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Banzuke Surfing Natsu 2009 (1st Wave)

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ms13e Matsutani

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Ms58w Bugendai

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Scoreboard for Natsu Basho:

Rank Shikona			  Surfs				   Position	Standing  
1.   Gernobono*		   Hokutoriki			  M13e		0-0	   
2.   Imumaru*			 Yotsuguruma			 Ms4w		0-0	   
3.   Randomitsuki		 Sokokurai			   Ms6e		0-0	   
4.   Ganzohnesushi*	   Hochiyama			   Ms8w		0-0	   
5.   Asashosakari		 Kasugakuni			  Ms9w		0-0	   
6.   Fujisan			  Matsutani			   Ms13e	   0-0	   
7.   Azumashida		   Towanoyama			  Ms13w	   0-0	   
8.   Asafan*			  Kamei				   Ms17e	   0-0	   
9.   Doitsuyama		   Minami				  Ms17w	   0-0	   
10.  Kaiowaka***		  Daishoyama			  Ms19e	   0-0	   
11.  Konosato			 Ri					  Ms24e	   0-0	   
12.  Zentoryu			 Ri					  Ms24e	   0-0	   
13.  Golynohana		   Dairaido				Ms25w	   0-0	   
14.  Jejima			   DNP (1st)			   Ms27w	   N/A	   
15.  Frinkanohana		 Kyokushuho			  Ms29e	   0-0	   
16.  Susanoo*			 Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   0-0	   
17.  charliki			 Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   0-0	   
18.  Tamanaogijima		Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   0-0	   
19.  GONZABUROW***		Ryuden				  Ms38e	   0-0	   
20.  Vikanohara**		 Ryuden				  Ms38e	   0-0	   
21.  Hironoumi***		 Kitaharima			  Ms40e	   0-0	   
22.  Itachi			   Wakarikido			  Ms42e	   0-0	   
23.  Takanorappa*		 DNP (1st)			   Ms46e	   N/A	   
24.  Profomisakari*	   Kihakuriki			  Ms47e	   0-0	   
25.  Fay***			   Satsukiumi			  Ms49e	   0-0	   
26.  Manekineko		   Dewahayate			  Ms50w	   0-0	   
27.  Oshirokita		   Furuichi				Ms52e	   0-0	   
28.  yamaneko**		   Kaisei				  Ms52w	   0-0	   
29.  Exil				 Bugendai				Ms58w	   0-0	   
30.  Mmikasazuma**		Kumagai				 Sd4e		0-0	   
31.  Gusoyama*			Kotodaishin			 Sd28w	   0-0	   
32.  Andoreasu***		 Wakasuruga			  Sd30e	   0-0	   
33.  Jakusotsu***		 Chiyomaru			   Sd61w	   0-0	   
34.  Terarno			  Seiro				   Sd62e	   0-0	   
35.  Mattjila***		  DNP (1st)			   Sd75w	   N/A	   
36.  Harry**			  Kei					 Sd90e	   0-0	   
37.  Zenjimoto			Fukai				   Jd6w		0-0	   
38.  Kachitakai		   Aiyama				  Jd31e	   0-0	   
39.  Charlemagne***	   DNP (1st)			   Jd55w	   N/A	   
40.  Holleshoryu		  Aoki					Jd55w	   0-0	   
41.  Hidariashiyama***	Kobayashi			   Jd74e	   0-0	   
42.  Odoriou***		   Azumaryu				Jd90e	   0-0	   
43.  ilovetochinoshin***  Takatoshi			   Jd103w	  0-0

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Standings after day 6:

What a wave! After six days of action, we have 54 wins vs. 60 losses! And these numbers are not even taking into account those players who picked kyujo rikishi...

Gernobono still leads by many miles, but is currently at the very lower edge of Makuuchi. Randomitsuki moves into second place while Azumashida is the only undefeated Makushita player, thereby advancing to third place.

