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Nekonishiki Banji

2009 Aki Basho Kumi-Yoso-Banzai-Kongo

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12. NAP - DAY 12 - TAG 12



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12. NAP - DAY 12 - TAG 12



Edited by Nekonishiki Banji

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12. NAP - DAY 12 - TAG 12



Edited by Kachitakai

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13. NAP - DAY 13 - TAG 13

1 db ginboshi (Kakuryu)

3 db 1 pontos kimarite (Tamaasuka, Miyabiyama, Asashoryu)

2 db kachi-koshi (Goeido, Harumafuji)

3 db make-koshi (Kasugao, Tosayutaka, Toyohibiki)




Osszpontszam - Total Score : 125


Kakuryu 24 Kachi-koshi

Hakuho 21 Kachi-koshi

Wakanosato 17 Kachi-koshi

Baruto 16 Kachi-koshi

Kakizoe 16 Kachi-koshi

Kotomitsuki 16 Kachi-koshi

Bushuyama 15 Kachi-koshi


* +10 pont jar a 15. napon, ha a het rikishi kozul legalabb 4 kachi-koshi

* +10 points on Day 15 if at least 4 rikishi gets kachi-koshi





>>>>> M2e Zarao


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14. NAP - DAY 14 - TAG 14

2 db douboshi (Kakuryu, Goeido)

4 db 1 pontos kimarite (Tosayutaka, Kakuryu, Harumafuji, Hakuho)

1 db kachi-koshi (Iwakiyama)

4 db make-koshi (Aran, Kotoshogiku, Takamisakari, Toyonoshima)

5 db maegashira 10 győzelemmel / maegashira with 10 wins (Bushuyama, Hokutoriki, Kakuryu, Tochiozan, Wakanosato)




Osszpontszam - Total Score : 147


Kakuryu 31 Kachi-koshi

Hakuho 23 Kachi-koshi

Wakanosato 21 Kachi-koshi

Bushuyama 19 Kachi-koshi

Hokutoriki 19 Kachi-koshi

Tochiozan 18 Kachi-koshi

Baruto 16 Kachi-koshi


* +10 pont jar a 15. napon, ha a het rikishi kozul legalabb 4 kachi-koshi

* +10 points on Day 15 if at least 4 rikishi gets kachi-koshi





>>>>> O1w Doitsuyama


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15. NAP - DAY 15 - TAG 15

2 db douboshi (Kakuryu, Toyonoshima)

2 db 1 pontos kimarite (Tochinonada, Goeido)

3 db kachi-koshi (Kaio, Kokkai, Tokitenku)

4 db make-koshi (Aminishiki, Homasho, Kisenosato, Masatsukasa)

1 db maegashira 10 győzelemmel / maegashira with 10 wins (Goeido)

1 db yusho (Asashoryu)

2 db sansho (Kakuryu, Baruto)

1 db bajnokver

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Shikona				  Rank	  Point	 Kekka
Fetmen				   M9e	   169	   15-0
Riuzufuji				M10e	  159	   14-1
Doitsuyama			   O1w	   159	   14-1
Zarao					M2e	   157	   13-2
Mischashimaru			M5e	   157	   13-2
Gaijingai				M3e	   156	   13-2
Susanoo				  M5w	   142	   11-4
Andrasoyamawaka		  M13e	  141	   10-5
Jejima				   M1w	   140	   10-5
Mariohana				M1e	   139	   10-5
Zentoryu				 O2e	   139	   10-5
Tamanaogijima			M6e	   139	   10-5
Flohru				   M2w	   137	   10-5
Fujisan				  S1e	   137	   10-5
Taka					 M7e	   136	   10-5
Barat					M11e	  136	   10-5
Tofi					 K1w	   127		8-7
Vikanohara			   M7w	   124		8-7
Marimo				   M10w	  122		7-8
Pepoetse				 M16w	  122		7-8
Maguroyama			   M4w	   121		7-8
Sipi					 M6w	   121		7-8
Genya					M3w	   121		7-8
Anjoboshi				S2e	   120		7-8
Bolo					 M15e	  119		7-8
Gonzaburow			   M4e	   118		7-8
Golynohana			   S2w	   117		7-8
Fatakiyama			   K1e	   117		7-8
Ganzohnesushi			M12w	  116		7-8
Imumaru				  M14e	  112		6-9
Hananomajoko			 M17e	  108		6-9
Mmikasazuma			  M13w	  107		6-9
Tosahayate			   O1e	   107		6-9
Zafirowaka			   M9w		99		5-10
Kitakachiyama			M14w	   99		5-10
Zeokage				  M12e	   98		5-10
Kachitakai			   S1w		66		2-13
Katonahana			   M15w	   53		1-14
Hidariashiyama		   M8e		48		1-14
Yaochoyama			   M8w				  kosho
Shiyonofuji			  M11w				 kosho
Takanorappa			  M16e				 kosho

