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Hatsu Basho 2003

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Well, I adviced everybody to catch the free programs broadcasted by the nhk_logo.gif via satellite and especially, from 11.20 to 11.25 CET, it's short but a little time after the basho, they put some interviews and yesterday, they broadcasted 3 bouts : Takanohana Vs. Dejima, Asashoryu Vs. Takanowaka and Kotoryu Vs. Kasugao.

The last one was an intensive match and even if the Korean lost it, he was very strong, energic, fast and he will be a tough opponent and will settle down in Makuuchi, no doubt about it. Very intensive bout involving the Japanese Yokozuna but very difficult to watch who really touched the ground the first with the images proposed by the NHK. I wish Eurosport could propose other images.

If you can't watch that appointment on NHK, try to watch their news & sports, later, with the top clash of the day.

I really appreciated Asashoryu's 3rd day winning bout by okuritaoshi Vs. Miyabiyama, which really gave the impression Miya weighed 50 kilos less than his real weight, the Mongolian is so strong !

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Latest about Sumo ...

I've just found a new web site listed nowhere, which is certainly among one of the most beautiful web sites dedicated to Sumo and to promote Sumo and especially in Holland. So, it's a Dutch web site.

Just look at this marvel ... (ya need Flash, BTW)


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Well, 8th day of the Hatsu Basho 2003, it's 9:22 AM CET, I'm waiting for the Iwakiyama Vs Toki bout thanks to the automatical reloaded page on Kyokai web site ... Can't catch the streaming ... It's always said "The server session limit was exceeded." oh dear ...

Come on, Toki ! You can still make kachi-koshi !

I'm crossing the fingers ...

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Trying to avoid the spoilers (like I failed to do in the past), I will write here and only here ! :-D

From Topic above, about Takanohana & retirement.

I still think its a two horse race between Takanohana and Asashyru

I would add Dejima who could be a possible pretender too and who was strong and impressive Vs. Takanohana yesterday. This is maybe his revival, who knows ? Though, the problem is the statistics. Certainly, no ex-Ozeki winning a basho in the past ? Who knows if this had already happened ?

That's why, I would predict, for the Yusho :

Asashoryu 5 to 4

Takanohana 20 to 1

Dejima 20 to 1

Kotomitsuki 25 to 1

Wakanosato 35 to 1

Takamisakari 50 to 1

So, Asashoryu already kachi-koshi after 8 days and almost Yokozuna. His only opponent will be himself. He has to avoid injury !

Well, sad basho on top, but good basho at the bottom with Takanotsuru and Kasugao good performers, Kotoryu and Takamisakari very good, Kyokutenho confirming he can become a regular Sanyaku but to me, the revealation is Iwakiyama. To be 5-3 up as W-M5 after 8 days, it's very good.

Strange basho made by Tochinonada : 4 defeats in a row at the start, and now 4 wins in a row ...

To talk about Dejima again, notice during this tournament he already fought Asashoryu (his loss) and he gained important and significant wins against Kotomitsuki, Takanowaka, Tochiazuma, Takanohana. Well, well, well ... Great performance for a decadent ex-Ozeki !

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Asashoryu 5 to 4

Takanohana 20 to 1

Dejima 20 to 1

Kotomitsuki 25 to 1

Wakanosato 35 to 1

Takamisakari 50 to 1

I'd say "20 to 1" odds for Takanohana miss one or two zeros after 2. Some laws of physic are valid even in the case of living sumo god Takanohana. He has no strength left. He is simply WEAK.

Wakanosato is the main yusho hunter now with Dejima. Wakanosato has his bout against Asashoryu left and assuming he wins it (Even rivalry) it could still be a close one. Shoryu is overwhelming favourite but is definitely stoppable as Tokitsuumi showed today.

The level of competition is tragicomic. Musoyama is a shadow wrestling with either greatly worsened back (gesture language indicates to that IMO) or some other injury, Kotomitsuki has one elbow and Takanohana, Kaio, Taikai, Azuma, Miyabiyama....

