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Most intelligent looking sekitori

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Imo the Isegahama boys look fairly smart (Ama, Aminishiki).

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Fo rme too Iwakiyama and Tochinonada, especially when they wear glasses :-)

And I would add also Hakuba.

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I would nominate ex sekitori Kotonowaka.Besides that i heard Robo san is the most intelligent of them all with degree and stuff.(need clarification) :-)

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If only a degree proved anything... (In a state of confusion...)

Neglecting possibilities of corruption etc, degree usually proves that its holder has some persistence and what some Croatians (and possibly Germans) call "Sitzfleisch" - ability to sit on that piece of flesh and study for considerable amount of time. More intelligence usually means less need for persistence and Sitzfleisch, and that's about it.

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...... especially when they wear glasses ;-)

what does that mean for takamisakari? (Holiday feeling...)

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I don't know how anyone looks intelligent (Holiday feeling...), but I had a dinner on monday with Izutsu Oyakata and he definitely is clever and intelligent. He talked about history, music, film, literature and most impressing, he knows a lot about philosophy and philosophers like Kant, Hegel ..............

He even talked about Einstein and I became afraid, that he understood the theory of relativity. Thank god, he admitted, he didn't ;-)

Edited by Fay

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And I'm most impressed with Your ability to talk Kant, Hegel and Einstein with Izutsu in Japanese! (Holiday feeling...) ;-)

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And I'm most impressed with Your ability to talk Kant, Hegel and Einstein with Izutsu in Japanese! (Holiday feeling...) ;-)

Good joke ;-)

My japanese friend joined us, so she had the most work with translating.

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...... especially when they wear glasses :-)

what does that mean for takamisakari? :-P

(Welcome...) :-D :-D

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Imo the Isegahama boys look fairly smart (Ama, Aminishiki).

I'll agree that Ama looks smart. Because with all of that acne, it's obvious that he's not getting by on looks alone.

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If only a degree proved anything... :-)

Degree? me thinks Takamisakari was a classic jock at University much like a defensive lineman who goes to University on football scholarship, a degree is a necessary evil for them to compete in their chosen sport.

Takamisakari is as my wife just described it - is "challenged" which is why many people especially J-ladies find him adorable: he's an animated simpleton. Saying that though he's got a 'niche market' cornered and rakes in the advertisements and endorsements and plenty of kensho to boot.

Good luck to him, but intelligent looking? he wouldn't be so popular if he were!

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I think Tochinonada with his glasses on looks rather intelligent!

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Maybe we'd had more ground to cover if we were looking for the most dumb looking rikishi, but I won't open that can of worms... :-)

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I don't know how anyone looks intelligent (In a state of confusion...), but I had a dinner on monday with Izutsu Oyakata and he definitely is clever and intelligent. He talked about history, music, film, literature and most impressing, he knows a lot about philosophy and philosophers like Kant, Hegel ..............

He even talked about Einstein and I became afraid, that he understood the theory of relativity. Thank god, he admitted, he didn't (In a state of confusion...)

Kant and Sumo...

what I hate and what I love the one sentence...

I won't leave the house anymore... :-)

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I don't know how anyone looks intelligent (In a state of confusion...), but I had a dinner on monday with Izutsu Oyakata and he definitely is clever and intelligent. He talked about history, music, film, literature and most impressing, he knows a lot about philosophy and philosophers like Kant, Hegel ..............

He even talked about Einstein and I became afraid, that he understood the theory of relativity. Thank god, he admitted, he didn't (In a state of confusion...)

Kant and Sumo...

what I hate and what I love the one sentence...

I won't leave the house anymore... :-)

You hate Kant? Did they torture you with him at school or why?

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If more rikishi would observe Kant, there would be less henka. :-)

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If more rikishi would observe Kant, there would be less henka. :-P

(Clapping wildly...) (Clapping wildly...) (Clapping wildly...)


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yep, Ama and Aminishiki are smart fellows, and so is Toyonoshima. Baruto has a bright, amused look on his face quite often. Asasekiryu seems smart too but he's rather inscrutable. (I am not worthy...) The same could be said for Kakuryu. Takamisakari looks dumbfounded much of the time, but that's just his style. He's probably about average upstairs.

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If more rikishi would observe Kant, there would be less henka. :-P

(Sign of approval...) (Clapping wildly...)

although ..... Izutsu Oyakata is always henkaing during his shimpan duties ;-)

Edited by Fay

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