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Pictures from the Basho

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some nice ones:

Asashouryuu, family and Cup:


Sansho winners:


Left to right: Wakanosato, Takamisakari, Kyokutenhou and Iwakiyama

The tsuridashi against Mickey which allegedly caused his hip pains:


Asashouryuu, after beating Taikai and clinching the Yusho, daring a heckling spectator to come out on the dohyo and "get it on, Mano e Mano!!" (well, sure looks like it..)


Edited by Kintamayama

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Looks like the baby would fit nicely inside the cup! :-)

By the way, how shocked would people be if the yusho winner filled the Emperor's Cup with beer and drank out of it? :-)

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By the way, how shocked would people be if the yusho winner filled the Emperor's Cup with beer and drank out of it?

I think I saw a picture in a swedish newspaper about asashoryu doing just that a while ago.

Might have been another similar cup...

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By the way, how shocked would people be if the yusho winner filled the Emperor's Cup with beer and drank out of it?

I think I saw a picture in a swedish newspaper about asashoryu doing just that a while ago.

Might have been another similar cup...

Well, they do fill it with sake and drink, so I assume that was it rather than beer...

Somehow, whatever the Kyokai's new view on rikishi doing commercials, I don't think a Heineken commercial where Asashoryu drank beer from the tenno shihai would be so popular with Kitanoumi et al... ;-)

Edited by Yubiquitoyama

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