Juryo - Makushita

Shikona				  Rank	  Point	 Kekka
Shibatayama			  J3w	   159	   14-1
Mizu					 J5w	   158	   14-1
Terminatori			  J11w	  152	   13-2
Yeditoshi				J9w	   142	   11-4
Kotossho				 J12e	  141	   11-4
Oshirokita			   J4e	   125		8-7
Zaff					 J8e	   124		8-7
Oskanohana			   Ms1e	  123		8-7
Tsunamiko				J1e	   121		7-8
Dozoo					J1w	   120		7-8
Stephanohana74		   J2e	   118		7-8
Holleshoryu			  J7e	   116		7-8
Mibaya				   J12w	  103		6-9
Ketsukai				 J10w	  101		6-9
Arasan				   J6w		97		5-10
Hangaryu				 J13w	   91		5-10
Niobee				   J14e	   83		4-11
Nekonishiki			  J4w		68		3-12
Gernobono				J13e	   42		1-14
Ulsimitsuki			  J2w				  kosho
Zenjimoto				J3e				  kosho
Emiroo				   J5e				  kosho
Cifra					J6e				  kosho
Nonosuke				 J9e				  kosho
Nemarrabono			  J10e				 kosho
Leonishiki			   J7w				  kyujo
Asahi					J8w				  kyujo
Kitano				   J11e				 kyujo
Ugyitoszi				J14w				 kyujo


Makunouchi - Juryo

Shikona				  Rank	  Point	 Kekka
Susanoo				  S1w	   80		15-0
Golynohana			   M2w	   74		14-1
Vikanohara			   M12w	  68		13-2
Mariohana				S2w	   68		13-2
Jejima				   M1e	   66		12-3
Tsunamiko				M15w	  65		11-4
Tosahayate			   M1w	   64		11-4
Doitsuyama			   O1w	   63		10-5
Imumaru				  M7e	   62		10-5
Takanorappa			  J1w	   62		10-5
Flohru				   S1e	   62		10-5
Oskanohana			   J5e	   62		10-5
Andrasoyamawaka		  M10e	  62		10-5
Walagashima			  J2w	   60		 9-6
Zeokage				  M16e	  58		 8-7
Ganzohnesushi			O1e	   57		 8-7
Mischashimaru			K1e	   57		 8-7
Gaijingai				M14w	  56		 7-8
Fetmen				   M12e	  54		 7-8
Fujisan				  S3e	   53		 7-8
Fatakiyama			   M4e	   53		 7-8
Anjoboshi				O2w	   53		 7-8
Terarno				  M6e	   51		 6-9
Hidariashiyama		   J1e	   51		 6-9
Nagayama				 M3e	   51		 6-9
Gernobono				M5e	   49		 5-10
Riuzufuji				M3w	   49		 5-10
Sipi					 K1w	   47		 5-10
Hangaryu				 J3w	   46		 5-10
Mmikasazuma			  M7w	   46		 5-10
Katonahana			   J2e	   45		 4-11
Nekonishiki			  M15e	  45		 4-11
Pepoetse				 M2e	   42		 3-12
Marimo				   M8e	   41		 3-12
Tamanaogijima			M5w	   40		 3-12
Kachitakai			   S2e	   39		 3-12
Holleshoryu			  M6w	   37		 2-13
Gonzaburow			   O2e				 kosho
Ulsimitsuki			  M8w				 kosho
Nemarrabono			  M9e				 kosho
Shiyonofuji			  M11e				kosho
Genya					M11w				kosho
Zenjimoto				M13e				kosho
Yeditoshi				M13w				kosho
Nonosuke				 J3e				 kosho
Leonishiki			   M4w				 kyujo
Kitano				   M9w				 kyujo
Maguroyama			   M10w				kyujo
Asahi					M14e				kyujo
Ugyitoszi				J4e				 kyujo
Ilovetochinoshin		 J4w				 kyujo



