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What a great day 5!

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Bench sumo 14 points (opponent 12)

Sumo game 8/10 (opponent 7/10)

It was close but the results were good!

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Bench sumo 14 points (opponent 12)

Sumo game 8/10 (opponent 7/10)

It was close but the results were good!

(Hugging...) looking good. consider yourself having been patted on the back by your new North Pole ichimon chums.


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Bench sumo 14 points (opponent 12)

Sumo game 8/10 (opponent 7/10)

It was close but the results were good!

(Hugging...) looking good. consider yourself having been patted on the back by your new North Pole ichimon chums.


Thanks! I'm honoured! (Cheers...) (Hugging...)

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Good job ;) I had a very similar day, 14-12 and 8-6 respectively (Hugging...)

Nice! Very similar indeed! (Hugging...)

Glad I didn't face you B-) (Cheers...)

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Bench sumo 14 points (opponent 12)

Sumo game 8/10 (opponent 7/10)

It was close but the results were good!

(Hugging...) looking good. consider yourself having been patted on the back by your new North Pole ichimon chums.


Looks like you will be going through to the third round of Benchsumo's Kintamayama Challenge Cup too. (Sign of approval)


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Hey I want some of them well dones aswell Jomojo-I also got a perfect day in bench sumo but on top of that I won my first points for our ODDSUMO team and was Cyber rikishi of the day.

I also had the joint highest score in any division in Rotosumo moving me to third place in the division and looking good for promotion to Juryo-Whoo boy what a day.

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I slaughtered my opponent 14/4 in bench sumo and to tell the truth when I first checked his line up,I knew I was gonna win but I didnt think it would be so completely.-

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I'm having a tough bench sumo debut....... (Hugging...)

Only one win so far (Lifting weight...) eventhough I have only scored less than 9 pts one time (Hugging...) (Lifting weight...)

Hopefully i'll improve sooner rather than later (Cheers...)

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Talking about a great day 5... my day 6 was the WORST!! (Cheers...) B-)

Bench sumo: 3 points!

Sumo game: 4/10

(Hugging...) (Sign of disapproval) (Hugging...)

Edit: Only 3 of my 10 bench sumo rikishi won and I managed to choose 1 of them.

Edited by Tumppi

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Dont worry Tumppi,it goes like that-Take that from someone who knows.

I lost my fourth match today and didnt do much better,in fact worse in any other game except Sektori toto which I had 21 winners in a day of upsets.

I believe you should bask in the glory of days like yesterday while they last and on days like today put your entries in for the next day early on so you can put today behind you quickly.

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Dont worry Tumppi,it goes like that-Take that from someone who knows.

I lost my fourth match today and didnt do much better,in fact worse in any other game except Sektori toto which I had 21 winners in a day of upsets.

I believe you should bask in the glory of days like yesterday while they last and on days like today put your entries in for the next day early on so you can put today behind you quickly.

wise advice old fella. yes, very well done on your previous day too. thanks for highlighting that to me. (Hugging...)

onwards and upwards for our NPI (North Pole Ichimon) ... from base camp to glory! (with harsh bone-chilling days in between) (Depressed...)

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Thanks Jomojo,Im hoping to have a couple more winning days so I am guaranteed KK in Oddsumo for the first time.

I didnt slip too far in Rotosumo(3-6 place),my scoring has been solid but not exceptional-Picking Tochinonada specifically for his Yokazuna and Ozeki beating has helped alot.

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Dont worry Tumppi,it goes like that-Take that from someone who knows.

I lost my fourth match today and didnt do much better,in fact worse in any other game except Sektori toto which I had 21 winners in a day of upsets.

I believe you should bask in the glory of days like yesterday while they last and on days like today put your entries in for the next day early on so you can put today behind you quickly.

Thanks Fujisan! You're right, I don't want to wallow in this for any longer.. Tomorrows lineup will earn me another victory! :-S

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Dont worry Tumppi,it goes like that-Take that from someone who knows.

I lost my fourth match today and didnt do much better,in fact worse in any other game except Sektori toto which I had 21 winners in a day of upsets.

I believe you should bask in the glory of days like yesterday while they last and on days like today put your entries in for the next day early on so you can put today behind you quickly.

wise advice old fella. yes, very well done on your previous day too. thanks for highlighting that to me. :-S

onwards and upwards for our NPI (North Pole Ichimon) ... from base camp to glory! (with harsh bone-chilling days in between) (Depressed...)

Ups and downs but hopefully we'll stand kk in the end :-S

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Talking about sumo games... What a Bench Sumo bout I had. I had 5 winner in my team and managed to put them all in the right spots giving me a perfect score.

My opponent had 6 winners in his teams and also got a perfect score but won on the 2nd bench rikishi :-D

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Well with my 5th defeat today things are looking a bit desperate-Im thinking 6 wins is positive thinking.

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My benchsumo today: Me 11 points, opponent 12 points, not as upsetting as Naifuzn but still... so I'm 3-4 now.

Sumo game goes well: I had an 8-8 today but Musashimaru saved me. So now I have 5-2.

Fujisan, things are not looking very bright in Benchsumo for you either I see.. hopefully I'll get you started at 6-5 :-D

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Actually apart from bench I had a good day with wins in ISP and Oddsumo,upwards movement in hoshitori and rotosumo(4th in the division and at Ms1 looking good for promotion)-Im feeling good about all my games except bench sumo.

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Well, day 8 was really screwed.

Bench sumo: Me 12, opponent 12

He won with the first bench rikishi.

All my bench rikishi lost so I really couldn't have done any better with that lineup ;)

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I had 3 winners only in my whole team and fielded all three but drew and lost on the bench=2-6 and desperately praying for a change in fortune but my third winning day in four days in oddsumo,win in isp and only a slight drop to sixth in rotosumo-I dont wanna talk about the rest except one word "dreadful."

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Yes, I'm also at 5-3 in Sumo Game after losing today's bout 6-7.

So the bench sumo is really going under the bench.

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