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Kotoshogiku Blog

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What now...a win and no picture? (W00t, w00t, w00t...)

Yes it's a shame, everybody is only caring for his own bouts and nobody takes pics from Shoki :-D (Sign of approval...)

But don't worry, the Shokiarchive has pics for at least 20 bashos ...


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Kotoshogiku can laugh again, no need today to despoil my archives, today he has a pic of his own.

He is happy that he could do his own sumo and hopes to continue ...of course. Tomorrow he has Takekaze, I think he's confident enough to make it.

He thanks for the supoort and will gambarize ...................


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Kotoshogiku in the car after his bout today against Takekaze.

Happy again of course, what did he say... sure, he could do his own sumo again :-). Anyway he is happy, I am happy, tomorrow he has to fight against Hakuho (Sign of approval...) but Shoki is in a good mood, his condition is fine and he will do his best tomorrow.

And after leaving a message to Kotoyamaguchi-Kotomyouzan yesterday he won his bout today (yippppppiiiiieeeeehhhhh) and is 1-3.


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Kotoshogiku is a bit embarrassed.

He had no trust in his tachiai. he wanted to attack but couldn't do it, not enough concentration, confidence, too many concerns, whatever ... he was defeated by himself he says.

Tomorrow he has to fight against Kakuryu. He hasn't lost his fighting spirit and will do his best of course.

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Kotoshogiku had a good fight today against Kakuryu ( (Sign of approval...) I would be more happy if it had been someone else but anyway).

He has trust in himself again and has gained new confidence.

He is pleased to get a lot of support from his fans on the blog. It gives him fighting spirit for tomorrow and he will gambarize.

Tomorrow he has to impress Aminishiki with some good sumo.

And of course a pic for a win:


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Kotoshoki couldn't impress Aminishiki so much today and he feels a bit humiliated again. He had the feeling he could win but ...

Kotoshogiku will now concentrate even more and will give all the power he has for his next fights.

It looks a bit bad for tomorrow because he has to fight against my favourite Yokozuna. (You are going off-topic...)

But Shoki feels fine, he will do his very best as always, will go eating his chanko and then save all his energy for the bout tomorrow. Better have an early night!


Shooooookiiiiiii goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Edited by Fay

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, my Kotoshoki (Clapping wildly...) (Sign of approval...) :-D his mother can't be more proud than me ;-). But nobody is interested in my feelings so let's listen to Shoki himself:

He is really very, very glad. He could beat Asashoryu for the first time in his life. And this is still a bit unreal for him. It will give him a lot more confidence.

The comments, support and the encouragement of his fans helped him a lot he says, he gained more power through it and he thanks everybody.

Tomorrow he has to fight against Miyabiyama and he will sure do his very best with the same power as today.

And of course today no pic of me is needed:


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Kotoshogiku feels sorry.

He got a lot of support but he couldn't win today against Miyabiyama, maybe a bit overmotivated.

He is a bit embarrassed and has to ease off and keep calm for tomorrow, he says. Tomorrow he will concentrate even more and he will do his very best.

Because of Kotoshogiku's and Kotomitsuki's win over Asashoryu and Kotokasuga's KK (and not to forget Kotowatanabe's fight for jonidan-yusho) there is a very good atmosphere at Sadogatake Beya.

Tomorrow Kotoshogiku has Tochiozan.

Shokiiiiii goooooooooooooooooooooo!


P.S. Yesterday he had the highest number of entries in his blog - 224 - and he says, he reads them all.

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Kotoshogiku thanks for all the support.

He was able to calm down and do his own sumo.

Tomorrow he has Kisenosato and he doesn't want to be defeated by him.

If he wins, he is KK. he is confident and will give it all.

He says, he will win tomorrow without a doubt!!


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Kotoshogiku is glad. He could beat Kisenosato in his last bout, get his KK and win the shukun-sho (In a state of confusion...) .

He got a lot of support all 15 days, which helped him a lot.




Shogiku could finish the basho without injury. He also thanks his tsukibito Kotomisen and Kotomyouzan.



And he received a drawing from a fan .... puuuuuuuuh, very kawai (Holiday feeling...)


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My Kotoshogiku, still busy with his blog. The senshurakuparty is over and a lot of people came there.



Kotokasuga injured his elbow on the last day and he had to go to hospital - but he still can laugh.


Kotoshogiku is so happy that he has to kiss his trophy.


And also Kotomisen and Kotomyouzan are allowed to touch it and to leave a comment in the blog.

Kotomisen will train hard and gambarize next time again (he did well this basho with a 5-2). I would have liked to read the same from Kotomyouzan, but he is a bit too intellectual, he says the statue is heavy in weight and value. Perhaps he should learn the sumo flowers of speech: I will try hard, do my own sumo, please root for me .... then he will get another KK.


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The set phrases are easy to translate but I'd rather they say something original! Complaining that the trophy is too heavy might be a bit much though! I'm glad they all did well.

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Kotonomine, who retired after Haru Basho had his danpatsu shiki ceremony on Sadogatake's senshuraku party.



Kotonomine reached juryo in july 2003, had to go back immediately but he came back in 2004 for 2 basho. He had a record of 432-392-27 (slightly different to THE DATABASE)


Kotonomine is from Fukuoka like Kotoshogiku and he gave Shoki a lot of advice when he started his career.

They made a photo of all members as reminiscene of the stable.


and a very small one (Shaking head...)


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Kotokasuga injured his elbow on the last day and he had to go to hospital - but he still can laugh.


Poor guy. He's so badly injured that Kotoshogiku has to hold his flag for him. And still he smiles. What courage!

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Shoki is still in Osaka and he heard of a shop where he can grill his Tako-yaki by himself. (So the meal pics will start again :-P)


See how skillful he is ( only a little mess). First some dough into the pan.


He puts some octopus in it and waits a little while


Shogi seems to be very proud of his cooking, but to tell the truth he says, there is a crib at the wall which shows how to do it.



It was easily done and delicious he said.


Afterwards he went to a coffeeshop to drink one of Osaka's famous juice, yo ne. He was asked there to leave his signature on the wall.




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I never ate it before, but it looks like something I would love to eat. The type of frying pan he is using looks like the thing I have in my kitchen to fry little pancakes.

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He also wrote 寄ってガプって as well as his signature. It's a reference to his sumo style I suppose.

"I call it closing the gap" ??

Edited by Harry

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He also wrote 寄ってガプって as well as his signature. It's a reference to his sumo style I suppose.

"I call it closing the gap" ??

gabugabu is the hopping out yori kiri (?) he does often. As Musoyama did and many others.

so yottegabutte is his style as John said (I suppose)


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