Shikona				  Rank	  Point	 Kekka
Golynohana			   Y1e	   421	   14-1
Kotossho				 M7w	   355	   11-4
Doitsuyama			   Y1w	   316	   11-4
Ganzohnesushi			Y2w	   366	   10-5
Mibaya				   K1w	   343	   10-5
Tamanaogijima			O3e	   335	   10-5
Holleshoryu			  M5e	   363		9-6
Anjoboshi II			 S1w	   344		9-6
Barat					K1e	   343		9-6
Tosahayate			   O1e	   330		9-6
Nekonishiki			  O3w	   314		9-6
Fujisan				  Y2e	   340		8-7
Sipi					 O2e	   313		8-7
Kachitakai			   M6e	   312		7-8
Yeditoshi				M6w	   293		7-8
Susanoo				  M4w	   254		7-8
Andrasoyamawaka		  Y3e	   297		6-9
Niobee				   M11e	  297		6-9
Mizu					 M8w	   290		6-9
Dozoo					M9w	   290		6-9
Hidariashiyama		   M2e	   276		6-9
Gonzaburow			   M3w	   298		5-10
Jejima				   M1w	   255		5-10
Terminatori			  M7e	   273		4-11
Arasan				   M8e	   280		3-12
Riuzufuji				M9e	   205		2-13
Takanorappa			  M4e	   226		1-14
Fetmen				   O1w		0		 kosho
Bolo					 S1e		0		 kosho
Mmikasazuma			  M1e		0		 kosho
Emiroo				   M2w		0		 kosho
Ulsimitsuki			  M5w		0		 kosho
Genya					O2w		0		 kyujo
Leonishiki			   M3e		0		 kyujo
Asahi					M10e	   0		 kyujo
Ugyitoszi				M10w	   0		 kyujo



Shikona				  Rank	  Point	 Kekka
Kitakachiyama			M7e	   719	   14-1
Susanoo				  M2e	   717	   14-1
Golynohana			   M8w	   706	   13-2
Fujisan				  Y1e	   706	   13-2
Anjoboshi				S2w	   703	   13-2
Flohru				   M1e	   701	   13-2
Andrasoyamawaka		  M16e	  693	   12-3
Jejima				   S1e	   673	   10-5
Bolo					 M10w	  673	   10-5
Kotononami			   M3w	   672	   10-5
Tosahayate			   K1w	   657		9-6
Pepoetse				 M12w	  656		9-6
Doitsuyama			   S1w	   653		8-7
Marimo				   M9e	   646		8-7
Ganzohnesushi			S2e	   644		8-7
Mariohana				M5e	   644		8-7
Gernobono				M6e	   642		8-7
Zeokage				  M7w	   642		8-7
Fatakiyama			   K2e	   640		7-8
Vikanohara			   M3e	   634		7-8
Arasan				   M13e	  631		7-8
Gaijingai				M11e	  624		7-8
Kotossho				 M12e	  623		7-8
Zentoryu				 M2w	   621		7-8
Genya					M16w	  618		6-9
Ketsukai				 M14w	  615		6-9
Holleshoryu			  M9w	   614		6-9
Imumaru				  M13w	  613		6-9
Terarno				  M6w	   605		6-9
Mizu					 M17e	  602		6-9
Kachitakai			   M1w	   597		6-9
Tamanaogijima			M10e	  588		5-10
Mmikasazuma			  M8e	   580		5-10
Mibaya				   M15w	  568		4-11
Dozoo					M14e	  551		4-11
Riuzufuji				M4w	   543		3-12
Sipi					 M4e	   518		2-13
Gonzaburow			   K1e	   0		 kosho
Shiyonofuji			  K2w	   0		 kosho
Ulsimitsuki			  M11w	  0		 kosho
Maguroyama			   M5w	   0		 kyujo
Asahi					M15e	  0		 kyujo


