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Kaio in 2011

Kaio's annual poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What is in store for Kaio in 2011?

    • He will retire!
    • He will become a yokozuna
    • He will be a good ozeki (mostly 10+ bashos)
    • He will be a mediocre ozeki (mostly 8 or 9 wins)
    • He will barely hang on to his ozeki status (more than one kadoban basho)
    • He will be demoted to Sekiwake
  2. 2. When will Kaio retire?

    • Jan / Feb 2011
    • Mar / Apr 2011
    • May / Jun 2011
    • Jul / Aug 2011
    • Sep / Oct 2011
    • Nov / Dec 2011
    • He won't retire in 2011
  3. 3. How many kachikoshi bashos (8 or more wins) will Kaio have in 2010

    • 6
    • 5
    • 4
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
    • zilch

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Here is the annual 'Kaio Poll' - the Big Daddy of annual polls. This is now its 7th appearance! (Actually 8th, but I'm ignoring the mid-year one back in 2005.)

Previous editions of this poll can be found as below:-







Please put your predictions in the comments below, so we can see who was closest at the end of the 2011.

Edited by Jejima

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Well, although I am sure his time is near, I dare not vote against him, so I say....

He won't retire in 2011. He'll be a mediocre ozeki, with two kadoban bashos - the other four being 8-7 or 9-6 KKs.

Edit: I note that although my meaning should be clear, the above that does not make full sense. It should be he will have two MK bashos that will lead to subsequent kadoban bashos - and the other four being 8-7 or 9-6.

Edited by Jejima

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He'll retire during/after Haru without a 2010 2011 KK. Farewell old warrior!. P.S. I plan on voting the same way in this poll next year!

Just for honesty's sake, I cut and pasted this from last year's Kaio poll. I'm not sure I believe it, but at least I'm being true to my word...

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Gonna repeat my winning vote from last year, too...5 KK mired in mediocrity. I think he's got his sights set on competing at least to 40 now, so no retirement next year, not even post-Fukuoka.

(The dates in the middle poll need updating.)

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  Asashosakari said:
(The dates in the middle poll need updating.)

Updated (Shaking head...)

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Won't retire + 5 kachikoshi + mediocre performance.

He'll compete till the end of the world ( 2012 (Shaking head...) )

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  Asashosakari said:
Gonna repeat my winning vote from last year, too...5 KK mired in mediocrity. I think he's got his sights set on competing at least to 40 now, so no retirement next year, not even post-Fukuoka.

I second the above. 5kk, mostly 8 or 9 wins, no retirement yet.

Let's go Oshio Kaio!

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Think I went with retire, May-June, 1 KK, but I forgert. Never been close on this one.

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Bump! Poll will be in closing in a few days time....

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There seems to be a split in whether Kaio will finally retire this year (the percentage is down on previous years), or whether he will be a mediocre Ozeki.

If he were to retire (and half of us think he won't), Nov/Dec is the most popular pick - although early 2011 (March - June) has more picks in total.

Nearly half of us think that he will get 5 KKs!

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How was Kaio's year in 2011?

Jan - O1E 9-6

Mar - basho cancelled

May - O1W 9-6

Jul - O2E 3-8 intai (Sad goodbyes...)

So, he finally retired - as predicted by 42% of us.

Nobody predicted July as the month for his retirement (Kaio once again finding a way to dumbfound us).

He managed 2 kachikoshi bashos, which can be 'adjusted' to 2.67 (or 3) if we take into account the cancelled basho. 8% predicted 2 KKs, and 8% predicted 3 KKs - so we were mostly out.

He wasn't really close - but he was closer than the rest, so the final Kaio poll yusho goes to Asojima. B-)

Well, this poll after 7 years is also going to be retired. B-)

There are some other annual polls, that it would be great for you to vote on - as the stats are much more interesting when they are statistically significant.

For your ease, here they all are:-->





Top of the Jan 2013 Banzuke

2012 Yusho winners

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