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Sumo broadcasts on TV Japan delayed by one hour

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In the past, the live broadcasts started here in Los Angeles at 11 PM Pacific Standard Time or 4 PM Japan Standard Time, a difference of 17 hours. When daylight savings time began in the spring, the starting time was changed to 12 AM, a difference of 16 hours. Standard time went into effect last Sunday but I noticed that the start of the sumo broadcasts for the Kyushu basho remained at 12 AM as it did during daylight savings time. I contacted TV Japan to find out the reason. This is what they told me:

"Since we have been getting a lot of complaints from subscribers regarding major schedule changes made during winter time from the past few years, we have decided to keep the basic programming schedule the same as summer time. For this reason, Grand Sumo tournament broadcasting schedule will remain the same. This means the Sumo tournament will not be aired live, but aired 1 hour later. (Same goes to NHK live news)"

So from now on, you won't see live sumo on TV Japan from the Kyushu and Hatsu bashos any longer. Since I always record the bouts for viewing later, that will make no difference to me. But if you've gotten used to viewing those bashos live on TV Japan, you'll have to put up with one-hour-old sumo instead. However, live sumo will return with the Haru basho and will remain live until the next Kyushu basho.

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This will become a serious customer issue once the next earthquake or other news crisis hits Japan, and TV Japan thinks their customers are going to wait an hour for NHK news feeds.

Appreciate your reporting this, I will call TV Japan this evening, and ask my wife to do the same (as they are more likely to take seriously complaints from their Nihonjin customers).

In the past, the live broadcasts started here in Los Angeles at 11 PM Pacific Standard Time or 4 PM Japan Standard Time, a difference of 17 hours. When daylight savings time began in the spring, the starting time was changed to 12 AM, a difference of 16 hours. Standard time went into effect last Sunday but I noticed that the start of the sumo broadcasts for the Kyushu basho remained at 12 AM as it did during daylight savings time. I contacted TV Japan to find out the reason. This is what they told me:

"Since we have been getting a lot of complaints from subscribers regarding major schedule changes made during winter time from the past few years, we have decided to keep the basic programming schedule the same as summer time. For this reason, Grand Sumo tournament broadcasting schedule will remain the same. This means the Sumo tournament will not be aired live, but aired 1 hour later. (Same goes to NHK live news)"

So from now on, you won't see live sumo on TV Japan from the Kyushu and Hatsu bashos any longer. Since I always record the bouts for viewing later, that will make no difference to me. But if you've gotten used to viewing those bashos live on TV Japan, you'll have to put up with one-hour-old sumo instead. However, live sumo will return with the Haru basho and will remain live until the next Kyushu basho.

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"Since we have been getting a lot of complaints from subscribers regarding major schedule changes made during winter time from the past few years, we have decided to keep the basic programming schedule the same as summer time. For this reason, Grand Sumo tournament broadcasting schedule will remain the same. This means the Sumo tournament will not be aired live, but aired 1 hour later. (Same goes to NHK live news)"

after reading this i was checking the jstv-site (this is the broadcaster in europe)....and alas, they also delay the broadcast one there is two delayed one hour after the action on jstv2 and one in the afternoon on jstv1......

are they nuts?

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