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Day 1 results and day 2 pairings

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Last basho we had numerous suspensions because of gambling which led to numerous juryo demotions and makuuchi promotions, and it should be interesting to see how the rikishi will fare outside of their usual ranks.

Ex-ozeki Miyabiyama lost his first juryo bout in a while but he met another strong rikishi with Toyonoshima in the marquee juryo matchup today. Goeido, Wakakoyu and Okinoumi won with only Brazilian Kaisei beating a gambler as he won against Toyohibiki with yorikiri. Shin-sekitori Takarafuji won against Nakanokuni, the second Chinese sekitori in a short span while Tochinowaka got a free win over Yamamotoyama. The fourth shin-sekitori Shironoryu won against Sagatsukasa.

In makuuchi ozeki Kaio had his first bout at 38 years as he missed the action on his birthday at day 14 in Nagoya. As he is kadoban, he has to get eight wins this basho or else, and he started well with a lively win against Homasho.

In the last bout Kakuryu gave a good effort to break Hakuho's win streak, but couldn't prevent a good start into the basho for the yokozuna.

Day 1


J14e   Ryuho (1-0)		 yorikiri	   Ms1e   Yoshiazuma (0-1)
J13e   Tochinowaka (1-0)   fusen		  J13w   Yamamotoyama (0-1)
J12w   Takarafuji (1-0)	yorikiri	   J12e   Nakanokuni (0-1)
J11w   Shironoryu (1-0)	oshidashi	  J10w   Sagatsukasa (0-1)
J10e   Asofuji (1-0)	   oshidashi	  J9w	Hoshikaze (0-1)
J8w	Sadanofuji (1-0)	oshidashi	  J9e	Tokushinho (0-1)
J8e	Okinoumi (1-0)	  sukuinage	  J7w	Sakaizawa (0-1)
J7e	Jumonji (1-0)	   tsukiotoshi	J6w	Tamanoshima (0-1)
J6e	Wakakoyu (1-0)	  hatakikomi	 J5w	Sadanoumi (0-1)
J4w	Tamaasuka (1-0)	 yorikiri	   J5e	Shotenro (0-1)
J4e	Kaisei (1-0)		yorikiri	   J3w	Toyohibiki (0-1)
J2w	Wakatenro (1-0)	 hikiotoshi	 J3e	Hochiyama (0-1)
J1w	Toyonoshima (1-0)   uwatenage	  J2e	Miyabiyama (0-1)


J1e	Goeido (1-0)		hikiotoshi	 M17e   Toyozakura (0-1)
M16w   Tosanoumi (1-0)	 hatakikomi	 M16e   Kyokunankai (0-1)
M15e   Gagamaru (1-0)	  yorikiri	   M15w   Kakizoe (0-1)
M14e   Tochinonada (1-0)   sukuinage	  M14w   Tamawashi (0-1)
M13e   Kasugao (1-0)	   yorikiri	   M13w   Sokokurai (0-1)
M12w   Takekaze (1-0)	  oshidashi	  M12e   Koryu (0-1)
M11w   Yoshikaze (1-0)	 yorikiri	   M11e   Kotokasuga (0-1)
M10w   Shimotori (1-0)	 yorikiri	   M10e   Hokutoriki (0-1)
M9e	Kimurayama (1-0)	tsukihiza	  M9w	Bushuyama (0-1)
M8e	Kokkai (1-0)		sukuinage	  M7w	Tosayutaka (0-1)
M7e	Kitataiki (1-0)	 yorikiri	   M6w	Asasekiryu (0-1)

M5w	Hakuba (1-0)		uwatenage	  M6e	Mokonami (0-1)
M5e	Takamisakari (1-0)  oshidashi	  M4w	Aminishiki (0-1)
M4e	Tokusegawa (1-0)	yorikiri	   M3w	Kyokutenho (0-1)
M3e	Kotoshogiku (1-0)   yorikiri	   S1w	Tochiozan (0-1)
M2w	Tochinoshin (1-0)   yorikiri	   S1e	Aran (0-1)
O2w	Kaio (1-0)		  hatakikomi	 M2e	Homasho (0-1)
O2e	Baruto (1-0)		tsukidashi	 M1w	Wakanosato (0-1)
O1w	Kotooshu (1-0)	  uwatenage	  M1e	Tokitenku (0-1)
O1e	Harumafuji (1-0)  shitatedashinage K1e	Kisenosato (0-1)
Y1e	Hakuho (1-0)		yorikiri	   K1w	Kakuryu (0-1)