Rank Shikona			  Surfs				   Position	Standing  
1.   Gernobono*		   Hokutoriki			  M13e		2-4	   
2.   Imumaru*			 Yotsuguruma			 Ms4w		0-3	   
3.   Randomitsuki		 Sokokurai			   Ms6e		2-1	   
4.   Ganzohnesushi*	   Hochiyama			   Ms8w		1-2	   
5.   Asashosakari		 Kasugakuni			  Ms9w		1-2	   
6.   Fujisan			  Matsutani			   Ms13e	   1-2	   
7.   Azumashida		   Towanoyama			  Ms13w	   3-0	   
8.   Asafan*			  Kamei				   Ms17e	   2-1	   
9.   Doitsuyama		   Minami				  Ms17w	   1-2	   
10.  Kaiowaka***		  Daishoyama			  Ms19e	   2-1	   
11.  Konosato			 Ri					  Ms24e	   2-1	   
12.  Zentoryu			 Ri					  Ms24e	   2-1	   
13.  Golynohana		   Dairaido				Ms25w	   2-1	   
14.  Jejima			   DNP (1st)			   Ms27w	   N/A	   
15.  Frinkanohana		 Kyokushuho			  Ms29e	   0-0-3	 
16.  Susanoo*			 Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   1-2	   
17.  charliki			 Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   1-2	   
18.  Tamanaogijima		Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   1-2	   
19.  GONZABUROW***		Ryuden				  Ms38e	   1-2	   
20.  Vikanohara**		 Ryuden				  Ms38e	   1-2	   
21.  Hironoumi***		 Kitaharima			  Ms40e	   1-2	   
22.  Itachi			   Wakarikido			  Ms42e	   2-1	   
23.  Takanorappa*		 DNP (1st)			   Ms46e	   N/A	   
24.  Profomisakari*	   Kihakuriki			  Ms47e	   1-2	   
25.  Fay***			   Satsukiumi			  Ms49e	   0-0-3	 
26.  Manekineko		   Dewahayate			  Ms50w	   0-3	   
27.  Oshirokita		   Furuichi				Ms52e	   2-1	   
28.  yamaneko**		   Kaisei				  Ms52w	   2-1	   
29.  Exil				 Bugendai				Ms58w	   1-2	   
30.  Mmikasazuma**		Kumagai				 Sd4e		0-3	   
31.  Gusoyama*			Kotodaishin			 Sd28w	   1-2	   
32.  Andoreasu***		 Wakasuruga			  Sd30e	   2-1	   
33.  Jakusotsu***		 Chiyomaru			   Sd61w	   1-2	   
34.  Terarno			  Seiro				   Sd62e	   3-0	   
35.  Mattjila***		  DNP (1st)			   Sd75w	   N/A	   
36.  Harry**			  Kei					 Sd90e	   2-1	   
37.  Zenjimoto			Fukai				   Jd6w		1-2	   
38.  Kachitakai		   Aiyama				  Jd31e	   1-2	   
39.  Charlemagne***	   DNP (1st)			   Jd55w	   N/A	   
40.  Holleshoryu		  Aoki					Jd55w	   2-1	   
41.  Hidariashiyama***	Kobayashi			   Jd74e	   1-2	   
42.  Odoriou***		   Azumaryu				Jd90e	   2-1	   
43.  ilovetochinoshin***  Takatoshi			   Jd103w	  3-0

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Standings after day 10:

And I thought that we couldn't go down deeper. But yes we can! Collectively, we are at 87 wins vs. 105 losses which must be a historical peak of inability in predicting lower division events.

Gernobono will have a tough time staying in Makuuchi. Randomitsuki has one of the few positive records in Makushita, and he is in virtual second place in front of Azumashida who already achieved an incredibly rare KK.

