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"Off With the Beard"

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Kokkai often looks like a ronin in a samurai flick with his unshaven mien. Not only does his beard grow fast, he neglects it for a week or so at a time. Not only does that look intimidate the fans, but, as Miya-Babe told Nikkan Sports, "When we get into yotsu, [the beard] is so coarse that it scrapes my face. All the rikishi are complaining that it hurts."

Ozumo allows for some facial hair. However, aesthetics is important. Finally, Asahiyama Oyakata (former ozeki Daiju) got fed up and told Kokkai to "Shave it off."

By the afternoon torikumi [at jungyo], Kokkai was clean-shaven. "I have very tender skin, so it's difficult for me to shave," explained the now wholesome-looking young man from Georgia.

Miya-Babe Sez: "He is more handsome this way. Even better-looking than Osh."

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Uhh nice that someone finally said something to him, akin to not clipping ones finger or toe nails, or even showering, there is no grey area you do it. -

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Not only does that look intimidate the fans, but, as Miya-Babe told Nikkan Sports, "When we get into yotsu, [the beard] is so coarse that it scrapes my face. All the rikishi are complaining that it hurts."

By the afternoon torikumi [at jungyo], Kokkai was clean-shaven. "I have very tender skin, so it's difficult for me to shave," explained the now wholesome-looking young man from Georgia.

Miya-Babe Sez: "He is more handsome this way. Even better-looking than Osh."

Sad to see metrosexuality making inroads in Ozumo (Applauding...)

Oh, I have tender teppo for me. Wait, my thighs hurt...I'll skip shiko today.

Edited by Otokonoyama

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Could it be that some people have complexes cause of Osh?

"Miya-Babe Sez: "He is more handsome this way. Even better-looking than Osh."" I mean... (Applauding...)

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King Kokkai with "victim" Miyabiyama:


Edited by Kintamayama

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I was about to lamment on the loss of poor Kokkais facial hair, but after seeing Kintamayama's picture, all I can say is "ouch"

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The longer a beard the softer it is...(In a state of confusion...)

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That is pretty full growth in the picture. After a while something like that would begin to get really hot and itchy if you were doing keiko all the time. I tend not to shave much if I don't have to, maybe twice a week at most. Today I was doing my best Kokkai imitation at the Bunkyo-ku sumo tournament. My sidekick Petr(Kotooshu) was there too!

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I don't know... I think that Kokkai's beard was ok, and actually don't see any reasonable need to be shaved.. And even more to be forced by his oyakata to do this..? What is the problem here?

And. by the way, why all this is Miyabiama's business..? Really don't understand... (In a state of confusion...)

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I don't know... I think that Kokkai's beard was ok, and actually don't see any reasonable need to be shaved.. And even more to be forced by his oyakata to do this..? What is the problem here?

And. by the way, why all this is Miyabiama's business..? Really don't understand... (In a state of confusion...)

As mentioned in my above post, it is simply a part of the rules and etiquitte of the sport, not to mention the fact that big nasty hairy beards and mustaches are also gross, (as is any excessive amount of body hair IMO.)

I think it becomes Miyabi's business to comment on once he feels the effect of Kokkai's neglect in this area, (i.e. getting his face scratched up during keiko) Of course I'm sure all the HOT+SEXY chicks that are a part of this board know what thats like......

Edited by Ryukaze

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I agree that it doesn't look good. I think it is a little different to the muttonchop sideburns of others because it really alters the look of the whole face from whichever angle you look. I have shaved off my mounting stubble this morning in a show of solidarity.

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If beards are against the rules of sumo grooming etiquette then that's that.

But, I'll take Kokkai's side on this one. I think it's basically a non-issue that has become a minor issue due to the conspicous nature of Kokkai's beard. In other words, since most Japanese don't have really thick facial hair, Kokkai stands out even more and has become "the nail sticking out", which must then be "hammered down", etc...

I actually see a correlation to the Baruto blond hair debate. Just how much non-uniformity will be allowed? A blond rikishi? A rikishi with the beginnings of a beard? Oh no, what should we do?

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Agreed icon_boohoo.gif Total non-issue Shibs!

A blurb in the New Scotsman about the putative offence. I spot at least 2 errors...

Edited by Otokonoyama

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As is said above, of course this is a non-issue.

Nevertheless, it has managed to do what little else in the world of sumo has ever done, namely to get press-coverage in Sweden! In a short blurb in todays DN (biggest morning paper in Sweden), the Kokkai "shaving of the beard" was mentioned, and although the commenting rikishi was referred to as "Musoyama", the text was correctly accompanied by a picture of Kokkai throwing another rikishi (hard to see who) (Dribbling...) (In a state of confusion...)

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As is said above, of course this is a non-issue.

Nevertheless, it has managed to do what little else in the world of sumo has ever done, namely to get press-coverage in Sweden! In a short blurb in todays DN (biggest morning paper in Sweden), the Kokkai "shaving of the beard" was mentioned, and although the commenting rikishi was referred to as "Musoyama", the text was correctly accompanied by a picture of Kokkai throwing another rikishi (hard to see who) (Dribbling...) (In a state of confusion...)

That was one of the mistakes in the New Scotsman as well.

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That was one of the mistakes in the New Scotsman as well.
And the other mistake may just be the truth. Looking at the Bluto pics, Kokkai might have well been 170-kilogram before shaving...

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not to mention the fact that big nasty hairy beards and mustaches are also gross, (as is any excessive amount of body hair IMO.)

But not washing your hair until it clumps into dreadlocks is really cool. LOL

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As is said above, of course this is a non-issue.

