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Day 11 Rikishi Speakeasy

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Bushuuyama, ranked Maegashira last and going MK, dropping to Juryo next basho: "Whatever I try, I can't win. I've got to add some power. The power I have is not enough for Makuuchi. If I don't gambarize next basho I may drop to Makushita.."

Tochiouzan, KK on day 11: "It's been a while.. I am able to barrel forward and attack, and that is good. It's because I managed to do good keiko before the basho."

Wakanosato, MK: "After my 0-7 start, I was just hoping I could hang on till senshuraku, regardless of wins or losses. The rest of the basho is important as well so I will tighten up my spirit!"

Aminishiki, streak stopped at six wins and losing his fifth: "I thought if I won today I'd be able to ease up.. A waterfall of cold water splashed on my Devil of Greed, huh?"

Kotoshougiku, getting his KK together with Asasekiryuu and Tochiouzan, all three graduates of Meitoku High: " I think it's a good sign that all three of us got our KK. I will gambarize and aim for double digits. It was a bit dangerous out there today, but I'm glad I won in the end."

Kotooushuu, getting his KK: "It's just a KK. I'm not planning on easing up.. I'm glad Kotomitsuki has escaped from his kadoban status. He seemed to be impatient at the beginning.."

Harumafuji, injuring his right ankle, and suspected to have a left knee injury as well: "When I fell off the dohyo, I fell on Baruto.. Second loss? I'll just enjoy my sumo from here on.."

KaioU, more wins than losses now, winning by a pull: "I felt a pain in my back during the dohyo-iri. From here it gets tougher.. Day by day, I'll just have to go all out and do my best and hit hard - that should do it.."

Kotomitsuki, escaping kadoban by beating Harumafuji: "I thought I lost when he got the right yotsu and was pushing me back.. I'm really relieved. I'll do my utmost the rest of the way." His son's one year birthday is tomorrow, and he will be at the stadium. Kotomitsuki can look forward to that without any pressure.

Baruto, losing to Hakuhou: "It was totally bad..The Yokozuna has a quick tachi-ai. No comparison.. Now I will have to win the rest of my bouts."

Hakuhou, remembering how he lost to Baruto last basho: "I kept thinking that I won't get into the same situation as last basho. I knew that if I could grab the mawashi, I can still beat Baruto. Still, it's not over yet.."

Musashigawa Rijicho: "It was perfect sumo. He is fulfilling his role as the sole Yokozuna. He seems invincible!"

My wife, very agitated, after a hard day: "Dinner's on the table!! How many times do I have to call you? Are you doing that %%^^ rikishi talk thing again for maybe 7 people max to read?? Idiot!!"

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As one of those alleged seven (I suspect closer to 700) who enjoys these every day during the bashos, thank you.

But it is indeed worth the effort to try to keep wives happy. ;)

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My wife, very agitated, after a hard day: "Dinner's on the table!! How many times do I have to call you? Are you doing that %%^^ rikishi talk thing again for maybe 7 people max to read?? Idiot!!"

Yes, I look forward to the rikishi talk every day of the tournament. So, first, thank you. Second, where's the website for getting spouses interested in sumo!? I'm still at the "why do you like to watch men in diapers stage" of trying to explain my peculiar addiction!


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This is a favorite of mine. Thank you very much for your time and effort.

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please tell your wife that the 7 of us are eternally grateful for her support and your rikishi talk!

if we ever meet, i will have gift in hand for her.


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I read the whole thing four times. So, now it's more than seven.

Just to make sure, I'm gonna read it again.

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Thanks for the support. I showed your replies to my wife. She smiled and said that one of you lot can start making me dinner from now on..

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I registered right now, only to tell that there are probably many thousands who just read the forum without commenting it. I'm very grateful for the live stream. My working day here in Hungary starts every day between 8h-10h a.m. during the basho with watching sumo and when the basho is over I can't wait the next one.

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Thanks for the support. I showed your replies to my wife. She smiled and said that one of you lot can start making me dinner from now on..

Our friends here in Georgia (Scarlett O'Hara's, not Kokkai's) love when we cook Japanese dinners for them. Next time I am in Japan I will be more than happy to cook dinner for you and your wife. If she is real hungry and willing to pay for a ticket I'll hop on the next flight to Narita!

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Thanks for the support. I showed your replies to my wife. She smiled and said that one of you lot can start making me dinner from now on..

Our friends here in Georgia (Scarlett O'Hara's, not Kokkai's) love when we cook Japanese dinners for them. Next time I am in Japan I will be more than happy to cook dinner for you and your wife. If she is real hungry and willing to pay for a ticket I'll hop on the next flight to Narita!

I doubt you'll find me there, as I live on the other side of the globe.. Still, I visit once in a while so we may run into each other yet.

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A day without Rikishi talk is like a day in Hell with large rabbits.

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Thank you for your work on the rikishi talk, which has been excellent and widely appreciated, your wife's reaction notwithstanding.

(Clapping wildly...)

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I'd like to register my thanks to you (and your wife) for this as well! These threads are always one of the things I look forward to most each basho.

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Oh, and a quick search on statsbrain shows that this site is getting somewhere in the region of 3 thousand visits a day, most of whom I'm sure come here exactly for this! (Clapping wildly...)

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