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HIGASHIouNISHI : Kyushu 2007

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The Aki basho starts soon and it will be time to return finally to sumogames.

If you want to play with us the french game HIGASHIouNISHI (EASTorWEST), you are welcome and can be registered here.

Each day, you will choose in one side of the banzuke 7 wrestlers arranged as follows :

1st maegashira

1st juryo

2nd maegashira

2nd juryo

3rd maegashira

3rd juryo

4th maegashira .

If you are in the east side of the banzuke of HIGASHIouNISHI, you will pick 8 days your rikishi in the east side of the banzuke and 7 days in the west side of the banzuke.

If you are in the west side of the banzuke of HIGASHIouNISHI, you will pick 8 days your rikishi in the west side of the banzuke and 7 days in the east side of the banzuke.

To help you, I will write each day under your forecast how much time you picked your rikishi in the east side and how much time in the west side until now (for example, the 10th day I could write like that: H=4/7 - N=6/8 ). After 15 days, you must have H=8/8 - N=7/7 or H=7/7 - N=8/8.

Here are the rules (in French).

I ask those which are already in the banzuke of HIGASHIouNISHI to inform me here if they want or not to play Kyushu basho.

You can be registered here. If you want to play, you are welcome (even if you are not yet in the banzuke). In this case, please announce you on one of the 3 forums, english, german or french.

Thank you with those which are not certain to be able to play (at least 1x in the east and 1x in the west) not to be registered.

Last time to be registered : Saturday, november 11, at 8 am, time from Paris. :-)

Edited by charliki

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These player are registered for Aki basho :























Edited by charliki

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Can I still enter ?

I believe I did register for the Aki basho (only just now).

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Can I still enter ?

You are welcome. What is your nationality ?

Edited by charliki

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Can I still enter ?

You are welcome. What is your nationality ?

I'm from Belgium

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Mariohana und Wolfgangho have withdrawn the 1st day of the September Tournament.

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I registered and entered day 1 picks yesterday but I am not at the results.

Was I too late?

Edited by Mmikasazuma

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Was I too late?

Yes, it was too late, the torikumi was made.I'm sorry. See you next time.

Edited by charliki

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Oh boy, 6 out of 7 right, but losing the bout. That hurts... (Holiday feeling...)

That's the terrible law of sport.

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Here are the results of 5th day.

The classification :


Kaiomitsuki [M4東]

Fuseigou [M8西]

Liclic [M9西]

Marimo [M12東]


Zichi [O東]

Damimonay [s1西]

Mysko [M1東]

Charliki [M1西]

Terarno [M5東]

Holleshoryu [M5西]

Kasamatsuri [M6西]

Tamanaogiyama [M9東]


Fatakiyama [K2西]

Chimatayama [M2東]

Abudisake [M4西]

Kitano [M6東]

Imumaru [M7西]

Vikanohara [M13西]


Kaiowaka [O西]

Kotononami [K1東]

Konosato [K1西]


Zeokage [M3東]

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On Day 6 I took Kokkai in my squad. He won against Takamisakari, and was one of my 6 winners that day. But on the site he is shown as having lost. He is shown as a winner in all other lineups. Is that a mistake of did I do something wrong ?

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Sorry to bring up a similar little mistake : On day 7 Wakakirin lost to Otsukasa. While in my lineup (EDIT : and in Kitano's) he has been awarded a victory. But at least we're even now. :-)

Edited by Vikanohara

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On Day 6 I took Kokkai in my squad. He won against Takamisakari, and was one of my 6 winners that day. But on the site he is shown as having lost. He is shown as a winner in all other lineups. Is that a mistake of did I do something wrong ?
Sorry to bring up a similar little mistake : On day 7 Wakakirin lost to Otsukasa. While in my lineup (EDIT : and in Kitano's) he has been awarded a victory. But at least we're even now. :-)

Sorry, you're right. I corrected it. Thank you.

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Final Standing

1. Kaiomitsuki [M4東] 12-3 64 points YUSHO cup

2. Holleshoryu [M5西] 10-5 67 points jun-yusho gino-sho shukun-sho

3. Damimonay [s1西] 10-5 63 points

4. Chimatayama [M2東] 9-6 66 points kanto-sho

5. Charliki [M1西] and Terarno [M5東] 9-6 61 points

7. Fuseigou [M8西] 9-6 58 points

8. Kitano [M6東] 8-7 63 points

9. Liclic [M9西] 8-7 56 points

10. Marimo [M12東] 8-7 51 points

11. Zichi [O東] 7- 8

11. Konosato [K1西] 7- 8

11. Fatakiyama [K2西] 7- 8

11. Abudisake [M4西] 7- 8

11. Kasamatsuri [M6西] 7- 8

11. Vikanohara [M13西] 7- 8

17. Kotononami [K1東] 6-9

17. Mysko [M1東] 6-9

17. Imumaru [M7西] 6-9

20. Kaiowaka [O西] 5-10

21. Zeokage [M3東] 4-11

21. Tamanaogiyama [M9東] 4-11

Edited by charliki

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