Day 2


J13e   Tochinowaka (1-0)				  J14e   Ryuho (1-0)
J12w   Takarafuji (1-0)				   J11w   Shironoryu (1-0)
J12e   Nakanokuni (0-1)				   J10w   Sagatsukasa (0-1)
J9e	Tokushinho (0-1)				   J10e   Asofuji (1-0)
J9w	Hoshikaze (0-1)					J8w	Sadanofuji (1-0)
J7e	Jumonji (1-0)					  J8e	Okinoumi (1-0)
J7w	Sakaizawa (0-1)					J6w	Tamanoshima (0-1)
J5e	Shotenro (0-1)					 J6e	Wakakoyu (1-0)
J5w	Sadanoumi (0-1)					J4w	Tamaasuka (1-0)
J3e	Hochiyama (0-1)					J4e	Kaisei (1-0)
J3w	Toyohibiki (0-1)				   J2w	Wakatenro (1-0)
J1e	Goeido (1-0)					   J2e	Miyabiyama (0-1)


J1w	Toyonoshima (1-0)				  M16w   Tosanoumi (1-0)
M15e   Gagamaru (1-0)					 M17e   Toyozakura (0-1)
M16e   Kyokunankai (0-1)				  M15w   Kakizoe (0-1)
M13e   Kasugao (1-0)					  M14w   Tamawashi (0-1)
M14e   Tochinonada (1-0)				  M13w   Sokokurai (0-1)
M11e   Kotokasuga (0-1)				   M12w   Takekaze (1-0)
M12e   Koryu (0-1)						M11w   Yoshikaze (1-0)
M9e	Kimurayama (1-0)				   M10w   Shimotori (1-0)
M10e   Hokutoriki (0-1)				   M9w	Bushuyama (0-1)
M7e	Kitataiki (1-0)					M8e	Kokkai (1-0)
M7w	Tosayutaka (0-1)				   M6w	Asasekiryu (0-1)

M5e	Takamisakari (1-0)				 M6e	Mokonami (0-1)
M5w	Hakuba (1-0)					   M4w	Aminishiki (0-1)
M4e	Tokusegawa (1-0)				   M2w	Tochinoshin (1-0)
S1e	Aran (0-1)						 M3e	Kotoshogiku (1-0)
M3w	Kyokutenho (0-1)				   S1w	Tochiozan (0-1)
O1e	Harumafuji (1-0)				   M2e	Homasho (0-1)
M1w	Wakanosato (0-1)				   O2w	Kaio (1-0)
O2e	Baruto (1-0)					   K1e	Kisenosato (0-1)
K1w	Kakuryu (0-1)					  O1w	Kotooshu (1-0)
Y1e	Hakuho (1-0)					   M1e	Tokitenku (0-1)

Edited by Doitsuyama

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The Aran-Tochinoshin bout was a doozie!

does anybody have a video (link) for this bout? I've missed first day ...

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I didn't see the Kaio/Homsaho match but isn't hatakikomi considered to be a henka-waza technique? Did Kaio just jump out of the way or did he backpedal and let Homasho fall forward? I do not recall Kaio using a henka since I started following sumo at the Fukuoka basho in 2006. Kaio has been one of my top favorites since the beginning and I hope the crafty veteran doesn't have to resort to dodgy techniques to get his 8 wins and stay active for one last run in Kyushu.

P.S. When I previewed the post I didn't mean to use "dodgy" as a pun- it just worked out that way. Gambarre Kaio!

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Did Kaio just jump out of the way or did he backpedal and let Homasho fall forward?

It was of the backpedal and pull down/to the side variety...

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I hope the crafty veteran doesn't have to resort to dodgy techniques to get his 8 wins and stay active for one last run in Kyushu.

I like Kaio as much as the next guy, but I've lost count of how many basho this has already been going on for.. His matches aren't really enjoyable anymore (at least for me), but you can't really fault the guy for it either. In some ways, one more ugly basho is almost (being the key word here) tolerable just for the chance to see him one last time in Fukuoka, since it's the one basho I can actually attend!.

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Ah and just found a link for the Aran - Tochinoshin match. Awesome super chikara badassery ensues:

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Ah and just found a link for the Aran - Tochinoshin match. Awesome super chikara badassery ensues:

thanks fo the link!

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