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RotoSumo Invite

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RotoSumo will be conducting it's 6th basho in Aki 2003.

Veteran players can visit the registration page and register for the coming

basho. You may then enter your team. (If you have lost the link to this

page, see the the rules page link below).

REMEMBER: If you're are going to be kyujo, please take the time to make a

kyujo request at the website. If you fail to do so and don't e-mail me with

such a request, you will NOT receive kosho status and will be demoted on the

following banzuke!

For any new players interested in joining,

RotoSumo is a game where you pick a group of rikishi and they collect points

for your team based on a scoring system. For instance, if one of your

rikishi defeats a Yokozuna, he gains 24 points for your team.

The winner will be the player who's team compiles more points than any other

player's team in their respective division over the course of the basho.

All new players will join the Jonokuchi division, where a simple KK *could*

get you promoted to the next highest division (currently Makushita).

For more information,

Check out the rules page (Be sure to read the whole page):

Then Register your shikona and enter a team for the upcoming basho. It's

that simple!


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I registered and am looking forward to an exceedingly difficult basho :-S (Dripping sweat...) :-D (Lifting weight...)

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Whoooo boy-When your hot,your hot,what a day that was-10 wins out of a possible 11 and since both sekiwakes lost anyway I must be leading the pack now,I havent been able to access the standings though-Are the results on site yet?

If so can someone let me know If I am taking an early lead and what my points are?

I would be extremely unlucky not to be.

Sorry but I just wanna bask in the glory I so rarely get,while I can.

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10 wins out of a possible 11 and since both sekiwakes lost anyway I must be leading the pack now,I havent been able to access the standings though-Are the results on site yet?

Actually, you're third :-(

Two guys got 139, you got 130 and three guys (one of them was me!) got 128.

Btw... I think you meant both komusubi lost B-)

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Sorry to shatter your optimism, but you are third in Makushita. Anjoboshi and Tominishiki have 9 points more than you.

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Hah,but how big are their wongas?

Sorry if you havent seen the tv programme "Goodness gracious me" you wont understand that one.

No seriously thanks guys and Im still gonna bask in the glory but this time anyone with 10 wins today is welcome to join me-It was still a great day with a perfect score in bench sumo,wins in Isp and Chaingang,good scores in Hoshitori and UDH-Only Miyabiyamas loss costing me my odds sumo and that borderline 21 wins in Toto(again) to spoil the day.

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FWIW, the possible maximum in Roto today was 141, so the guys with 139 points were very close to having a perfect lineup.

And I thought I was good with 110 points, until I looked at the standings...oh well, still good enough for Jonokuchi at least. :)

that borderline 21 wins in Toto(again) to spoil the day.

It's not that close, the median was at 19.0 today. Although it might go up to 19.5 or 20.0 before all is said and done - the Kaito/Kaido change must have caught the data collecting routine off-guard and screwed up the scoring of the Kai[dt]o - Wakakosho bout. (Probably in other automated games, too, not just Sekitoto.)

Edited by Asashosakari

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Thanks Asasho,thats even better news-

You see last basho I had 21 wins on day 1 of Toto but celebrated a win prematurely because the median was 21 but I recorded a loss on Risk factor-I was not happy,I wont repeat what I said there are ladies present.

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Why am I not in Roto-sumo results listing? I sent my entry yesterday and received the confirmation mail (which I'd be happy to forward to Roto-rijicho if necessary). :-( B-)

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Why am I not in Roto-sumo results listing? I sent my entry yesterday and received the confirmation mail (which I'd be happy to forward to Roto-rijicho if necessary).  B-)  B-)

Some people have had the same kind of problem with Chaingang and Sekitoto (including me for the latter :-( ). The likely cause is that you didn't go through the whole "Register" -> "Please let me play this basho" clicking routine. I'm not sure how Rotosumo's automation will react to it, but you could try registering worked for me in making my Sekitoto guesses show up (although that was before the Day 1 deadline, so things might work differently now).

Edited by Asashosakari

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Im sure Zento will sort something out for you Maneki.

Off topic-I loved your comments on my bench sumo match today,did you get down okay?

My wolves where probably to busy mopping up blood and guts-with their tongues.

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Why am I not in Roto-sumo results listing? I sent my entry yesterday and received the confirmation mail (which I'd be happy to forward to Roto-rijicho if necessary). (Exclamation...) :-/

According to the entry listing page, you are listed as having requested an abscence. You must have somehow accidently done this when registering your entry (believe me, you wouldn't be the first).

I've e-mailed Bob about it, hopefully it will be fixed before day 2 so your score can be added to the overall standings.

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(Exclamation...) Thank you, Zentoryu-zeki!

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Hmmm only 7 winners today,still not bad though-Im guessing around 100 points maybe more with good wins from Tosanoumi and Asasekiryu.

Can someone find out for me and what my position is,I expect a slight drop.

More good results in other games 2-0 in Bench(also a 2pt advantage for my cup match against Chiyozakura) and Isp,75 points in Hoshitori and a winning bet in odds sumo but a sure loss in Toto-Still another good day though.

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Hmmm only 7 winners today,still not bad though-Im guessing around 100 points maybe more with good wins from Tosanoumi and Asasekiryu.

Can someone find out for me and what my position is,I expect a slight drop.

111 points and second place in your division (14 behind Tominishiki).

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Woooo thats great,thanks Zento.

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