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Reintroducing myself

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Hi! Remember me? (Annoyed...)

I've havent watched any sumo since haru basho this year. Got a bit tired of never being able to watch the live stream since I almost always work when its on, then I sorta forgot about sumo. Lotsa stuff going on.

But now I'm back, and I thought I'd try to start following it again.

Looked a bit at the scores for the year, and it doesnt look like much has changed.

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Hi! Remember me? (I am not worthy...)

I've havent watched any sumo since haru basho this year. Got a bit tired of never being able to watch the live stream since I almost always work when its on, then I sorta forgot about sumo. Lotsa stuff going on.

But now I'm back, and I thought I'd try to start following it again.

Ok we will let you off just dont do it again. (Annoyed...)

Welcome back!

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Welcome back, Sir! (Annoyed...)

Any chance Kashunowaka is still stitting in the same hole where You've been hiding?

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Thank you everyone!

Welcome back, Sir! (Welcome...)

Any chance Kashunowaka is still stitting in the same hole where You've been hiding?

He's been gone too? Havent heard from him. (Shaking head...)

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