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Have you ever quit any web-forum?

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First, let me assure you that this question is absolutely not-SumoForum-related. I don't have, nor ever had, any intentions to stop visiting this great place.

But, I am a member of several other forums, and in the past there were occasions, where I've just decided that I've had it with this forum, and stopped going. Last such occasion was yesterday, on The reason was that I in generally thought they have many stupid rules and restrictions. The trigger was some asshole (can I say asshole in here?) moderator who kept bugging me about those rules and when I told him to buzz off (in private), the administration took his side and warned me for "misbehaving". At that point I realized that I'm no longer having fun there and left.

Have something like that ever occurred to you? Not from reasons similar to above, but from any reason, that you decided to leave a forum? I'm not talking about places you joined for a specific post and never came back or places where you've been posting like once a month anyway. I'm talking about forums where you were an active member of a community, and at some point decided to stop being it.

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(can I say asshole in here?)


Not from reasons similar to above, but from any reason, that you decided to leave a forum?

Apparently you can. :-)

I've left two forums. The first because the members were... how should I put this mildly... idiots incapable of the slightest amount of logical thinking. It was/is a Formula 1 forum as could be guessed. The second forum which was established for people discussing about a particular neurological syndrome (Asperger in case you're wondering) I suspect I'm suffering from, I left because of a certain besserwisser and the ill atmosphere in general.

I haven't missed either.

EDIT: Awful grammatical error corrected.

Edited by Kotoseiya Yuichi

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The only other forum I'm active in, other than, is

I also visit and but not often.

No intentions of quitting any of them.

Edited by Tumppi

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No but I have been barred access to two forums-

One atheist site after I declared the existence of God in bold capital letters-

And one born again christian site after the moderator took acceptance to my anti-trinity posts,funnily enough he didnt mind several atheists and pagans who posted though.

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As this is the only Forum I'm really active in, I cannot add anything new... No ML that I've quit, either, except some of the Sumo-game related that weren't really necessary. In fact, I seem to outlive MLs, as recently I've been sorting the mess on my HD (lost battle, I know) and found the list of MLs I've suscribed to, with the info how to unsuscribe, and most of those I've forgotten even exited, as they became inactive ages ago...

Anyway, I'm not a very active cyber-human, and mostly steer clear of discussion-for-discussion's-sake post, newsgroups or forums. It would take a lot to get me really upset over the net, but not much to get me bored/unimpressed. And I no longer have time for boring and stupid internet content... And the atmosphere of ML/newsgroup/forum is easily gauged by just a day or two of lurking. :-)

@ Fujisan - I see we could wage really nice religious wars, you and I. Good thing we do not discuss religion here. :-)

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I left a forum once. It was a forum about young children, and I had been a member of it for about two or three years. I knew one of the women personally. When she told the others about her problems, some of the others attacked her in such a rude way, saying it was her own fault and such things, that I decided I didn't want to belong to that group anymore. I was very, very disappointed by some of the other women.

(Asperger in case you're wondering) I suspect I'm suffering from,

That is what my oldest son is probably also suffering from. Sometimes I suspect I could also have a mild form of it.

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(Asperger in case you're wondering) I suspect I'm suffering from,

That is what my oldest son is probably also suffering from. Sometimes I suspect I could also have a mild form of it.

OK, now you made me want to know what it is.

*looks at link*

*takes notes*


*doesn't understand anything*


Edited by QttP

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Not really "left" a forum, but basically orchestrated a schism. This was the forum used by players of a planetary simulation game (basically geofiction). The planet became too crowded with infantile members who were more interested in grandstanding and bellicose rhetoric, coming from their relatively miserably represented nations. Since the level of quality, general play athmosphere and reality factor (which is a huge element of the game) were seriously diminished, I grabbed all the old and "best" players and split the planet, creating a second one as exact copy (the forum included) but with the nations played by these others left "blank" or unrepresented for the time being - since all the best players went to the copy, the original quickly disappeared, or rather, we returned to the original one without the elements we wanted to avoid. So in a way, we all left, the system collapsed without us, and we came back to repopulate the now empty, but cleansed, shell :-D

I may have also signed off a couple other email based forums, but mostly cause there was either too much email, or cause there really wasn't anything going on that I absolutely had to follow.



Edited by Zenjimoto

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I never really left a forum. But there had been some forums (some French forums about Japan, were I was looking if there would be people interested in sumo too) where I only went during a 10 or 20 days, and then quickly stop going. I would not consider that leaving as forum, as I never posted more than 5 posts in these.

But there is a forum, about scientific information, where I don't really go anymore. I don't really consider that I left it, but... I almost never go there anymore. The reason ?

Lack of time... (and the fact that I'm much more involved in another quite scientific forum - a forum for teachers and students of biology in France, where I am a moderator)

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I left a forum once, for what I think is a legitimate reason -- I joined when I got that car, left when I was done with the car. :-D

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I have not been very active in any other forum really. This is my sandbox. I visit some forums every now and then with a heavy lurker-mask.

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I do know what you mean Maneki,when I start discussing religion I start losing friends-I have very strong and unmovable beliefs and I dont mind who I upset by expressing them but as Ive said in the past,this isnt the place.

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I do know what you mean Maneki,when I start discussing religion I start losing friends-I have very strong and unmovable beliefs and I dont mind who I upset by expressing them but as Ive said in the past,this isnt the place.

No, that's a fact...

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No sweat Yubi-

I dont want you to think Im some sort of religious nut,I do get into many heated arguments about religion but only with other religious debators.

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