma, when he's on --- he just attacks like a pit bull.

I like Kitazakura, too --- definitely a GREAT salt thrower, but also practices such nice, crisp sumo.

Angie in Texas, US

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Chiyotaikai ! When he is moving forward he brings a lot of enjoyment (for spectators of course) (Applauding...) also I like my little guy - Yoshikaze - there is a lot of fighting spirit. Despite being rather small he can hit hard and with passion. This basho maybe isn't too representative but ... He's the man !

Edited by Shimpu

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Ama because of the unpredictability of his attack, the genki and the inevitable surprise ending.

Kitazakura has morphed on me. My initial impression was that he was simply a Robo-type showboat, but the more I watched him, his body language told me that this is a man who truly loves what he is doing. A joy to watch.

Asa was a big favorite of mine when he was on the rise because of his sheer power, skill and diversity. He still has it, but he has become, for me, a boring automaton. I root for him each basho, but I yawn when he does battle. A lot of this is due to the mediocrity of his competition.

Edited by Asojima

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Besides Asashoryu who is my No1 i can think of a couple ....

an "on form" Hakuho that makes shitatenage so easy.

KAIHO !!!!!

Kyokushuzan when he is ranked dangerously low. The face of unpredictability ...

Ama for his ignorance of fear and his versatility in the dohyo.

Takekaze because he is like a bowling bowl and can be very exciting when his oshi attacks are sucessfull.

Tokitenku because he is a kakete master and i just love those moves.

Chiyotaikai is usually involved in extremely exciting bouts when he is going forward (he just had a lot of problems lately).

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Ama because of his fearlessness and determination

Roho because every storie need a bad guy

Takami because loosing is the worst thing that can happen ...ever

Baruto because he is stronger than even he knows

Amanishiki because of his creativity

Asa because he is all these things and much much more

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I like watching Hokutoriki for the same reason I liked watching Toki. It's funny to see how someone so dreadfully inept on the mawashi can stay on in the top division, even though all his opponents know exactly what's coming and how to beat him. Win or lose, it's always short and sweet; and then I always find myself shaking my head and grinning. (Nodding yes...)

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Ama, Kitazakura, and Asashoryuu.

Ama, because of his fighting spirit, technical skill, and tenacity.

To quote James Hardy from his Sep 19th article in the Daily Yomiuri, "A physical mismatch, Baruto had to work out a way to dislodge Ama from underneath his armpit, as the pintsized mongolian wedged himself in and refused to be thrown."

(Nodding yes...)

Kitazakura, because (even though he's not officially supposed to) he shows his enthusiasm when he wins and disappointment when he looses. (Takamisakari is also good for some comedic value for these same reasons, but I don't really care for him because he is really popular only for his annoying pre-match routine.) Also, As Asojima said above, "this is a man who truly loves what he is doing. A joy to watch." I couldn't agree more.


Asashoryu, because he never lets us down. How many times have you been eagerly anticipating your favorite wrestler's match, only to see him suffer some pathetic/embarrasing loss. "Oh, what the hell was that? Why are you running backwards trying a pulldown?!?" Asashoryu is always super-focused and fights to the last nano-second.


Edited by Shibouyama

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Guys who bring their best effort to the dohyo every can see they are giving it their all...there is never any doubt. Guys like Asashoryu, Ama, Kakizoe, and Kitazakura. Homasho is becoming that sort too.

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I like watching Hokutoriki for the same reason I liked watching Toki. It's funny to see how someone so dreadfully inept on the mawashi can stay on in the top division, even though all his opponents know exactly what's coming and how to beat him. Win or lose, it's always short and sweet; and then I always find myself shaking my head and grinning. (Blushing...)

The good thing about this post is that you can change the word "Hokutoriki" to "Chiyotaikai" anytime you want and the basic idea still applies .....

(Nodding yes...) (Hugging...)

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I am almost embarrassed to admit it, but for the last few basho, I've been enjoying watching the Miyabiflobmonster.

(In a state of confusion...)

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'Zakura brothers, for so many reasons... spirit, persistence, moments of brilliance, and good looks (Toyo).

KaioU - him livin' legend. Too bad that "livin'" soon won't apply... :'-(

Ama and Ami-chan - underdogs that topple giants, big heart and great technique... (In love...)

Kyokutenho - late bloomer, gentle manner, over 6 feet.

Baruto - blonde, big and beautiful. ;-)

Asashoryu - every now and then the realisation hits me that I'll probably never see his like again in the rest of my sumo-watching lifetime (and I hope to live to be 90).

Others, probably, but these are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

Edited by Manekineko

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Cause to see him at the Dohyo brings back the respect for Sumo and Rikishi. There are some guys, there is no real reason to ;-) for, but for Kaiho all the time. (In love...)

