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What happened to eurosport Sumo?

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I missed the last basho while I was in scotland-Are they not repeating it now?

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Last night as I was flipping channels there was a rerun of Nagoya... Not sure what times they give it, but around midnight CET, 11pm Britain.

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Why do they start with days 10-12???

In my paper it said it was gonna be day 1-3 yesterday and 4-6 today.

But obviously days 10-12 was yesterday.

Its just lite the guys at eurosport dont care at all. (Sign of disapproval)

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I would imagine that in fact, they don't care a lot. After all it's a very small audience.

They've done in this in the past, mixing the order of days and not sticking to the published schedule. :-D

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Why do they start with days 10-12???

In my paper it said it was gonna be day 1-3 yesterday and 4-6 today.

But obviously days 10-12 was yesterday.

Its just lite the guys at eurosport dont care at all.  (Sign of disapproval)

They rescheduled it last week. Eurosport does that all the time. (Blinking...) It seems like sumo is used to fill some gaps in their programming. When something more important or more interesting comes along...

Like Yoavoshimaru said, it's a small audience, they don't care... :-D I wouldn't trust their printed schedule, seems more reliable. They must employ psychics... :-D

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Well I didnt see any of it and I checked the times mentioned on this thread-All I got was bloody football.(boring,boring,boring)

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