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sigh, my family is away

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here i am, great big sumo fan living in the usa (as i have done pretty much my whole life) and it's been a while since my wife and children have seen her parents (she's japanese, they're in japan.) so we decided that it's time for them to visit, and got tickets, and they left just about two weeks ago and are now in, of all places, Nagoya!!!! my wife grew up in the southeastern nagoya suburbs, you see.

and the killer about this is that nobody in my wife's family is sumo fans, except me. so there they are, ignoring the basho that's going on all right near where they are, and here i am heading to every chance i get and playing the games and such, wishing i could be in nagoya to see the sumo live. how's that for irony? well, at least she's going to tape some of it for me. not much, but enough to make me happy.

and the saddest part of all is that they are spending TWO MONTHS there. before they left i thought it was going to be all fun and games for me, but i've been bored out of my skull since they left. i've forgotten how to do things without them.

and i am missing out on all the super yummy food they are eating. luckily though, my neighbors seem to think i will die without help so they keep making me food. they've been saving me from a cycle of hot dogs-ramen-spaghetti-hot dogs- ramen-spaghetti that i would otherwise be eating all the time.

ok, there, i feel better.


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Feeling with you, Chabo. Chiisabuke stayed behind in India after I returned from there (following my own 2-week stint), so I am well into my third week as a bachelor, and am awaiting the end of the fourth, when she is to return... It's not 2 months, but I can well understand what you are up against :)

I meanwhile am glad the basho is here to keep me occupied. And before it started, I bought a new computer - although I really DID need that, it wasn't just a loneliness buy! (Protesting...)

Hang in there!



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glad to see i'm not alone in being alone. and if we were less than 1800 miles apart (you live in florida, right?) i'd say let's meet up and have a beer. but as it is i have had plenty of beer tonight anyway. i wish chiisabuke a safe return, and you much beer until that return happens.

and of all the strange things to end a post with:

go Asanowaka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(hey, he's from aichi)

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