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Kaikitsune Makoto

Difficult (?) sumo trivia

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OK. According to Kintamayama, these questions are very hard. He claims few if any will know the correct answers to these. Would you believe it?? I can't believe it! guys asked for tough trivia questions without statistical details so these were the ones I came up with. Lets see if sumoforum members know the correct answers...

Trivia questions!

"I am known for my scrutinity in analysing my foes' bouts and one of my

stable mates is/was peaking at mature age of way over 30. I see nightmares

of Takanonami's tachi-ai as I have had more than my share of the oddities

and annoying nature of his prolonged antics. I enjoy doing intense keiko

with Naruto-guys. Who am I?"

"I jump, I hop, I bunnyhop, I do weird moves with my wrist at the

tachi-ai, I dive, I circulate, I entertain. Arnpits are my bread and

butter in sumo. I attack them and make crowd sigh in appreciation for my

armpit-based victories. Who am I?"

"I retired few years ago from active sumo. While still active I went to

Canada for koen. There I spend time with Kyokushuzan and Asahiyutaka and I

rode a horse. I was a colleague of Mika H

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Hmm, I have a feeling I should know asnwers to these...

That's why I'll embarrass myself royally and try to guess. :p

1. Mickey?

2. Tokitsuumi? Edit: No, not him... Oh, I don't know

3. Kotonishiki?

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Well, well, well, for his scrutinity in analysing his foes' bouts, I think about Mickey too, but for both others ... (Going nuts...)

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Well... (Feeling wacko...)

My guesses are -


Takamisakari? ( but a bit too obvious.. )


...and for the "extra",

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...and for the "extra",  I have no idea.  (Nodding yes...)

Hint: Shusshin..

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Hmm, I have a feeling I should know asnwers to these...

That's why I'll embarrass myself royally and try to guess. :p

1. Mickey?

2. Tokitsuumi? Edit: No, not him... Oh, I don't know

3. Kotonishiki?

2 out of 3 right..

Aaah, but which ones??

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Nice tries and correct answers!

Kotoryu was a good try for the first one as he belongs to right heya and is very smart rikishi who analyzes his foes too. However Kotomitsuki is the main Naruto-beya de-geiko visitor and his tachi-ais with Nami are very often multiple and frustration shines from Kotomitsuki's gestures. The peaking veteran is naturally Kotokanyu who is still very close to his career's highest rank which he obtained at 35 or so if I am not mistaken.

Kotomitsuki underwent an elbow cartilage surgery two days ago. It is not very invasive procedure and evidently a loose cartilage chip was removed. However his elbows seem to follow the path similar of Kotonishiki's...

3rd one is indeed Kotonishiki whose elbow cartilage wore down and who rode horse in Canada (no causality between these two events). His sumo was called "F1-sumo" or "Formula 1-sumo" and as Mika H

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The 2nd one isn't Tokitsuumi who doesn't move that much on the dohyo actually that it would justify all those hopping, bunnyhopping, circulating etc. although Tsuumi does dive in and likes to press his head to foe's armpit area. Neither is he Takamisakari whose counter attack against Nami is based on armpit pressure. Maybe a hint helps: He is small and armpit is kaina in Japanese.

Well, I thought about him at first, but now it seems even more likely. Furuichi?

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Well, I thought about him at first, but now it seems even more likely. Furuichi?

Furuichi yes. Kainahineri-expert who does very strange movements with his wrist before tachi-ai. Admittedly Kaiho has some wrist moves too there though. Perceptive!

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No, I don't think they know that site ... for the moment. Personally, I jus' wrote to them about the planet !  :-Q  

If they had known this forum, they would have participated, certainly. But it's a question of time. When they will hear about the big number of fans here and around of, they will come here too and very soon, certainly ! But at the moment, Kaikitsune-zeki, you've got to stump them !!!  :-9

Good luck !  (Hehe...)

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Inquiring minds want to know: who's the taxi driver? (you know, cats, curiosity...)

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Ok. White taxi. Under the belt there, for it is essential to know a bit of Japanese.

When you watch the feed, try to listen to the announcer when he talks about this rikishi. After the yobidashi calls them out in his sing-song fashion, and the gyooji echoes in his own style, there is an announcer who says the name and the origin of the rikishi in a normal, announcer's voice.

"Aomoriken , Shirotaku-shi shusshin"

Shirotakushi can be misheard as a "white taxi-shiro=white, takushee=taxi.

Wakanosato is from there.

Me, it drives me off the wall and I ROTFLMAO everytime I hear it- almost as funny as the final day- Show-joe-joe thing, which is a completely different story..

OK, lame-o, but funny if and when you get it..

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