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Ozeki preparations - Natsu 2009

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Chiyotaikai has a fractured rib-two weeks to heal, and is out of the Haru Jungyo. Add that to his "left side pain" and sudden high sugar levels, the reasons given for his 2-13 performance in Haru, and we should call Houston.

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So Taikai got diabetes too. Doing sumo with broken rib is very difficult too. Kaiho and Chiyotenzan lost some of their power due to diabetes. Quite a bundle of health problems for Taikai.

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So Taikai got diabetes too. Doing sumo with broken rib is very difficult too. Kaiho and Chiyotenzan lost some of their power due to diabetes. Quite a bundle of health problems for Taikai.

breathing with a broken rib is difficult, i cant imagine doing sumo with it. i feel for him

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Kyodo news are reporting that:

Chiyotaikai informed the Kyokai on Friday that he has a fractured left rib, he submitted a doctor’s certificate to that says his injury will require two weeks of rest, sidelining him for the rest of the ongoing training tour that ends April 19 in Tochigi.

He missed Friday’s training session at Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine. It also says he was plagued by a left side ache and a rapid rise in blood sugar levelsin the Haru basho.

Perhaps the writing is on the wall for the long time ozeki??


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Poor Chiyotaikai... :-( This news makes me so very sad.

Diabetes is an awful disease, my father is suffering from it too.

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Kadoban Chiyotaikai is down 6 kilos to 144 kilos. Last time he was around the 140 mark was when he was in Makushita. "I've got diabetes so I have to watch my food. But I'm more agile, so no problem..", he said.

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Chiyotaikai went for degeiko at Izutsu beys where Tokitsukaze Ichimon were having their rengo keiko. Chiyotaikai belongs to Kokonoe beya, which in turn belongs to Takasago Ichimon, so it was a rare occasion indeed., He was badly beaten by Kakuryuu and Toyonoshima, no numbers given. Out-tachiaied, out-stepped, out maneuvered, out-speeded, nodowa-ed - the works. Kokonoe has lately been accompanying him to these outings. "The situation is still serious-nothing has changed", he said.

Did Chiyotaikai specifically say he would retire if he dropped to Sekiwake?

Edited by Kintamayama

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Chiyotaikai has the flu. He had a high fever on the 4th and went to the hospital for treatment. His fever reached 40 C at some point but is around the 37 C area now. He is the 6th rikishi in Kokonoe to come down with the flu, although the others were OK after three days. "I think he is OK. The rest depends on how he'll feel", explained Ex-Touki.

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Harumafuji went to Dewanoumi today for keiko. Hakuhou was there as well but they did not meet on the dohyo. He had 15 bouts with Tochiouzan and others. He had lightly injured his right chest the day before, and said he felt some pain when breathing and was looking concerned. His right-handed nodowa was subsequently weak as well.

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