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Featured rikishi: Toki

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What about Toki in sumo games? Has he been predictable enough to win points consistently in the games when you use him?

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What about Toki in sumo games?  Has he been predictable enough to win points consistently in the games when you use him?

Overall I think he performs pretty much how you expect him to for the daily games (when he's not injured). He losses consistently against certain opponents and wins consistently against certain others. He's worth adding to your team in Bench Sumo if he's ranked low enough because he'll give you points on at least a couple of days during the tournament. That could come in handy. I wouldn't let him off the bench too often though.

For pre-tournament games like Roto and Hoshitori, he's a bit more of a risk. If he's ranked low enough, he could be worth a pick as he'll likely KK. But, as is the case with all rikishi, only if he's fully healthy.

Edited by Zentoryu

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What about Toki in sumo games?  Has he been predictable enough to win points consistently in the games when you use him?

He hasn't left my Bench Sumo team since I started playing 10 bashos ago... :-)

Mostly because he is Toki, but also partly because he is predictable. Predictability is vital if you want to get in my BS team! :-(

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OK, it's been a bit more than a week now. Perhaps it's time to have a thread on another rikishi and unpin this one?

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Does everyone agree Toki will remain in maegashira for a long time before retiring, or do some think he has a good chance to obtain and retain a sanyaku rank?

Toki had an exceptional 4 basho streak before his shoulder injury in Hatsu. It was the best Toki ever and who is to say he won't ascend to that plateau again now when his shoulder is getting normal.

Maybe time to unpin. New featured rikishi tomorrow! Still feel free to contribute to Toki-thread whenever the opportunity knocks or association comes (You are going off-topic...)

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Amazingly, that's a forum dedicated to base-ball which gives a precious information about Toki's sideburns !

Here's the link and here's what they say :

"Posted 1:18 a.m., January 31, 2003 (#31) - CFiJ

Toki belongs to the Takasago stable. Back in the 70s and early 80s one of Takasago's most prolific wrestlers was Jesse Kuhaulua, aka Takamiyama. Jesse, a native of Hawaii, was the first foreign wrestler to win a tournament. Later, as a stable elder, he recruited Konishiki, and went on to open his own stable and recruited Akebono. Toki has said that the sideburns are partly in reference to Jesse, and partly because it makes him distinctive. Also, while facial hair is not allowed (in general), sideburns are okay. The amazing thing is, Toki's sideburns actually go up! As for other people, there is a new top division wrestler from the Naruto stable named Takanotsuru."

So, according to the member of this base-ball forum, 2 reasons : the reference to Jesse and to be distinctive ! Well, even with no sideburns, Toki would have been distinctive, I think. Rough style, big size, one time orange mawashi, Toki is unique, that's why I like him so much !!!


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Sorry for reviving the old thread but I had to ask this; Have you seen Toki Harited/Slapped Asashoryu? If so how Asa responded?

Edited by hoshidango

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Update 19.3.2006

Since the last post in this thread Toki has lost his regular makuuchi status and has only managed two brief visits to the bottom of makuuchi. He finished the year 2004 with a hapless 2-13 make-koshi at M17, then had couple of kachi koshi in juryo before his second trip to M17 in Natsu where he went 6-9. Since then he has not been able to get back to makuuchi. He had 6-9 and 3-12 records in Nagoya and Aki before surprising everyone with a splendid 12-3 juryo yusho in Kyushui 2005. "Once more I would like to get up to makuuchi" was his comment after the basho but he also stated he has had quite a lot of problems with his back. In Hatsu basho he had to withdraw midway because of spinal stenosis related problems. He was back in Haru basho but stands at 1-7 after 8 days at J10. Unable to do sufficient keiko, he is approaching the end of the line now. Pushing power has gone down and most of his wins nowadays are slap/pulldowns. In his juryo yusho basho in Kyushu he won 9/13 with either a slapdown or a pulldown.

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