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A definite thumbs up for Kaiho. He was really making a go of getting into sanyaku at the time of his injury and I'm hoping he can get back up to makuuchi one last time.

And i never get tired of looking at a side-on profile of Iwakiyama's face (where does his nose go to??)

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A definite thumbs up for Kaiho. He was really making a go of getting into sanyaku at the time of his injury and I'm hoping he can get back up to makuuchi one last time.
(In love...) Which injury are You talking about? The recent devastating one happened at Maegashira 10 when he barely made his eight on day 13. During his whole career, he only had one KK among the joi-jin in seven tries - I hardly call that "making a go of getting into sanyaku". (where he admittedly got to once as Komusubi back in 2001)

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My favourite one is still Takamisakari.

But also it's nice to see like Ama copies the kind of Asashoryu. He showes the best example today before his fight against Asashoryu.

And Kitazakura is the best salt thrower.

And Roho? He looks like a dangerous big bear. Is it show or is genuine it?

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A definite thumbs up for Kaiho. He was really making a go of getting into sanyaku at the time of his injury and I'm hoping he can get back up to makuuchi one last time.
(In a state of confusion...) Which injury are You talking about? The recent devastating one happened at Maegashira 10 when he barely made his eight on day 13. During his whole career, he only had one KK among the joi-jin in seven tries - I hardly call that "making a go of getting into sanyaku". (where he admittedly got to once as Komusubi back in 2001)

I was getting ahead of myself, when i said sanyaku I should have said joi'i. At the time of his big injury Kaiho had been putting up some good scores but more importantly his sumo had been good, although wins didn't always come his way. So rather, he had been making a good go of getting in joi'i .

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That would be Asashoryu. He's got my vote for the most enjoyable rikishi. Whether its his fighting spirit or his unequaled technique, his matches are outright inspiring.

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I think you gotta give it up for the little guys, (Ama, Kaiho, perhaps even Satoyama) who weren't perhaps blessed with a huge frame, (body) to begin with but have had to rely on their skill, technique and intensity to win bouts. In my humble opinion it is these rikishi who above all deserve the most praise and admiration, and I have always been a fan of smaller rikishi, (Mainoumi, Terao perhaps most notably.) They are also usually the most entertaining to boot.

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How many times have you been eagerly anticipating your favorite wrestler's match, only to see him suffer some pathetic/embarrasing loss. "Oh, what the hell was that? Why are you running backwards trying a pulldown?!?"

Never. (Sign of approval) :-)

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How many times have you been eagerly anticipating your favorite wrestler's match, only to see him suffer some pathetic/embarrasing loss. "Oh, what the hell was that? Why are you running backwards trying a pulldown?!?"

Never. (Sign of approval) (Clapping wildly...)

Only if your favorite rikishi is Asashoryu.


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As usual, this kind of question tends to be more than one, so it's up to the repliers to decide what to answer.

For example, is it the rikishi I think bring joy to my own sumo watching, or the rikishi I feel make sumo more attractive in general?

Personally, Tochiazuma is always a rikishi whose matches I watch even if I don't have time to watch any other matches, but it's obvious that I am in the minority to actually enjoy his sumo. Even among them liking Tochiazuma, it seems many find him boring. I also enjoy watching Chiyotaikai, Miyabiyama, Hakuho, Kakizoe, Baruto, Kotomitsuki, Kokkai, Iwakiyama, Ama, Takamisakari, Hakurozan, Tosanoumi, Homasho, Hokutoriki, Tochinohana, Wakanosato, Toyonoshima, Tokitenku, Kaiho, Kitazakura, Toyozakura, Otsukasa, and probably a few more.

As for the more general question of who brings life into sumo, it's impossible to ignore Chiyotaikai, Baruto, Ama, Takamisakari and Baruto, and as much as I hate to admit it, Asashoryu. I also think the -zakura-brothers bring in their share of fans, probably Hakuho and maybe even Kyokushuzan. Kaio brings light to sumo just by being Kaio, but he has faded in more than his sumo the last few basho.

Edited by Yubiquitoyama

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A definite thumbs up for Kaiho. He was really making a go of getting into sanyaku at the time of his injury and I'm hoping he can get back up to makuuchi one last time.
(In a state of confusion...) Which injury are You talking about? The recent devastating one happened at Maegashira 10 when he barely made his eight on day 13. During his whole career, he only had one KK among the joi-jin in seven tries - I hardly call that "making a go of getting into sanyaku". (where he admittedly got to once as Komusubi back in 2001)

He had a surgery, I saw the scar at Keiko. Now he injured the other ancle during this Basho. He has big problems to move both ancles. when he goes down for the "no weapons" position, he seemes to have giant pain, but he is a fighter, maybe more then anybody else. It is his pride, his aura making him so special and that brings biiiig respect for him. I will root for him until the very end... B-)

@ Ryukaze Yo, bro!

Edited by ilovesumo

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