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Sumo Newb here

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ello everybody. I love watching sumo on youtube. I'm not really sure what tv channels to watch. There really is nothing like fat people trying to take each other down. I'm interested in learning some of their techniques. I currently weigh only 322 pounds, but I'm going for 360 so I can have a pound for every degree in a circle. There are about 2.2 (the exact number is irrational) pounds in a kilogram, so then one day I will have a kilogram for every degree in a circle.

I'm currently going for a double major of physics and chemistry. I hope one day to work as NASA to help increase their fuel efficiency so that one day I can be the first sumo astronaut.

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Welcome. Jump on in and watch the live stream every night...there is a link at the top of the forums. It usually is up around 1100 pm PST, but could be a little ealier tonight because of all the senshuraku festivities.

Edited by Sumo Menko Man

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Not sure that I will be during that time, but is there an ftp site that keeps them as a record or perhaps youtube? Do you think you could also tell me who are all the famous sumo wrestlers. I would like to be more familiar w/ da culture.

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It seems that pastageek was banned, or for some other reason very quickly moved into the Inactive members group.

To be honest, I will miss the kid - he was a truly colorful addition, and indeed had an out-of-the-box (and out of all other boxes in the neighbourhood also) sense of humor. And, in fact, except going largely off-topic in the Off-topic section, he didn't do anything wrong... (And I admit I was wrong when I initially compared his approach with Ikh).

Oh, well...

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I know, it's a little bit late, but...

(In a state of confusion...) to the forum and greetings from Germany.

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