Rank Shikona			  Surfs				   Position	Standing  
1.   Gernobono*		   Hokutoriki			  M13e		3-7	   
2.   Imumaru*			 Yotsuguruma			 Ms4w		0-5	   
3.   Randomitsuki		 Sokokurai			   Ms6e		3-2	   
4.   Ganzohnesushi*	   Hochiyama			   Ms8w		2-3	   
5.   Asashosakari		 Kasugakuni			  Ms9w		1-4	   
6.   Fujisan			  Matsutani			   Ms13e	   2-3	   
7.   Azumashida		   Towanoyama			  Ms13w	   4-1	   
8.   Asafan*			  Kamei				   Ms17e	   2-3	   
9.   Doitsuyama		   Minami				  Ms17w	   1-4	   
10.  Kaiowaka***		  Daishoyama			  Ms19e	   2-3	   
11.  Konosato			 Ri					  Ms24e	   3-2	   
12.  Zentoryu			 Ri					  Ms24e	   3-2	   
13.  Golynohana		   Dairaido				Ms25w	   2-3	   
14.  Jejima			   DNP (1st)			   Ms27w	   N/A	   
15.  Frinkanohana		 Kyokushuho			  Ms29e	   0-2-3	 
16.  Susanoo*			 Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   3-2	   
17.  charliki			 Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   3-2	   
18.  Tamanaogijima		Ozakiumi				Ms37e	   3-2	   
19.  GONZABUROW***		Ryuden				  Ms38e	   2-3	   
20.  Vikanohara**		 Ryuden				  Ms38e	   2-3	   
21.  Hironoumi***		 Kitaharima			  Ms40e	   1-4	   
22.  Itachi			   Wakarikido			  Ms42e	   3-2	   
23.  Takanorappa*		 DNP (1st)			   Ms46e	   N/A	   
24.  Profomisakari*	   Kihakuriki			  Ms47e	   1-4	   
25.  Fay***			   Satsukiumi			  Ms49e	   0-0-5	 
26.  Manekineko		   Dewahayate			  Ms50w	   0-5	   
27.  Oshirokita		   Furuichi				Ms52e	   4-1	   
28.  yamaneko**		   Kaisei				  Ms52w	   3-2	   
29.  Exil				 Bugendai				Ms58w	   1-4	   
30.  Mmikasazuma**		Kumagai				 Sd4e		2-3	   
31.  Gusoyama*			Kotodaishin			 Sd28w	   2-3	   
32.  Andoreasu***		 Wakasuruga			  Sd30e	   4-1	   
33.  Jakusotsu***		 Chiyomaru			   Sd61w	   1-4	   
34.  Terarno			  Seiro				   Sd62e	   5-0	   
35.  Mattjila***		  DNP (1st)			   Sd75w	   N/A	   
36.  Harry**			  Kei					 Sd90e	   3-2	   
37.  Zenjimoto			Fukai				   Jd6w		1-4	   
38.  Kachitakai		   Aiyama				  Jd31e	   2-3	   
39.  Charlemagne***	   DNP (1st)			   Jd55w	   N/A	   
40.  Holleshoryu		  Aoki					Jd55w	   4-1	   
41.  Hidariashiyama***	Kobayashi			   Jd74e	   1-4	   
42.  Odoriou***		   Azumaryu				Jd90e	   4-1	   
43.  ilovetochinoshin***  Takatoshi			   Jd103w	  4-1

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Could be an idea to exclude players achieving two MK in a row ?

After a first MK, one would be on kadoban so to speak.

When they are able to pick a rikishi getting KK (with or without the help of a joker), they continue.

If they again pick one that achieves MK, that player is out of the wave.

This way, a wave would see a shrinking field of players until just a couple of them are left.

I know you already mentioned that each wave would finish after 5 years.

But someone else was planning to take it over from then. So they will keep running even longer, theoretically forever.

Just imagine the thrill if you're in need of a KK and your pick was on 1-3 but still manages to finish 4-3. (Neener, neener...)

Edited by Vikanohara

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Just imagine the thrill if you're in need of a KK and your pick was on 1-3 but still manages to finish 4-3. (Clapping wildly...)

Or the anger if you're in need of a KK and your pick was 3-1 but still manages to finish 3-4. (Neener, neener...)

The idea isn't bad, actually it would make for a fascinating game (since you could always go for something safe down there in the lower divisions). But of course, it would be an entirely different game. We currently have many players who just do it for the fun of it, players who do it to root for guys like Morikawa or Kasachikara, players who only pick rikishi from their favorite heya (Terarno comes to mind), players who always play on the highest eligible pick (Mattjila). It would be a pity to see all these people eliminated until the usual suspects are left over...

So things will stay the way they are. What happens if someone takes over a wave, is not at my discretion.

Edited by Randomitsuki

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On that note, am I the only one who will probably quit the wave at that point anyway? Stated game goal not achieved (for me personally, I mean, i.e. I didn't win it), time to move on. I don't really see the point of keeping old waves going ad infinitum.

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Like I said before, I will definitely continue the wave when Randomitsuki calls it a day. The goal for me is not winning but seeing where it will lead me over the years. I was always fond of random walk studies. (Whatever above, it is funny...)

Too bad it's impossible to become Yokozuna, or even Ozeki...