I don't like the prospects of Musoyama, Tochiazuma, Kotomitsuki. All have nagging problems with bodyparts. Kaio is often mentioned as injury plagued but Azuma and Musoyama (if his back indeed has worsened again) are the ozeki with poorest prospects now when it comes to regaining peak. Kotomitsuki might recover fully but the extent of that elbow pain suggests a more serious process going on inside that joint. Kotonishiki was a victim of degenerative elbow cartilage which isn't what yotsu-rikishi wants. Lets hope for the best though.

Strange basho made by Tochinonada : 4 defeats in a row at the start, and now 4 wins in a row

Not so strange to Mr Unpredictable. I hope they put him up against Asashoryu at some point....

To talk about Dejima again, notice during this tournament he already fought Asashoryu (his loss) and he gained important and significant wins against Kotomitsuki, Takanowaka, Tochiazuma, Takanohana. Well, well, well ... Great performance for a decadent ex-Ozeki !  

Dejima's health and mood is better than in ages. He was all smiles in one article after a long era of miserable sumo-agony. De-ashi works and power enters the body well. Bunny hops mediate the power of those fully genki massive muscles cells of his thighs.

Iwakiyama is strong!

Akinoshima has been carrying a knee injury according to Mainichi shimbun.

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Trying to avoid the spoilers (like I failed to do in the past), I will write here and only here ! :-D

This is Kotoseiya's trial basho where he lets us write freely without having to think about whether it's a spiiler or not, to check whether anyone reacts. So it should be okay wherever you post, at least for this basho :-D

From Topic above, about Takanohana & retirement.

I still think its a two horse race between Takanohana and Asashyru

I REALLY doubt that, with Takanohana being four wins behind Asashoryu, and not looking good. While I early-on believed Takanohana might be a spoiler this last loss against Aminishiki should definitely be the last nail in the coffin on Taka's yusho chances, but hopefully it won't necessarily mean intai, although it doesn't look good. 11-4 simply doesn't win yusho (well, it has twice, but since we're talking about a period of some 50 years, that's not often...).

I would add Dejima who could be a possible pretender too and who was strong and impressive Vs. Takanohana yesterday. This is maybe his revival, who knows ? Though, the problem is the statistics. Certainly, no ex-Ozeki winning a basho in the past ? Who knows if this had already happened ?

Kaiketsu did in 1976 between his two Ozeki-periods.

That's why, I would predict, for the Yusho :

Asashoryu 5 to 4

Takanohana 20 to 1

Dejima 20 to 1

Kotomitsuki 25 to 1

Wakanosato 35 to 1

Takamisakari 50 to 1

Dejima, as being the only one on 7-1 should definitely be the leading contender. If anything, him being a past Ozeki should make his chances BIGGEr, since then his quality in a non-injured state is well documented.

The main problem for most other contenders is simply that they are already too much behind, and Asashoryu must start losing big, which in the environment right now seems unlikely. I would add Wakanosato to the possible yusho contenders, but I think that's pretty much it. Takanotsuru and Takamisakari is not that bad, but I doubt they can keep going without further losses. So my prediction would be something like:

Asashoryu 5 to 4

Dejima 10 to 1

Wakanosato 25 to 1

Takamisakari 100 to 1

Kotomitsuki 100 to 1

The rest: 999 to 1

Strange basho made by Tochinonada : 4 defeats in a row at the start, and now 4 wins in a row ...

I'm just waiting for Kaikitsune's take on that. :-D

To talk about Dejima again, notice during this tournament he already fought Asashoryu (his loss) and he gained important and significant wins against Kotomitsuki, Takanowaka, Tochiazuma, Takanohana. Well, well, well ... Great performance for a decadent ex-Ozeki !

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Trying to avoid the spoilers (like I failed to do in the past), I will write here and only here !

Don't worry about spoilers, there is no need for them this basho by decree of the Rijicho. So post whatever you want wherever you want.

I still think its a two horse race between Takanohana and Asashoryu

Not a chance. Taka is toast at this point. He looked weak against a supposedly injured Aminishiki.

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At last ! I can watch the live streaming at last !

Well, for day 9, both first fights were very ordinary, but the third one was outstanding :

Takanotsuru with his red mawashi looking like Toki, but fighting a tsuppari-less style Vs. Otsukasa who gave him a lot of tsuppari, a bit like Toki, usually. Strange impression. The problem was Otsukasa looked like a child face to a very tall and big Takanotsuru and was moving back because of the power of Tsuru.

