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Banzuke Surfing Hatsu 2009 (5th Wave)

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Hi there,

this is to invite you to participate in Banzuke Surfing in the upcoming basho.

The rules are very simple.

Banzuke Surfing is run in several waves, with a new wave starting every year.

The goal is to move up the banzuke as far and fast as possible. You do so by temporarily "adopting" one or more rikishi at a given banzuke position. If your rikishi moves up the banzuke, so will you, if the rikishi moves down by getting MK, so will you (at least, if all your picked rikishi move down). If your rikishi goes intai, you will get his last position next time. In the basho after the current one you will be taking the banzuke position of the best-placed rikishi you've picked this time.

If you are participating for the first time, you are allowed to pick any of the rikishi in the bottom 32 of the banzuke (as indicated below).

The rikishi that you are allowed to pick are all rikishi below your last (or most successful) pick. So generally, you cannot pick the same rikishi twice. An exception is if your rikishi drops into the last 32 of the banzuke or goes banzuke-gai. In this case, of course, you can pick any of the bottom 32 rikishi (just like a new player).

During your entire career of a given wave you can use up to three so-called jokers (indicated by the number of asterisks behind your name). Jokers are additional rikishi you can pick. In addition to the regular rikishi you pick for a basho, you can use as many jokers as you've still left. E.g., at the beginning of a wave you could pick four rikishi instead of one (regular + all jokers). As a consequence, the most successful one of these four will determine your new banzuke position. But on the downside this would mean that you don't have any jokers left for later bashos. So pick jokers wisely, three isn't much for a wave that might run for much more than a year.

Deadline is shonichi 8 AM JST.

All players are allowed to pick Jk13w Kakumaru and below.

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Jk24W SHOGO please (On the banzuke...) (Neener, neener...)

Shogo is absent. Please change my pick to Jk22W ONOYAMA

Edited by Fukurou

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I try it with my old friend Jk27w Kinryusan.

I hope he comes back from his deep fall.

But I should have a Joker: Jk28e Hikosaka.


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jk28E Hikosako please

Edited by Jejima

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I am confused where I'm supposed to enter as first time.. I think here and not 4th wave.. but believe me I'm still stumped!

jke15 Kawahara

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Jk27w Kinryuzan Jk28e Hikosaka is my man.

reason for edit: Kinryuzan prefers watching sumo on TV this january. (In jonokuchi...)

Edited by Odoriou

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jk28e Hikosaka

Joker jk28w Shijima

I dont know anything about these guys except its their first basho but one of thems gotta be good....

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