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Have admitted publicly to baseball gambling

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NHK News 7 just announced that the banzuke will not be released Monday as is usual. They will wait until after their "emergency" meeting on Monday. The reporter stated that this would be the first time the banzuke would be delayed since "after World War II". I don't whether that means right after, ten years later or what (Sign of disapproval...) . Maybe Jonosuke can enlighten us on this historic delay, please? Thanks. (I am not worthy...)

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  Peterao said:
Does this mean that the Guess The Banzuke game deadline has been extended?


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The special committee has decided to call on an additional 4 people suspected of baseball gambling who did not come forward like the rest, based on rumors and some Oyakata "turning them in". So that makes it 36. "We have found that some rikishi have been at it for 4-5 years,", said someone close to the investigations. Some of them are being questioned for playing cards for large sums of money as well.

Edited by Kintamayama

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  Kintamayama said:
Toyonoshima's koenkai has announced that it is suspending its activities for now. They added that they will see how he reflects on his anti-social deeds and based on that will decide how they will continue in the future, but they are not disbanding for now.

Hakkakubeya's planned summer training camp at Ikinoshima (Okinoumi's hometown) has been canceled. Their 6th training camp at Otawara has been canceled by the locals as well.

Today is Toyo-chan's birthday!! What a shame this day came to this for him. I tried to call him a few times to wish him a happy birthday but just kept ringing... I hope he'll be ok!!!!

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  Kintamayama said:
"We have found that some rikishi have been at it for 4-5 years,", said someone close to the investigations. Some of them are being questioned for playing cards for large sums of money as well.

The same or another person also mentioned that some of the questioned rikishi were betting several 100,000 yen per day (I hope they mean each day they were betting, not every day...), while the majority were apparently active in the 10,000 - 30,000 yen range.

  Babaryutaikai said:
NHK News 7 just announced that the banzuke will not be released Monday as is usual. They will wait until after their "emergency" meeting on Monday. The reporter stated that this would be the first time the banzuke would be delayed since "after World War II". I don't whether that means right after, ten years later or what (Sign of disapproval...) .

They mean it's the first time after WWII, which generally implies they just don't have good data going back further than that so they can't say when it last happened, just that it wasn't within the last 65 years.

Edited by Asashosakari

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  Kotoviki said:
  Kintamayama said:
Toyonoshima's koenkai has announced that it is suspending its activities for now. They added that they will see how he reflects on his anti-social deeds and based on that will decide how they will continue in the future, but they are not disbanding for now.

Hakkakubeya's planned summer training camp at Ikinoshima (Okinoumi's hometown) has been canceled. Their 6th training camp at Otawara has been canceled by the locals as well.

Today is Toyo-chan's birthday!! What a shame this day came to this for him. I tried to call him a few times to wish him a happy birthday but just kept ringing... I hope he'll be ok!!!!

Oh I think we have to blame mainly Toyonoshima himself for the desaster on his birthday.

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  Fay said:
  Kotoviki said:
  Kintamayama said:
Toyonoshima's koenkai has announced that it is suspending its activities for now. They added that they will see how he reflects on his anti-social deeds and based on that will decide how they will continue in the future, but they are not disbanding for now.

Hakkakubeya's planned summer training camp at Ikinoshima (Okinoumi's hometown) has been canceled. Their 6th training camp at Otawara has been canceled by the locals as well.

Today is Toyo-chan's birthday!! What a shame this day came to this for him. I tried to call him a few times to wish him a happy birthday but just kept ringing... I hope he'll be ok!!!!

Oh I think we have to blame mainly Toyonoshima himself for the desaster on his birthday.

Yes, true they have noone to blame but themselves... On another hand I also feel sorry for them if they were truly addicted to gambling.. I have friends addicted to smoking and drinking thankfully I never tried smoking and I drink only a couple times a year myself... but I can imagine how difficult it is to quit smoking as the same must be true if you try gambling a few times and you can't quit. I knew a man whose wife was addicted to playing slot machines. It is a sickness.... Thank God I'm only addicted to sumo!!! (Sign of approval...)

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Names of the guys out of Nagoya, now semi-official:









Wakakouyuu (surprise!!)













The guy from the Germany -England match

The guy from the Argentina-Mexico match

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What happened to Kotoshogiku, did he wash his hands of it suddenly?

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Extremely bad timing for Futeno to get demoted to makushita based on the Natsu results in case the Nagoya banzuke remains unchanged; the suspension will drop him to low makushita for Aki.

So Masuraumi was the only current or former sekitori at Onomatsu-beya not implicated in this? I need to apologize again for unwittingly and erroneously dragging his brother's name into this the other week.

Edit: If there's a Nagoya basho, everybody in high makushita who finishes 3-4 with so many free sekitori slots available will curse himself. (Go Tsurugidake and Takanoyama! And Shironoryu and Satsumahibiki and Nakanokuni and Tochinowaka and...)

Edited by Asashosakari

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  Fay said:
What happened to Kotoshogiku, did he wash his hands of it suddenly?

I think it was just a rumor and he only played the cards/mahjong. His name surfaced very briefly and then disappeared.

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  Kintamayama said:
  Fay said:
What happened to Kotoshogiku, did he wash his hands of it suddenly?

I think it was just a rumor and he only played the cards/mahjong. His name surfaced very briefly and then disappeared.