The fight after, Kasugao was amazing, as ever. He had like a flash and he knew how to do to surprise Kasuganishiki, the elastic-man, who stretches backwards his long arms during the concentration time.

The Tamarikido Vs. Gojoro bout was outstanding. Gojoro used his long arms - deployed lengthwise - to control the situation and to get rid of the opponent. The bout was very short and fast. Sorry, but he really reminded me Blanka, as afficionado of Street Fighter II.

Very close bout between Tochinonada and Kotoryu. Tochinonada helped by his bulky body to be advantaged during the bout.

Very significant Akinoshima Vs. Shimotori bout. Akinoshima looking fragile, breakable, the head down, completely surrounded, dominated by Shimotori.

Takamisakari was very very impressive Vs. Wakanoyama. He resisted to Wakanoyama super dash from the start and right after controling this, he pushed him back with an outstanding power from nowhere to win the bout !

9th defeat for Toki who couldn't do nothing to Dejima who was really too strong, too fast to him.

These last basho, Kyokushuzan wasn't so present that he was especially for this bout against Tosanoumi, he really trashed Tosanoumi, violently, strongly ! Very impressive when you know the difference of weight.

Same impression to Takanowaka Vs. Iwakiyama. Takanowaka even managed to lift him up during a short time.

After this bout, Takanohana's intai was announced and Kotonowaka winning by fusen.

Musoyama was very disappointing Vs. Tokitsuumi. He seemed to search for a strength he never found back.

Finally, Kaiho created the huge sensation, resisting to Asashoryu's undertakings and at the end he managed to export the fight at the edge of the North-West part of the dohyo, still hardly resisting to the attacks with Asashoryu in front of him and finally, Asashoryu touched the outside the first. Big surprise. Dejima co-leading the basho after day 9, would you believe it ?

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Guest Kyukenzan

Ow, I couldn't watch the live streaming today. Couldn't even access the Kyokai's site (and still can't), seems to be rather busy. I wonder why?  :-D

I take it from your description that Tsuru won his bout. Oh, how I wanted to see it...

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Otsukasa Vs Tsuru looked like a Takatoriki Vs Akebono bout ... Tsuru, a giant for Otsukasa !

Well, for the streaming, my feeling is we have to catch the streaming the earlier as possible to keep it. When they clean the dohyo during a certain time, after the Juryo bouts, it's possible to catch, but if we come too late, for the beginning of the first bout, that could be overloaded !

That was my problem two days ago. Unfortunately, tomorrow, due to professionnal reasons, I should leave home early and I will miss it ! So, you've got at least one viewer in less !  :-D

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Guest Kyukenzan

Usually I catch the streaming right when the makuuchi bouts start, but today I (shame on me) overslept. Well, I guess the bouts be up for download in a not too far away future :)

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Well, day 11 in live streaming ... at last !

For people who missed it, here come Hoshifransu's basic comments :

It began by a very expected bout (to me) : Otsukasa Vs Takekaze. Very similar bodies : small wrestlers with big stomachs  :-0 and same style : tsuppari, head bangings, oshi-power, etc.. At this game, the man with the red mawashi, the young Takekaze, is the best of the two ... He always had the advantage during the fight !

After that one, we had Buyuzan Vs. elastic man Kasuganishiki. When he stretches deeply backwards his long arms, you know the fight will begin right after this !

Well, Kasuganishiki just seemed more powerful than a very very disappointing Buyuzan, and very fast bout, by both wrestlers. Very impressive tachi-ai, very fast start.

After this one, we had Jumonji Vs. Kinkaiyama. Intelligent fight made by Jumonji and especially at the end when he caught Kinkaiyama (who had advanced too much) to put him out of the dohyo !

After this one, we had Tochinonada beating Kobo very easily. A difference of level, mainly due to the size. Kobo tried a start to the left but Tochinonada managed to control him and to push him (in front of him) easily out of the dohyo. Takamisakari Vs Tochinohana was the best fight we had up to that moment. Very uncertain bout, very tight, but Tochinohana always had the control and Takamisakari just couldn't find more strength to overcome.