Nevertheless, it has managed to do what little else in the world of sumo has ever done, namely to get press-coverage in Sweden! In a short blurb in todays DN (biggest morning paper in Sweden), the Kokkai "shaving of the beard" was mentioned, and although the commenting rikishi was referred to as "Musoyama", the text was correctly accompanied by a picture of Kokkai throwing another rikishi (hard to see who) (Dribbling...) (In a state of confusion...)

It seems like mostly everyone but Ryukaze, go fig, has missed the point. Hygiene is certainly within control of the kyokai or oyakata, and should be. Remember they didn't make him shave it off while he was mourning the loss of his father, and that was thru part of a basho. It also didn't get to BLUTO levels that time.


Fingernails are the obvious example of why they should exert this kind of control when necessary. Fingernails can cut you. A raw beard can burn you. [if a beard was long enough to be soft it would be dangerous to the beard-wearer unless he put it in a mage, in which case it would be hard not to 'foul' him so that would be unfair too.]

Having a weapon on your face does not make for a fair belt fight. Period.

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As is said above, of course this is a non-issue.

Nevertheless, it has managed to do what little else in the world of sumo has ever done, namely to get press-coverage in Sweden! In a short blurb in todays DN (biggest morning paper in Sweden), the Kokkai "shaving of the beard" was mentioned, and although the commenting rikishi was referred to as "Musoyama", the text was correctly accompanied by a picture of Kokkai throwing another rikishi (hard to see who) :-D (Dribbling...)

Was that in the paper version? I tried looking it up on the internet page but couldn't find it (In a state of confusion...)

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Was that in the paper version? I tried looking it up on the internet page but couldn't find it (In a state of confusion...)

Yes, only in the paper version. I looked for it as well, but if it's on the web site, it's probably only in hte subscriber version.

Edited by Yubiquitoyama

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Having a weapon on your face does not make for a fair belt fight. Period.

Calling his beard a weapon is pretty ridiculous.

Edit: Or, should I say, that statement is just begging to be ridiculed. I would have thought you were kidding if you hadn't put the 'period' at the end.

Can you imagine a rikishi claiming that the reason he lost to Kokkai was because of the beard?

Interviewer: "Well, you had morozashi on Kokkai, but then somehow he turned the tables on you for the victory."

Losing rikishi: "Yeah, I thought I had him, but then he rubbed his beard against my neck and the excruciating pain caused me to lose both my grips. I'm really disappointed."

Interviewer: "Well, it seems that Kokkai has struck again with his not-so-secret weapon, higesashi (the beard poke).

IMO they made him shave for purely aesthetic reasons, not because the beard gave him any extra advantage.

Also: Wouldn't it be more accurate to call this a 'grooming' issue, not a 'hygiene' issue. Presumably, he does wash his face.

Edited by Shibouyama

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As is said above, of course this is a non-issue.

It seems like mostly everyone but Ryukaze, go fig, has missed the point. Hygiene is certainly within control of the kyokai or oyakata, and should be. Remember they didn't make him shave it off while he was mourning the loss of his father, and that was thru part of a basho. It also didn't get to BLUTO levels that time.

I think you misunderstood what I meant. Not that the beard is a non-issue which the Kyokai has nothing to do with, but that the Kyokai making Kokkai shave the beard is a non-issue and at most a triviality to read about when between-basho, but nothing more than that. I'm completely neutral towards the action done by Asahiyama. If he feels it has become such a nuisance it has to be done with, that's okay with me.

Fingernails are the obvious example of why they should exert this kind of control when necessary. Fingernails can cut you. A raw beard can burn you. [if a beard was long enough to be soft it would be dangerous to the beard-wearer unless he put it in a mage, in which case it would be hard not to 'foul' him so that would be unfair too.]

Having a weapon on your face does not make for a fair belt fight. Period.

I would say that the beard can be discribed as a nuisance for other rikishi, but I think it's a bit much to call it a weapon. Even so, of course a beard can become such a nuisance during keiko or the like that a rikishi could expect to be ordered to shave it, just like toenails or the like as you use in your example. I can't really see the importance such that it should be reported in a newspaper though...

Edited by Yubiquitoyama

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Having a weapon on your face does not make for a fair belt fight. Period.

Calling his beard a weapon is pretty ridiculous.

Edit: Or, should I say, that statement is just begging to be ridiculed. I would have thought you were kidding if you hadn't put the 'period' at the end.

IMO they made him shave for purely aesthetic reasons, not because the beard gave him any extra advantage.

Also: Wouldn't it be more accurate to call this a 'grooming' issue, not a 'hygiene' issue. Presumably, he does wash his face.

First let me correct myself and say that Kokkai went BRUTUS with the beard, BLUTO being the earlier villain whose beard was not as full (In a state of confusion...)

Okay, yes definitely a grooming issue . . . not a hygienic one.

Right I wasn't joking about the beard as weapon, just the higemage :-D

Weapon might be exaggerated, but I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it could burn an opponent. Two rikishi grinding chin to chest with the full force of trying to get or improve belt grips is all it would take to cause a burn. Imagine an extended lock-up with Kokkai's beard digging into the space between your neck and collar bone. It would be quite a bit more than just annoying. It might cause you enough discomfort to rush your attack, get caught off balance, etc.

So obviously it wouldn't give Kokkai "any extra advantage", like say a third arm or razor-sharp fingernails, and it probably wouldn't draw blood. But the presence of 50 grit sandpaper on your opponent's face would put you at some kind of disadvantage once you got into close quarters grappling. Just my opinion.

EDIT: and now Nishinoshima has pointed out that no one could ever realistically grow out fingernails . . . so that makes my analogy a non-sequitor? I've not tried sumo. I'm still sure that were some rikishi stupid enough to let their nails grow long the oyakata and/or kyokai would have them trimmed for the safety of both parties whether for a bout or during keiko.

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