Perhaps some guys who were questioned also only admitted to playing briefly long ago; there's quite a difference between the number of listed people and the 36 supposedly questioned about baseball gambling alone, and I doubt they're all either non-sekitori or guys whose gambling ended up being on something different, so there are probably a few who were let off the hook for minor violations.

Edit: Or we just haven't heard about lesser punishments yet because the press is only interested in getting scoops on the suspensions.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Oh great I was only gone a short time and the whole sumo world is going to pieces....

This is a bloody mess (I am not worthy...)

Sorry call me naive but is gambling on a completely unrelated sport like baseball worth all this fuss (Sign of approval...)

All those involved have my full support... (Showing respect...)

(Censored...) the bureacrats....

Edited by Fujisan

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  Kintamayama said:
  Fay said:
What happened to Kotoshogiku, did he wash his hands of it suddenly?

I think it was just a rumor and he only played the cards/mahjong. His name surfaced very briefly and then disappeared.

Probably true, plus he was quickly thrown in with the media since his best friends are in that group of suspensions!!!

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Intresting that there is a lot of talk about this being the end for Kotomitsuki, but I heard nothing about Miyabiyama.

He went 5-10 from Meagashira hittou last tournament, meaning he would be due for a mid-Maegashira rank in Nagoya.

Couple that with a missing basho and he will be in Juryo. Typically ex-Ozeki do not fight there (with only rare exception), so this should be the end for him too.

Any thoughts?

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  Muhomatsu said:
Intresting that there is a lot of talk about this being the end for Kotomitsuki, but I heard nothing about Miyabiyama.

He went 5-10 from Meagashira hittou last tournament, meaning he would be due for a mid-Maegashira rank in Nagoya.

Couple that with a missing basho and he will be in Juryo. Typically ex-Ozeki do not fight there (with only rare exception), so this should be the end for him too.

Any thoughts?

I think he will be treating this as an "injury demotion" and not one of physical weakness, get a 14-1 yusho and return quickly.

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  Kintamayama said:
I think he will be treating this as an "injury demotion" and not one of physical weakness, get a 14-1 yusho and return quickly.

I guess you are still a Miyabeliever?

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  Muhomatsu said:
  Kintamayama said:
I think he will be treating this as an "injury demotion" and not one of physical weakness, get a 14-1 yusho and return quickly.

I guess you are still a Miyabeliever?

Me- a -believer, yes, but in this case, it's the logical thing regardless, I think.

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A thought on how to possibly save the Nagoya basho. Kotomitsuki is the most prominent of those accused and it looks as if nothing can be done to save him. The NSK is looking for a primary scapegoat and he seems to be it. As for the other makunouchi and juryo rikishi involved, let them compete but fine them heavily--possibly a large percentage or even all of their monthly pay. Donate those fines to charity. In addition, when making up the Aki basho banzuke, consider one of their wins in Nagoya to be a loss. In other words, an 8-7 kachi-koshi would be considered for ranking purposes as a 7-8 make-koshi. A 7-8 record would be considered as 6-9. etc. A two loss penalty is also a possibility, but regarding an 8-7 record to be 6-9 for ranking purposes would be extremely severe. The makushita rikishis involved don't earn an official wage but since they only compete seven times, that extra "loss" would hurt them even more than it would makunouchi and juryo rikishis.

This punishment will make the NSK appear to be decisive while avoiding giving anyone involved an 0-0-15 record (or in the case of those in makushita, an 0-0-7 record). It will hurt financially while also impeding, but not destroying, chances for promotion. While this solution makes some sense to me, I have a feeling that many of you will completely disagree. Oh well, at least I tried. :-(

Edited by sekitori

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  Kintamayama said:
  Muhomatsu said:
  Kintamayama said:
I think he will be treating this as an "injury demotion" and not one of physical weakness, get a 14-1 yusho and return quickly.

I guess you are still a Miyabeliever?

Me- a -believer, yes, but in this case, it's the logical thing regardless, I think.

Me too........

Miyabiyamas my favourite of this bunch....

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  Kintamayama said:
The guy from the Germany -England match

The one from 1966 ?

Maybe someon could shed some light on it, but it appears there also some baseball players involved who have already been dismissed. It started with Kotomitsuki and it has opened up a can of worms.

And there is an interesting poll.

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  sekitori said:
In addition, when making up the Aki basho banzuke, consider one of their wins in Nagoya to be a loss. In other words, an 8-7 kachi-koshi would be considered for ranking purposes as a 7-8 make-koshi. A 7-8 record would be considered as 6-9. etc. A two loss penalty is also a possibility, but regarding an 8-7 record to be 6-9 for ranking purposes would be extremely severe. The makushita rikishis involved don't earn an official wage but since they only compete seven times, that extra "loss" would hurt them even more than it would makunouchi and juryo rikishis.

Way too complicated and impractical. If they wanted to achieve something akin to this, they'd just have to give them Roho-style three day suspensions in addition to the salary fine. Stagger them throughout the first week and you even have minimal torikumi disruptions.

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I say make all those implicated kyujo for the first seven days. They all show up starting on nakabi and have to win all their bouts to get a KK or do extremely well to avoid a huge MK. It would make it kind of interesting especially if they start matching them against each other.

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