Just after, the japanese public was focused on a very famous Black man, famous actor (?) sportsman (?) I don't know, shame on me (!) but he was recognized by everybody (except me) !

After, we had Kotoryu beating Gojoro. Kotoryu decided to be very tight, very close to Gojoro to stop, to prevent from his usual powerful tsuppari, and Kotoryu did what he wanted to do with him.

After that one, we had an endless bout between Tamanoshima and Kasugao. Both wrestlers tried a lot of holds but each time both managed to hold on and to avoid to touch the ground and finally, the bout finished by an impossible-to-see-who-touched-the-ground-the-last and the judges gave it to the South Korean but it was really really impossible to see.

After, we had a more inspired Shimotori than Tamarikido.

And a very interesting one just after : Takanotsuru Vs. Kyokushuzan. Terrific size, very impressive Takanotsuru who led the fight, pushing the Mongolian, but each time Kyokushuzan managed to put the fight to the center of the dohyo, after that, Tsuru started to lift up Shuzan. To try to do it but Shuzan made the impossible to avoid this and he managed to avoid this. Into a last attempt of lift, the Mongolian moved backwards very fast, so that Tsuru was surprised and he managed to involve Tsuru to a crash in front of him !

After that one, we had an easy win to Wakanoyama who did what he wanted with Aminishiki, not inspired and who tried anything to avoid the defeat.

After, we had Akinoshima Vs Toki. A very classic one. Toki giving a lot of tsuppari and Akinoshima suffering from that treatment but holding on and at the end he tried a grasp at the edge of the dohyo but Toki managed to keep his big weight on him and Akinoshima was forced to touch the ground the first and his arm was prisoner of this failed grasp during a little time, and he suffered from this bad reception with Toki on him !

2 in a row to Toki, here we go for a long run !

After this one, we found back the old good Dejima. Strong oshi-power, like before. Like Chiyotaikai, he comes to the opponent like a rocket and it was fast and tight because Dejima crashed to the ground when Kyokutenho was already out of the dohyo ! And a 10th one for Dejima !

Kotonowaka's fans will be happy with that next one : he was very very impressive against Tosanoumi. Both heavy and large wrestlers but Kotonowaka taller and both were pushing themselves in a slow fight when Kotonowaka managed to grip the Tosanoumi's mawashi and to throw him violently on his left ... into the public. Great display of power made by the veteran. He's got golden years to come !

Next fight was a very difficult one to Wakanosato. Tokitsuumi resisted very well to his great power and we had a typical yotsu-zumo fight, both with their hands on the opponent's mawashi trying to lift the other up, to move the opponent. Finally, it finished very strangely, both falling at the same time and the judges had a difficult decision to take and they gave it to Wakanosato (who had dominated the bout).

Next fight was Hokutoriki Vs. Kotomitsuki. Hokutoriki chasing after Mickey with violent tsuppari and at the very last moment, Mickey managed to move and to trap springing Hokutoriki, going out of the dohyo !

Takanowaka gained a new dimension : hard and long bout, with Takanonami trying to hold the arms of Takanowaka meanwhile they were pushing so strong against each other to put the opponent out, and after a long display of power, Takanowaka had the last word. Very tough fight. Top fight.

After, we had Kaiho Vs. Musoyama. Very short bout. Kaiho was twisted by Musoyama who easily sent him out of the limits. Very disappointing bout for Kaiho after his fantastic win a couple of days ago against Asashoryu.

Asashoryu, precisely had to fight Iwakiyama for the very last bout. A lot of banners (at least 10) for that one !

Asashoryu too shrewd for Iwakiyama. He managed to catch Iwakiyama's right leg, which unbalanced him a bit and right after this moment, he got rid of him, pushing him out of the dohyo. Too fast to understand what happened to him !

So, no doubt Asashoryu remains the big favourite, even if Dejima and Wakanosato remain serious contenders !

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Just after, the japanese public was focused on a very famous Black man, famous actor (?) sportsman (?) I don't know, shame on me (!) but he was recognized by everybody (except me) !

I don't know why the name of Shaquille O'Neal came into my mind. He looked tall enough to be a basketball player. I'm probably wrong, though. But I do know Michael Jackson he wasn't. :-D

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No, it wasn't Shaq, although there were some similarities.  Some other guy I had never really heard of, I forget the name.  Maybe tonight when I watch my recording I'll jot it down.

