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In my role as okamisan, I hereby wield by virtual broom and admonish following ichimon members:

Yubiquitoyama! A veteran player and still no entry team! What kind of an example do you think you're making for the youngsters!

Furanohana! I know you've been busy with publishing, but we need you to fight for the glory of ichimon!

Kotomimizuku! Is *this* any way for an *oyakata* to behave? Humph.

Zenjimoto! How can the gaming king be late? Go forth and register!

Naifuzan! Sharpen that knife of yours and go!

Mikaazuma! You too? Sigh.

That's six (6!) of SFI members risking kyujo! That's unforgivable! Move!


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Zenjimoto! How can the gaming king be late? Go forth and register!

*whimper* Yes, Ma'am!

Actually, I registered mere seconds after seeing Lenn's message. It really touched me... :-D

I haven't entered any games yet. Usually I wait till pretty late. But I think today is the day! (Sign of approval)


Zenjimoto, the Gaming King

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I'm quite buzy with my "real" work too...

But don't worry, I'll register today. I first have to think of a team, etc (I know I can change it, but I always prefer to have the almost final team as soon as I register).

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Knives sharpened and good to go :-P

I'm feeling a little bit insecure about my team tho. Had a pretty hard time picking my maegashira. Maybe the fact that I refuse to use Miyabiyama has something to do with it. :-P

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