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Guest Nike


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Guest Nike

Wasn`t sure where to put noobie questions here, so I`ll try them here.

So , hi everyone, I`m glad I found this forum. I`ve been a sumo fan for some years now, but never really have taken the next step beyond watching it from TV when ever I can. I mean, I don`t know much of the vocalubary etc.

My biggest question; what`s the best way to see the matches? I have Eurosport, but I work in shifts so I`m never sure if I`m going to catch the next basho or not. Any internet sources? And, can one buy DVD`s of past bashos somewhere?

OK, looking forward to read all the stuff that`s here.

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Welcome on board! (Applauding...)

For ordering a DVD set, check this out.

For watching the bouts online, look here.

For older stuff, this is the place.

And for watching the live stream, try the link "Stream: new" at the top of this page between 14:30 and 18:00 JST.

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Hello and (Applauding...) to the forum!

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Guest feldon

Welcome.. (Weeping...)

For watching the bouts online, look here.

Is there any option for me to change to English language? The site is in French (I think) (Applauding...)

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Is there any option for me to change to English language? The site is in French (I think) (Applauding...)

Doesn't matter - the videos are in Japanese anyway. (Weeping...)

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