What I didn't like was the fact that the crowds seemed to be more interested in this guy than the sumotori... yet another sign of the decline of sumo in Japan, as it loses popularity to the "western" sports? :(



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Well, I didn't see him, but Shaq it wasn't, he is on duty playing basketball for the Lakers. My instant guess would be that he is playing in the Japanese baseball league? Or even an MLB player, like Barry Bonds? As we know, Sumo stands no chance in popularity compared to baseball, Takanohana or not.

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It was Bob Sapp, a K-1 fighter. He had an horrible style. He's an ex-NFL player. 2.05m and 170kg!

He's very popular in Japan!

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What I didn't like was the fact that the crowds seemed to be more interested in this guy than the sumotori... yet another sign of the decline of sumo in Japan, as it loses popularity to the "western" sports? :(



Zenji, it didn't have anything to do with western sports/sumo's decline, and everything to do with celebrity.

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There'd probably be more excitement, in fact.

Well, I exchange all our boring soccer players against their exciting sumotori !

When you go to the Kokugikan, you know you're going to see rikishi

BTW, d'ya know Kokugikan had its own web site ? Check it out here !

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So, Day 12 !

Well, I advice to everybody who want to be sure to catch the "live" streaming to refresh the Juryo results page (when it is not sometimes) and when the last result for the last fight appears, they give the "kick-off" for the streaming and hurry up ! Do it !

After this, the ring entering ceremony, some talks and heeeeeere we go !

So, from the moment I can catch it and watch it, so, these are my very basic comments :

First bout : Tamarikido (blue mawashi) Vs. Aogiyama (black mawashi)

Tamarikido, the most motivated of the two, just before the tachi-ai, Aogiyama threw an unconvincing hand of salt and during the bout, he gave unconvincing and weak tsuppari, meanwhile he had to move backwards because of that ... No problem for Tamarikido or for anybody else. Very poor performance from Aogiyama.

After this one, it was Kobo Vs. Komahikari.

Good start for Kobo who controlled well the hands and the arms of the opponent but not his power and so he was pushed by him and he lost the advantage he finally lost. Good win for Komahikari. Soon in Makuuchi ?

Next : Kinkaiyama (the return) Vs. Tochinohana

Same start as the previous one. Though Kinkaiyama managed to keep control of his opponent and to lock his arms and to push forward and to win !

Well, Kinkaiyama looks bulkier than before !

It's good to see him back !

Next : Jumonji Vs. veteran Akinoshima

Well, good head to head, they were pushing against eachothers when Jumonji, surprisingly, touched the ground with his knee ... Akinoshima remaining a rough opponent at 35 years !

Next : Kasuganishiki Vs. Kotoryu

I really love when Kasuganishiki is bent backwards like a tree, before the fight ! Unfortunately, he wasn't rough like a tree during it, though he wasn't bad, but after many pushes, Kotoryu, bulkier of the two, logically won it.

Next : Hokutoriki Vs. Tochinonada

This could have been a Sanyaku clash, and it was a low Maegashira bout !

This was in fact the same scenario as previously : a lot of pushes and tsuppari and the heavier won : Tochinonada by oshidashi !

Tactically, it was a bad solution to Hokutoriki.

So, 8 wins in a row to him, after 4 defeats in a row at the beginning, would you believe it ?

Next one : Kasugao Vs. Kyokushuzan

Kyokushuzan dominating that one from the start to the end ! He almost won by a slap down at the back of Kasugao's neck and he lost no time to keep that advantage and to drive him out of the dohyo and to get rid of him, definitely, with a classic uwatenage.

Next : Aminishiki Vs. Otsukasa

Otsukasa on his way down ! How could he be dominated like this by Aminishiki, the technician, who, very surprisingly, practiced an oshi-zumo style against him, and the light Aminishiki pushed weak Otsukasa where he wanted ! Don't put Otsukasa on any of your predictions in the various games, he's simply too weak and out of play !

Next : Wakanoyama Vs. Tokitsuumi

As always, like a bull, Wakanoyama goes straight to the opponent and with all his weight, he pushes forward and when he's in control, he wins. Tokitsuumi played well, he tried a lot of twists, but Wakanoyama was simply too strong that time !

