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Videos and pictures day 9

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The bout of today was Kaiho versus Wakanosato in Juryo. I just couldn't record it, but I hope very much somebody will post me a link to the video here.

The first bout was so close, the Gyoji gave it to Wakanosato AAAAAAAAAAARRRG- I just stared at the Shinpan and prayed for a monoii- and there was one! After a quiet long monoii, they gave a torinaoshi. Oh my god....lost all my fingernails today...

in the end Kaiho won. He was a warrior today. It was so emotional. He had 3 losses at the beginning but now a winning streak of 6 days in a row. Kaiho ganbatte kudasai! ;-)

If you see Sumo live here in Japan, your feelings about it and the Rikishi you like changes a lot. It is not that you dislike your favorite and like the guy you hated before, but the intensity of how much and for what you like them is so different. I watch Kotomitsuki and hope he wins, but my heart is with Kaiho, Buyuzan, Hoshihikari and some others like Yoshikaze and Tochinonada (he was the very first Rikishi we met at the station in Ryogoku just after I arrived from the airport), I never expected I would hope for them that much. Now that Kyokushuzan is out of Ozumo, it sure changed even more.

And all those characters, hidden in the under divisions. You have no idea how great it is to see them. There is one second Takamisakari, some Elvis, some guys with before-tachi ai- movements you all would love to see and the fallen Sekitori... Buyuzan....still fighting full of pride like a real samurai. I was his fan from the first time I saw him on TV cause he impressed me, but now I am more fan then ever before cause of the emotions you can't see on TV.

An other thing is to see the Shinpan. I mean, on TV they are just the guys in the background, having the very best seats ;-) But live...they are there for over one hour and you see how they act. Mitoizumi for example. I have never seen any of his bouts cause he retired when I was a kid. He is one year older then my own mother, but to see him here every day is just amazing and I can imagine how he was in his best times. And he looks so important doing his job. I will make a video of his shinpaning-you just have to see this :-) For Isuzu, no comment... (Protesting...) Can't imagine him as Rikishi from what I see now. He just drives me nuts and I laugh cause of his acting and giggling all the time. Cool fellow, that for sure :-)

And the do realize when the aircondition starts working cause you get the full upload from the Rikishi's hair.

OK, enough, *sigh*

Here the Videos



Somebody had his MK today...shit


Well done!


Hot for the bout-as usual, the Shinpan had to tell him to wait until the other Rikishi's Shikona was spelled out. :-)

I hope so much he gets the Yusho.....


Awwww...he could have started the winning streak at least one bout before...



I just had to cut here, cause there was a long time they just stood and the Gyoji was fixing the Mawashi, so don't wonder. But I didn't miss any move. (Sigh...)

He is also just a human. I am kinda sad but, that's live and he sure will be Sekitori soon.


Sorry but...the damn memory stick was full...but isn't a half bout enough?! (Applauding...) (Applauding...)


Sorry so few, but one GB is just not enough...I wonder If there is a kind of extern drivedisk I could use with my camera...anybody knows? The one I have needs energy by cable, but there must be some able to funktion by using a battery...hmmmmmm

Enjoy the very good pictures of Fay!


Kainowaka........just look and imagine :-)







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Thank you once again for putting these gems up. (Protesting...) What kind of memory does your camera use?

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Sony memory stick. A long one. I just didn't see it in the Konbini...heck

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Ah, shame. A place near me is(or was last week) selling 2 GB SD cards for $35 and 1 GB SD cards for $15.

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Enjoy the very good pictures of Fay!


I always imagined Fay as a she. Good to see real image of forumers now and than. (Protesting...)

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I always imagined Fay as a she. Good to see real image of forumers now and than. ;-)


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Wow. I just had my first earthquake in these minutes. Just a little shake, like sitting on a washing machine...

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Memory stick prices are dropping rapidly in Japan these days and catching up with US prices (historically lower) you can get a 1GB Memory stick ( not the official sony brand though) for about 5000yen on special.

Go to a big electrical store ilovesumo and pick one up, even get a 512MB one for back up.

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(I am not worthy...) And like everyday: THANKS for the great videos and pictures! (Showing respect...)

Edited by Tikozan

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