Shikona				  Rank	  Point	 Kekka
Oskanohana			   J10w	  695	   14-1
Fetmen				   J4e	   658	   13-2
Niobee				   J7w	   628	   10-5
Yeditoshi				J4w	   627	   10-5
Terminatori			  J3e	   610		8-7
Takanorappa			  J3w	   609		8-7
Barat					J5e	   585		6-9
Tsunamiko				J1e	   571		6-9
Shibatayama			  J8w	   548		4-11
Mischashimaru			J1w	   546		4-11
Nekonishiki			  J2e	   536		4-11
Hidariashiyama		   J9e	   528		3-12
Hangaryu				 J10e	  519		3-12
Katonahana			   J7e	   483		1-14
Emiroo				   J5w	   0		 kosho
Nemarrabono			  J6e	   0		 kosho
Nonosuke				 J8e	   0		 kosho
Leonishiki			   J2w	   0		 kyujo
Kitano				   J6w	   0		 kyujo
Ugyitoszi				J9w	   0		 kyujo

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Sekiwake Jejima - 592 pont/points


Maegashira 7 Kitakachiyama - 2


Maegashira 8 Golynohana - 328 pont/points


Maegashira 7 Kitakachiyama - 239 pont/points

As I've mentioned earlier, detailed results of Kongo are wrong and these prizes are useless. Look at Jejima's Kanto-Sho. Maximum possible hoshitori points is 4 rikishis at 15-0, all wins worth 7 points. 4*15*7=420. Jejima has 592.

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As I've mentioned earlier, detailed results of Kongo are wrong and these prizes are useless. Look at Jejima's Kanto-Sho. Maximum possible hoshitori points is 4 rikishis at 15-0, all wins worth 7 points. 4*15*7=420. Jejima has 592.

I fear you didn't quite get the message from the operators above. If I may ask, why is it a maximum of 4 rikishi for hoshitori points? I wasn't aware of such a rule, so I believe this maximum actually is ten (nine rikishi plus extra).

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As I've mentioned earlier, detailed results of Kongo are wrong and these prizes are useless. Look at Jejima's Kanto-Sho. Maximum possible hoshitori points is 4 rikishis at 15-0, all wins worth 7 points. 4*15*7=420. Jejima has 592.

I fear you didn't quite get the message from the operators above. If I may ask, why is it a maximum of 4 rikishi for hoshitori points? I wasn't aware of such a rule, so I believe this maximum actually is ten (nine rikishi plus extra).

Yes, you can have even every rikishi for hoshitori points, or for make-points, etc. There is no regulation of number of the rikishi in a group.

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Yes, you can have even every rikishi for hoshitori points, or for make-points, etc. There is no regulation of number of the rikishi in a group.

I have always thought that you have to choose 3 rikishi in each group... And I've been playing like that since the first Kongo basho. So, from now on, my results are going to be even better! :)

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Yes, you can have even every rikishi for hoshitori points, or for make-points, etc. There is no regulation of number of the rikishi in a group.

I have always thought that you have to choose 3 rikishi in each group... And I've been playing like that since the first Kongo basho. So, from now on, my results are going to be even better! :)

Ganbare! (Dohyo-iri...) And omedetou.

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I have always thought that you have to choose 3 rikishi in each group... And I've been playing like that since the first Kongo basho. So, from now on, my results are going to be even better! :)

It is necessary to read the rules of the game more carefully...

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It is necessary to read the rules of the game more carefully...

I think Banzai's are the rules most players get wrong and many still do.......

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