Next one :

Kotonowaka Vs. Gojoro

Despite some good tsuppari attacks at the start by Gojoro (as ever) Kotonowaka controlled all the bout. It was the real first Yotsu-zumo bout of the day, in Makuuchi, both wrestlers having the hands on the opponent's belt and Kotonowaka helped by his strong left leg put ahead and by all his weight, pushed forward and drived Gojoro easily out of the limits. Kotonowaka just too strong !

Next : Takanotsuru Vs. Dejima

Tsuru just too strong, too powerful to Dejima ! Classic pushing bout with Tsuru driver (not Taxi driver) of the pair !

Kyokutenho Vs. Tamanoshima

Kyokutenho is simply a class, a level above. It was a fight with a lot of pushes and attempts to keep the opponent's belt in possession and Kyokutenho was just too experimented and too fast to him.

Tosanoumi Vs. Toki

As always, same tactic for Toki : the tsuppari, unfortunately Tosanoumi is not the type of opponent who could lose because of this. Tosa didn't ask any question, he pushed forward and it was an easy win. Toki understood there was nothing to do against such a hard and bulky opponent.

Takanonami Vs. Iwakiyama

Takanonami usually loves to lock the opponent's arms and to move him. Against Iwakiyama, it was difficult because Iwakiyama is certainly too large and too powerful, but when Nami caught Yama's belt, he managed to push easily and to get rid of him ! It's great what he still can do at his

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Re: Takanowaka vs. Musoyama

I truly believe that this was a severe error by the shimpan, there never should have been a repeat match.  The replay CLEARLY showed that Takanowaka was standing on TOP of the tawara when Musoyama's knee touched down inside the dohyo.  It wasn't even CLOSE.  Seemed like an eternity in the replay.  I have no idea what they were smoking on this one... perhaps wanting to prevent all their Ozeki from being kadoban... :(



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@Zenjimoto: No, they wanted to save the tate-gyoji from the embarassment to overrule his decision as he is retiring after this basho. He'll be 65 on February 1st.

@Hoshifransu: What the hell are you talking? You can watch the stream much earlier than with the end of Juryo. In fact it is always starting with the Juryo dohyo-iri which is about 6:45am French time. Just open Windows Media Player, choose File / Open URL... and enter the URL mms:// You will never have problems entering it this way. If it isn't working then it was too early.

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Thanks Fransu always for the comments of the bouts!

This was in fact the same scenario as previously : a lot of pushes and tsuppari and the heavier won : Tochinonada by oshidashi !

Tactically, it was a bad solution to Hokutoriki.

So, 8 wins in a row to him, after 4 defeats in a row at the beginning, would you believe it ?

I would believe it. I believe in Nada being an unbelievable rikishi in many ways. 4 straight feeble losses followed by some major domination over the next 8 victorious bouts is not that odd when the rikishi concerned is Mr Unpredictable. Also Hokutoriki's only chance against Tochinonada is oshi as Nada would eat him for dinner if bout went to mawashi so tactically I doubt Hoku did anything wrong.

Next : Takanotsuru Vs. Dejima

Tsuru just too strong, too powerful to Dejima ! Classic pushing bout with Tsuru driver (not Taxi driver) of the pair !

Dejima's pushing wasn't very effective today. Takanotsuru forced the bout to belt pretty easily and pressed Deji down. I couldn't quite understand how Naruto-oyakata could say that Takanotsuru is even a lot more talented than either Wakanosato or Takanowaka but this basho Tsuru has shown some of that hidden talent. He is often rock solid.

So, it was decided of a torinaoshi !

That time, Musoyama won it with the same great power, despite the fact Takanowaka tried to divert him.

Despite the controversy of the dotai (looked like Taka got it with big margin), Musoyama has revived a lot of his strength after looking like Musoyama of Nagoya 2000 when he went 4-11 at fresh ozeki due to back problems.

very malicious and defensive Takanowaka.


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I have to say I respect Takanotsuru more now.  Dejima is ex-ozeki, very strong this basho, but 'tsuru beat him, and it wasn't a very close match.  Very nice.  And he even has sideburns  :-D

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