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Sumo + Kabuki

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There is a sumo-themed kabuki play being performed this month (until 5/26) at Shinbashi Enbujo in Tokyo.

The play is called Ippon-Gatana Dohyo-Iri (一本刀土俵入). It's sort of an underworld tear-jerker that premiered in 1931. Here's a synopsis:

A low-ranked sumo wrestler named Mohei has been disowned by his oyakata. He is helped by a prostitute called Otsuta who gives him money to visit his mother's grave. Moved by her generosity, he promises to become a yokozuna and perform the dohyo-iri for her. In Act 2 the scene shifts to ten years later. Mohei has failed as a sumo wrestler, but instead has become a successful yakuza. He is looking for Otsuta to repay her kindness, and he finds her living in poverty with her daughter. She has just been reunited with her husband, who is being pursued by gamblers he cheated out of desperation. Otsuta doesn't recognize Mohei at first, but when he uses sumo thrusts to fight the gangsters, she realizes who he is. Mohei helps them escape and gives them money to start a new life.

Info and tickets here (Japanese only):

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That is a nice song! The singer has a great voice (Being unsure...)

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sumo features in quite a few Kabuki plays. One at the main Kabuki-za last year was Sumoba - very funny, very good play.

FWIW - anyone planning on visiting Japan should get to the Kabuki-za very soon, as it will be torn down in (July/August? - forget) Then nothing for up to three years aI understand as the shows move to the Embujo. K-za will be rebuilt though.

Very good - best on net? site on kabuki at - English, images, brilliant all round.

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oh, and just had a look, that play at the Embujo this month also features Fuji Musume and Yotsyua Kwaidan - excellent and iconic kabuki plays worth double whatever the admission charge its - get along if never seen.

Personally, off to Noh today!

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kabuki thread opened this morning - in addition, and for the true culture vultures out there, 唐相撲 (Touzumo) - Chinese Sumo - will be performed in Tokyo September 26th as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the National Noh Theatre.

It isn't actually 'noh' - rather one of the more comical kyogen skits that often accompany noh

And, unconnected to sumo entirely - bar for the name sounding the same - (noh) Izutsu (Nov 5th) and (noh) Takasago (Sep 15th) will both be performed this year too.!!

Anyone wants details, please let me know.

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NHK broadcast a sumo-themed kabuki play on tv tonight and I had the good fortune of stumbling upon it.

The play is called "Sumoba", from 1749, and guess what the plot is about?


It would seem this issue has been around a very long time.

Plot summary here:

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