Edited by Jakusotsu

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Final Standings Natsu and Rank Estimates Nagoya:

Gernobono will be demoted to Juryo, but still he leads by an entire division in front Randomitsuki and Azumashida.

Rank Shikona				Surfs				  Position	Standing  Estimate
1.   Gernobono*			 Hokutoriki			 M13e		4-11	  J3e	 
2.   Randomitsuki		   Sokokurai			  Ms6e		4-3	   Ms3e	
3.   Azumashida			 Towanoyama			 Ms13w	   5-2	   Ms5w	
4.   Ganzohnesushi*		 Hochiyama			  Ms8w		3-4	   Ms14w   
5.   Asashosakari		   Kasugakuni			 Ms9w		3-4	   Ms15w   
6.   Konosato			   Ri					 Ms24e	   4-3	   Ms18e   
7.   Zentoryu			   Ri					 Ms24e	   4-3	   Ms18e   
8.   Fujisan				Matsutani			  Ms13e	   3-4	   Ms20e   
9.   Imumaru*			   Yotsuguruma			Ms4w		1-6	   Ms25w   
10.  Asafan*				Kamei				  Ms17e	   3-4	   Ms26e   
11.  Jejima				 DNP (1st)			  Ms27w	   N/A	   Ms27w   
12.  Kaiowaka***			Daishoyama			 Ms19e	   3-4	   Ms28e   
13.  Susanoo*			   Ozakiumi			   Ms37e	   4-3	   Ms29e   
14.  charliki			   Ozakiumi			   Ms37e	   4-3	   Ms29e   
15.  Tamanaogijima		  Ozakiumi			   Ms37e	   4-3	   Ms29e   
16.  Doitsuyama			 Minami				 Ms17w	   2-5	   Ms32w   
17.  Itachi				 Wakarikido			 Ms42e	   4-3	   Ms33e   
18.  Oshirokita			 Furuichi			   Ms52e	   5-2	   Ms34e   
19.  yamaneko**			 Kaisei				 Ms52w	   5-2	   Ms34w   
20.  Golynohana			 Dairaido			   Ms25w	   3-4	   Ms34w   
21.  Terarno				Seiro				  Sd62e	   7-0	   Ms37e   
22.  Takanorappa*		   DNP (1st)			  Ms46e	   N/A	   Ms46e   
23.  GONZABUROW***		  Ryuden				 Ms38e	   3-4	   Ms47e   
24.  Vikanohara**		   Ryuden				 Ms38e	   3-4	   Ms47e   
25.  Andoreasu***		   Wakasuruga			 Sd30e	   6-1	   Ms48e   
26.  Hironoumi***		   Kitaharima			 Ms40e	   2-5	   Ms58e   
27.  Frinkanohana		   Kyokushuho			 Ms29e	   0-3-4	 Sd4e	
28.  Exil				   Bugendai			   Ms58w	   2-5	   Sd17w   
29.  Profomisakari*		 Kihakuriki			 Ms47e	   1-6	   Sd18e   
30.  Mmikasazuma**		  Kumagai				Sd4e		3-4	   Sd19e   
31.  Manekineko			 Dewahayate			 Ms50w	   1-6	   Sd21w   
32.  Fay***				 Satsukiumi			 Ms49e	   0-0-7	 Sd30e   
33.  Gusoyama*			  Kotodaishin			Sd28w	   2-5	   Sd53w   
34.  Harry**				Kei					Sd90e	   5-2	   Sd57e   
35.  Mattjila***			DNP (1st)			  Sd75w	   N/A	   Sd75w   
36.  Jakusotsu***		   Chiyomaru			  Sd61w	   3-4	   Sd76w   
37.  Holleshoryu			Aoki				   Jd55w	   6-1	   Sd88w   
38.  Kachitakai			 Aiyama				 Jd31e	   4-3	   Jd6e	
39.  Odoriou***			 Azumaryu			   Jd90e	   6-1	   Jd12e   
40.  Zenjimoto			  Fukai				  Jd6w		1-6	   Jd46w   
41.  ilovetochinoshin***	Takatoshi			  Jd103w	  5-2	   Jd55w   
42.  Charlemagne***		 DNP (1st)			  Jd55w	   N/A	   Jd55w   
43.  Hidariashiyama***	  Kobayashi			  Jd74e	   2-5	   Jd104e

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