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Banzuke Surfing Natsu 2009 (1st Wave)

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Hi there,

this is to invite you to participate in Banzuke Surfing in the upcoming basho.

The rules are very simple.

Banzuke Surfing is run in several waves, with a new wave starting every year.

The goal is to move up the banzuke as far and fast as possible. You do so by temporarily "adopting" one or more rikishi at a given banzuke position. If your rikishi moves up the banzuke, so will you, if the rikishi moves down by getting MK, so will you (at least, if all your picked rikishi move down). If your rikishi goes intai, you will get his last position next time. In the basho after the current one you will be taking the banzuke position of the best-placed rikishi you've picked this time.

If your name appears on the list below, you have already participated. The column "Allowed Picks" shows you which rikishi of the banzuke you are allowed to pick next basho. If you are participating for the first time, you are allowed to pick any of the rikishi in the bottom 32 of the banzuke (as indicated below).

The rikishi that you are allowed to pick are all rikishi below your last (or most successful) pick. So generally, you cannot pick the same rikishi twice. An exception is if your rikishi drops into the last 32 of the banzuke or goes banzuke-gai. In this case, of course, you can pick any of the bottom 32 rikishi (just like a new player).

During your entire career of a given wave you can use up to three so-called jokers (indicated by the number of asterisks behind your name). Jokers are additional rikishi you can pick. In addition to the regular rikishi you pick for a basho, you can use as many jokers as you've still left. E.g., at the beginning of a wave you could pick four rikishi instead of one (regular + all jokers). As a consequence, the most successful one of these four will determine your new banzuke position. But on the downside this would mean that you don't have any jokers left for later bashos. So pick jokers wisely, three isn't much for a wave that might run for much more than a year.

Deadline is shonichi 8 AM JST.

All new players are allowed to pick Jk20w Asakoki and below.

Rank Shikona			  Last Surfer	Position Allowed Picks				   
1.   Gernobono*		   Toyohibiki	 M11w	 M12e Takamisakari and below	 
2.   Imumaru*			 Tokushinho	 Ms4e	 Ms4w Yotsuguruma and below	  
3.   Randomitsuki		 Tokushinho	 Ms4e	 Ms4w Yotsuguruma and below	  
4.   Ganzohnesushi*	   Fukao		  Ms7e	 Ms7w Hoshikaze and below		
5.   Asashosakari		 Fukao		  Ms7e	 Ms7w Hoshikaze and below		
6.   Azumashida		   Satoyama	   Ms11e	Ms11w Maeta and below		   
7.   Fujisan			  Maeta		  Ms11w	Ms12e Daiyubu and below		 
8.   Tamanaogijima		Daiyubu		Ms12e	Ms12w Daitensho and below	   
9.   Doitsuyama		   Matsutani	  Ms13e	Ms13w Towanoyama and below	  
10.  Asafan*			  Sensho		 Ms16w	Ms17e Kamei and below		   
11.  Kaiowaka***		  Kamei		  Ms17e	Ms17w Minami and below		  
12.  Konosato			 Higonojo	   Ms21e	Ms21w Amuru and below		   
13.  Zentoryu			 Higonojo	   Ms21e	Ms21w Amuru and below		   
14.  Golynohana		   Ikioi		  Ms23w	Ms24e Ri and below			  
15.  Susanoo*			 Tamarikido	 Ms25e	Ms25w Dairaido and below		
16.  Jejima			   Dewaotori	  Ms27w	Ms28e Takahama and below		
17.  Frinkanohana		 Katsunofuji	Ms28w	Ms29e Kyokushuho and below	  
18.  charliki			 Sasaki		 Ms36e	Ms36w Wakamifuji and below	  
19.  GONZABUROW***		Ozakiumi	   Ms37e	Ms37w Matsumidori and below	 
20.  Hironoumi***		 Ozakiumi	   Ms37e	Ms37w Matsumidori and below	 
21.  Vikanohara**		 Ozakiumi	   Ms37e	Ms37w Matsumidori and below	 
22.  Itachi			   Ozakiumi	   Ms37e	Ms37w Matsumidori and below	 
23.  yamaneko**		   Homarefuji	 Ms46e	Ms46w Kotomisen and below	   
24.  Takanorappa*		 Homarefuji	 Ms46e	Ms46w Kotomisen and below	   
25.  Profomisakari*	   Kotomisen	  Ms46w	Ms47e Kihakuriki and below	  
26.  Manekineko		   DNP (1st)	  Ms46w	Ms47e Kihakuriki and below	  
27.  Fay***			   Taika		  Ms47w	Ms48e Hishofuji and below	   
28.  Oshirokita		   Tochifudo	  Ms51w	Ms52e Furuichi and below		
29.  sashimaru*		   DNP (2nd)	  Ms52w	Ms53e Kotoyuki and below		
30.  Exil				 Kawanari	   Ms57e	Ms57w Koriyama and below		
31.  Mmikasazuma**		Masutoo		Sd3w	 Sd4e Kumagai and below		  
32.  Andoreasu***		 Asanotosa	  Sd19w	Sd20e Masuhikari and below	  
33.  Gusoyama*			Inoue		  Sd25w	Sd26e Karatsuumi and below	  
34.  Jakusotsu***		 Kotoshimoda	Sd33e	Sd33w Gorikiyama and below	  
35.  Bealzbob***		  DNP (2nd)	  Sd34e	Sd34w Chiyonohana and below	 
36.  Terarno			  Sasayama	   Sd57w	Sd58e Maegunzan and below	   
37.  Mattjila***		  Ayanokaze	  Sd75w	Sd76e Tosahayato and below	  
38.  Harry**			  Masumeidai	 Sd89e	Sd89w Asabenkei and below	   
39.  Zenjimoto			Aratoshi	   Jd6e	 Jd6w Fukai and below			
40.  Kachitakai		   Terashita	  Jd29w	Jd30e Taiyo and below		   
41.  Holleshoryu		  Tamahikari	 Jd47w	Jd48e Komatensho and below	  
42.  Charlemagne***	   Aoki		   Jd55w	Jd56e Misakiyama and below	  
43.  Hidariashiyama***	Wakamiura	  Jd60e	Jd60w Taketoba and below		
44.  Odoriou***		   Nogami		 Jd88w	Jd89e Tomisakae and below	   
45.  ilovetochinoshin***  Takageppo	  Jd103e   Jd103w Takatoshi and below

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I pick E-Sandanme 62 Seiro, please. Thanks.

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Ms 37e Ozakiumi

Edited by charliki

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Ms49e Satsukiumi Good luck!

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Ms17e Kamei

Thanks (Holiday feeling...)

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Takatoshi for me Jd 103 west (had his brother last time!)

Thank you!

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