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is kaio be yokozona in hatsu

is kaio be yokozona in hatsu?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. is kaio be yokozona in hatsu?

    • yes of course
    • no of course
    • maybe of course
    • what is this al of course of course?

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As much as I like Mr.Zipper, I just dont think it's going to happen. (Exclamation...)

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I voted maybe for 2 reasons-1 I dont think he will but Im not voting against him

2/He will make Yokozuna one day Im sure,this may be it.

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"in hatsu"? Next year? I don't understand this poll.

And I don't think it's a very good idea running this kind of poll during a basho, since the answers are likely to be very different from one day to another.

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In the spirit of Kaikitsune's reply, let me just say that the use of polls seems to have gone a bit "off course" lately. Other than that, I'll make this the fourth poll in a row that I won't be responding to (funny, they were all started by...), because frankly, like Kashunowaka I'm not quite sure how to understand the question asked.

Can we get a default answer choice of "stupid poll" as pioneered by Hoshifransu last year? (Exclamation...)

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KaioU will make Yokozuna just around the time when pigs will fly. No sooner. Maybe a few days later.

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Of course of course unless he goes off course cause of course courtesy of injury course.

That is great stuff. With the proper beat you can actually rap that line.

Kaikitsune-zeki - I challenge you to write a complete rap verse for this poll. It has to include that line.

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I guess its cheating to vote after the bashou has started. But I think he really does need at least 14 wins, and thats going to be very very difficult. No, Kaio won't be a Yokozuna.

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I guess its cheating to vote after the bashou has started. But I think he really does need at least 14 wins, and thats going to be very very difficult. No, Kaio won't be a Yokozuna.

How were 14 wins easier to get two days ago?

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Well now we know not only he won't be yokozuna, he'll have to fight to stay ozeki... Kadoban status for next basho, and we'll see how serious his injury is.

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Well now we know not only he won't be yokozuna, he'll have to fight to stay ozeki... Kadoban status for next basho, and we'll see how serious his injury is.

What does Kaio's 7-8 actually mean now? I am not familiar with this ozeki degradation thing.. Could you explain?

What if he still wins 2 consecutive tournaments?

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Going MK (getting less than 8 wins) as an ozeki means you'll be kadoban the following basho.

Being kadoban means that if you go MK you'll lose your rank. If you get 8 or more wins you'll get rid of the kadoban status. Wich Tochiazuma did this basho.

So, if an ozeki gets make-koshi twice in a row he'll lose his rank.

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So, if an ozeki gets make-koshi twice in a row he'll lose his rank.

But the ozeki demoted to the lowest sekiwake has a chance in the immediately next basho to regain his ozeki rank by winning at least ten bouts. Takanonami once managed to do that, Musoyama as well, I think. Among few others further back in time.

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And if Kaio wins the next two tournaments, he will likely be promoted to yokozuna, since he is still ozeki now. (In a state of confusion...)

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Thanks for your replys sumo friends! (Sign of approval)

You really got all my questions answered!

That system is kinda rough, but as Ozeki you shouldn't get less than 8 wins, atleast not twice in a row. (Being mellow...)

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I actually think the ozeki demotion system is fine.

It gives you a chance to recover from a bad tournament. It gives you a chance to come back right away if you have two bad tournaments in a row. You're not expected to retire even if you fall out of sanyaku. Going to Juryo is a different matter -- see ongoing Dejima thread... ;-)

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