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Day 15 results, yusho and sansho

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the GTB is rather resembling a crap shoot.

Hey, the GTB is ALWAYS a crap shoot! (Shaking head...)



That's true in general, but in most cases you can clearly predict the Sanyaku and top Maegashira ranks, and also the Makuuchi/Juryo demotions/promotions. After this basho, even that is not obvious.

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The idea of the exchange bout sounds like a good argument, but somehow it doesn't really convince me. There are so many factors playing a role even on sensh

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Hey, the GTB is ALWAYS a crap shoot!  (First prize...)



Essentially, all games have a varying degree of crap shootingness in them. ST and SO are both pretty high up there in CS value.. :-D

This said, one of the few games that has a more or less regular crew of the same good players(who obviously slip now and then..) is GTB, (First prize...) and that surely is proof enough that it is less a crap shoot than we tend to think it is. (Shaking head...) Almost always, it's the same guys that do well. :-/ We even have Ekigozan with 6(!!) yushos..(Applauding...)

Human nature sometimes prompts us to call a game a crap shoot whenever we don't do so well in it, and brag of how good we are when we succeed. :-(

I know. I invented this and turned it into a form of art. (Oops! )

Sekitori Oracle is a game that should be totally banned, together with the SumoGame, Hoshitori and UDH and all other games I did 4-11 and less in!! (Sign of disapproval)

Edited by Kintamayama

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At least Moti spared us from using 0-0-15 Dejima as the GTB bonus as he did with another 0-0-15 rikishi a couple basho ago. (Shaking head...)

I actually went for Kotonowaka at first, then changed my mind.. I decided Kinkaiyama's Episode 48 KK warranted some mention..

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Human nature sometimes prompts us to call a game a crap shoot whenever we don't do so well in it, and brag of how good we are when we succeed. (Shaking head...)

Well said. :-( I'm not a compulsive "sumo gamer" and while I'll probably expand on the (so far only 4) games I play, I don't really see myself playing one that I'll consistently do bad in. It's not that I necessarily want to go up the banzuke in the games, but they do take up time to make the picks, and if I'd constantly get 2-13's in one of them...well, there are plenty other games to invest time in. (Applauding...)

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Speaking of GTB, I already made a tentative attempt at it. I find the banzuke extremely difficult to tell this time. There is practically no area in the Maegashira ranks where the order of the rikishi is clear. And on top of that we've got a lot of extreme results (0-0-15, 1-2-12, 2-12-1, two 4-11 and on the other hand several 10-5). In essence I got the impression that several rikishi are possible at almost every rank this time and the GTB is rather resembling a crap shoot. Any different opinions?

I don't know what a crap shoot is, but anyway I disagree.

The GTB this time is not easier and not more difficult than others.

I had less problems than in earlier GTB's, but you never know what the NSK does (or did).

The high mk's at the top fit very well into some open slots and the 10-5's also are rather clear where to place.

Ushiomaru was 6-7 when he was placed against Wakatoba for Senshuraku

I always thought that the bouts for senshuraku are drawn up and published after the musubi-no-ichiban of day 14.

At that time the result of all the rikishi are known and the NSK can pair the rikishi together intentionally for exchance bouts if necessary.

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I don't know what a crap shoot is, but anyway I disagree.

How can you form an opinion without knowing the meaning of the term, Feginowaka-zeki? (Shaking head...)

Definition of Crapshoot

Comes from the casino game of craps, which is not my favorite...

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I always thought that the bouts for senshuraku are drawn up and published after the musubi-no-ichiban of day 14.

At that time the result of all the rikishi are known and the NSK can pair the rikishi together intentionally for exchance bouts if necessary.

Doh, there goes my lack of paying attention. (Shaking head...) Let's try to imagine that I really wrote "they planned it this way after Day 13, and despite Ushiomaru winning on Day 14, they went ahead with the bout as planned anyway". (Applauding...) Whether or not that's true, they've certainly painted themselves into a bit of a corner with it (and us GTB players, too).

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Guest Toljokinodo
Ms3e  Kotokanyu (3-5)    tsukiotoshi    J9e    Tamanokuni (3-12)

Is it seen often, that a makushita rikishi does 8 bouts? B-) :-)

...and can there been an 8-0 in the end??


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The rikishi with 8 matches are placed on the next banzuke according to the number of wins, so Kotokanyu

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  I do believe the results of the eighth bouts are counted into career stats but I'm not sure about that.

They are.

I controlled it with Takanowaka

Edited by Yubiquitoyama

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