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Day 10 results and day 11 pairings

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Tochiozan couldn't stop Hakuho's win streak (now at 57 wins) and must wait longer for his kachi-koshi. Baruto, Yoshikaze and Takekaze managed the eighth win today, while Kotooshu is at 9-1 after throwing Kaio to a 5-5 record. Kakuryu won the komusubi match-up with Kisenosato, bringing the Naruto-beya strongman very close to make-koshi. The two shin-makuuchi rikishi can still hope to stay in the top division as both won today. Chinese Sokokurai probably needs just one more win while Kyokunankai must get a 3-2 in the last five bouts.

Toyonoshima still is cruising along in juryo at 10-0, extending his career juryo record to 54-16. Miyabiyama and Goeido stay two wins behind and will quite likely be back in makuuchi next basho. There are no other good promotion candidates though as Toyohibiki is down to 4-6, stopping his four bout win streak, with Wakatenro also at 4-6 after a loss to Gagamaru in makuuchi.

Day 10


J12w   Takarafuji (6-4)	shitatenage	J14e   Ryuho (5-5)
J11w   Shironoryu (7-3)	sukuinage	  J13e   Tochinowaka (4-6)
J9w	Hoshikaze (6-4)	 hikiotoshi	 J10w   Sagatsukasa (3-7)
J8w	Sadanofuji (6-4)	tsukidashi	 J7e	Jumonji (3-7)
J6w	Tamanoshima (6-4)   hikiotoshi	 J6e	Wakakoyu (4-6)
J5w	Sadanoumi (4-6)	 yorikiri	   J12e   Nakanokuni (2-8)
J4e	Kaisei (4-6)		yorikiri	   J4w	Tamaasuka (5-5)
J3e	Hochiyama (3-7)	 yorikiri	   J9e	Tokushinho (1-9)
J7w	Sakaizawa (7-3)	 hikiotoshi	 J3w	Toyohibiki (4-6)
J2e	Miyabiyama (8-2)	hikiotoshi	 J10e   Asofuji (6-4)
J1e	Goeido (8-2)		yorikiri	   J8e	Okinoumi (6-4)
J1w	Toyonoshima (10-0)  oshidashi	  J5e	Shotenro (6-4)


M16e   Kyokunankai (4-6)   uwatedashinage M17e   Toyozakura (4-6)
M15e   Gagamaru (6-4)	  oshidashi	  J2w	Wakatenro (4-6)
M14w   Tamawashi (7-3)	 hatakikomi	 M15w   Kakizoe (3-7)
M13w   Sokokurai (5-5)	 yorikiri	   M11e   Kotokasuga (5-5)
M11w   Yoshikaze (8-2)	 oshidashi	  M14e   Tochinonada (6-4)
M13e   Kasugao (4-6)	   kotenage	   M10e   Hokutoriki (3-7)
M10w   Shimotori (5-5)	 sukuinage	  M16w   Tosanoumi (1-9)
M9w	Bushuyama (4-6)	 hatakikomi	 M12e   Koryu (2-8)
M12w   Takekaze (8-2)	  sukuinage	  M7e	Kitataiki (5-5)
M9e	Kimurayama (7-3)	oshidashi	  M6e	Mokonami (3-7)
M6w	Asasekiryu (6-4)	hatakikomi	 M8e	Kokkai (7-3)

M5w	Hakuba (6-4)		oshidashi	  M7w	Tosayutaka (5-5)
M3e	Kotoshogiku (7-3)   yorikiri	   M5e	Takamisakari (2-8)
M2w	Tochinoshin (6-4)   yorikiri	   M4w	Aminishiki (6-4)
M1w	Wakanosato (1-9)	yoritaoshi	 M1e	Tokitenku (1-9)
K1w	Kakuryu (6-4)	   yorikiri	   K1e	Kisenosato (3-7)
S1e	Aran (4-6)		  oshidashi	  M2e	Homasho (3-7)
O1e	Harumafuji (6-4)	oshidashi	  M4e	Tokusegawa (3-7)
O2e	Baruto (8-2)		tsuridashi	 M3w	Kyokutenho (2-8)
O1w	Kotooshu (9-1)	  uwatenage	  O2w	Kaio (5-5)
Y1e	Hakuho (10-0)	   yorikiri	   S1w	Tochiozan (7-3)

Day 11


J10e   Asofuji (6-4)					  J8w	Sadanofuji (6-4)
J7e	Jumonji (3-7)					  J12e   Nakanokuni (2-8)
J6e	Wakakoyu (4-6)					 J10w   Sagatsukasa (3-7)
J14e   Ryuho (5-5)						J5w	Sadanoumi (4-6)
J5e	Shotenro (6-4)					 J11w   Shironoryu (7-3)
J12w   Takarafuji (6-4)				   J4w	Tamaasuka (5-5)
J4e	Kaisei (4-6)					   J13e   Tochinowaka (4-6)
J9w	Hoshikaze (6-4)					J3w	Toyohibiki (4-6)
J9e	Tokushinho (1-9)				   J2w	Wakatenro (4-6)
J2e	Miyabiyama (8-2)				   J8e	Okinoumi (6-4)
J6w	Tamanoshima (6-4)				  J1w	Toyonoshima (10-0)
J1e	Goeido (8-2)					   J7w	Sakaizawa (7-3)


J3e	Hochiyama (3-7)					M16w   Tosanoumi (1-9)
M17e   Toyozakura (4-6)				   M15w   Kakizoe (3-7)
M15e   Gagamaru (6-4)					 M13w   Sokokurai (5-5)
M11e   Kotokasuga (5-5)				   M14e   Tochinonada (6-4)
M12e   Koryu (2-8)						M10w   Shimotori (5-5)
M10e   Hokutoriki (3-7)				   M16e   Kyokunankai (4-6)
M13e   Kasugao (4-6)					  M9w	Bushuyama (4-6)
M9e	Kimurayama (7-3)				   M14w   Tamawashi (7-3)
M8e	Kokkai (7-3)					   M12w   Takekaze (8-2)
M7e	Kitataiki (5-5)					M7w	Tosayutaka (5-5)
M11w   Yoshikaze (8-2)					M6w	Asasekiryu (6-4)

M3e	Kotoshogiku (7-3)				  M4e	Tokusegawa (3-7)
M2e	Homasho (3-7)					  M6e	Mokonami (3-7)
M5e	Takamisakari (2-8)				 M1w	Wakanosato (1-9)
M1e	Tokitenku (1-9)					M3w	Kyokutenho (2-8)
K1e	Kisenosato (3-7)				   M2w	Tochinoshin (6-4)
M4w	Aminishiki (6-4)				   S1w	Tochiozan (7-3)
M5w	Hakuba (6-4)					   O1w	Kotooshu (9-1)
O1e	Harumafuji (6-4)				   O2w	Kaio (5-5)
O2e	Baruto (8-2)					   K1w	Kakuryu (6-4)
Y1e	Hakuho (10-0)					  S1e	Aran (4-6)

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