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One valentine down: we now have a calendar. Have fun. (Online too long...)

Great..All my years of work down the drain-all rikishi birthdays gone. I am never touching the calendar dials again. Let someone else do that labor of love.

Nobody appreciated it anyway. And oh, I forgot- Nobody loves me!!

Edited by Kintamayama

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Nice look! Much, much better than the old frozen tundra blue. Nice to see some white. Good choice

I respectfully disagree, the old softer blue was easy on the eyes. This upgrade looks like gmail and youtube, both of which got recent similar looking updates, both look worse now.

Another forum I frequent uses IPB , it was updated too and sadly, it too looks worse. The IPB designers must be trying to justify their jobs.

Anyway, now we are updated now, such is life,...... though went straight to the bottom to activate the mobile theme but its not there! the one decent feature of this new IPB layout is the themes, specifically mobile themes! (also perhaps in the future a legacy sumo form theme can be made :-D

Please activate the mobile themes, w were denied access to tapatalk, please give us mobile themes.

Edited by sekihiryu

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How can I change the number of posts on one page? I used to see tens of them before they went to a second page, now a second page is made after only five posts? That will drive me crazy when we have an interesting thread for sure..

I always have every forum on I am on maxed out, I hate clicking next page when there are 500, 1000 + replies. I scroll, not click. After a quick search I learned that this upgrade apparently doesnt allow you to change the post per page setting. WTF? that has seriously put me a bad mood. I officially have the shits with IPB. give me vBulletin any day, it's so much better.

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One valentine down: we now have a calendar. Have fun. (Online too long...)

Great..All my years of work down the drain-all rikishi birthdays gone. I am never touching the calendar dials again. Let someone else do that labor of love.

Nobody appreciated it anyway. And oh, I forgot- Nobody loves me!!

I unclogged the pipes--and now they're back again. We all love you, old man. :-D

please give us mobile themes.


I always have every forum on I am on maxed out, I hate clicking next page when there are 500, 1000 + replies. I scroll, not click. After a quick search I learned that this upgrade apparently doesnt allow you to change the post per page setting. WTF? that has seriously put me a bad mood. I officially have the shits with IPB. give me vBulletin any day, it's so much better.

There are less settings in 3.2 than in 2.3. Might I suggest giving Invision some feedback? The development for the next version is still ongoing, so it's not too late.

Another, perhaps browser-related issue - was the standard encoding of the old forum version also UTF-8? I get lots of funky encoding errors in my old PM's thanks to their featuring a lot of umlauts which I can only fix by switching to ISO-8859 and the like. Conversion issue with old database content...?

Seems that the time is not ripe for UTF-8 yet. Moving back to ISO-8859-1.

I'm afraid to look at the collegiate sekitori thread now...

The chance would be a fine thing - I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to access the first page; second page works fine. Have you broken our nice new forum already? :-D

Wait, how many tags are there in that thr...OH DEAR LORD! :-O

OK, the thread is back. It's locked for the moment, and you are advised not to touch anything while we figure out what to do with it. (Over 5000 tags? (Blinking...) The software has a limit of 500 per post. What are you, crazy?)

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yay we have mobile theme! that has put me in a better mood. Thanks!

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Just noticed the japanese standard time clock at the top of the page, a very nice touch :)

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What does it say when you hover over it? The UI seems pretty good about tool-tips

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What does it say when you hover over it? The UI seems pretty good about tool-tips

True, but in this case there is no tool tip, at least not in my browser. The name of the actual graphic is simply "icon_tag.png", which offers no explanation either.

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Apparently it's supposed to introduce words that the topic was tagged with. The following animation shows there is (or was?) a bug associated with that when topics get moved, making the icon appear even if no tags exist - not sure if that's what has happened here. It does show what tagged topics are supposed to look like, anyway, so it should answer your question. :-)

Edited by Asashosakari

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Mod notices are ugly! See. :-(

Used the ol' mod tag...

Edited by Manekineko

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What a surprise! :-D Suddenly I found messages easily readable (Reading book...) on my Palm Pre! (Clapping wildly...) (Clapping wildly...) (Clapping wildly...)

Nice and great work , thanks!

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does it seem odd to have so many new members join the forum last week? i sorted members by "join date" then went to the end of the list (last page) and could not believe how many new people are joining. 32 new members on 14 february, 71 new members on 13 february, 56 new members on 12 february, 65 new members on 11 february, 64 new members on 10 february, and 61 new members on 9 february. usually we get only a couple new members per week.

spammers? hackers?

hope they're all legit fans, but based on the names, i doubt they were looking for sumo news.


perhaps the member list needs a purge.....

are they deleted if there is, as and example, 10 years of no activity?

Edited by shimodahito

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The old had a list of what the calendar entries for the day were (along with who was in the forum at the time, and other things) when you were in the index (or forums) page. I think this was at the bottom of the page. The current version doesn't auto-display the calendar entries for the day (but does list who's here) - you have to click on Calendar. I kind of liked the old way. Is this something that can be added, or is it here and I'm missing it? (sorry if this has been asked already, I have obviously missed it if it has)

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Manual search appears to have become a casualty of the switch-over. As I've become quite dependent on e.g. a search for "Kaio" also finding "KaioU", is there any way to get that back? Edit: In case the linked thread and the reference to "manual search" doesn't make any sense to newer members, here's the precursor thread.

Ah, so it seems. Fixed as well.

I could swear it worked right after the forum upgrade (and the fix to manual search), but maybe I just didn't test it sufficiently... I can't seem to search for multiple words now, just complete phrases. I've tried all the usual approaches that work somewhere (+word +word;; word | word;; word and word;; word AND word;; word, word) but everything is either getting ignored or interpreted as a phrase.

Edited by Asashosakari

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does it seem odd to have so many new members join the forum last week? i sorted members by "join date" then went to the end of the list (last page) and could not believe how many new people are joining. 32 new members on 14 february, 71 new members on 13 february, 56 new members on 12 february, 65 new members on 11 february, 64 new members on 10 february, and 61 new members on 9 february. usually we get only a couple new members per week.

spammers? hackers?

hope they're all legit fans, but based on the names, i doubt they were looking for sumo news.

Discussed here. Right after the update we had an influx of spambots, so I added a clever filtering mechanism in the sign up form. Problem solved.

perhaps the member list needs a purge.....

are they deleted if there is, as and example, 10 years of no activity?

On the agenda. (Nodding yes...)

The old had a list of what the calendar entries for the day were (along with who was in the forum at the time, and other things) when you were in the index (or forums) page. I think this was at the bottom of the page. The current version doesn't auto-display the calendar entries for the day (but does list who's here) - you have to click on Calendar. I kind of liked the old way. Is this something that can be added, or is it here and I'm missing it? (sorry if this has been asked already, I have obviously missed it if it has)

I though I fixed this already. Anyway, it's back.

I could swear it worked right after the forum upgrade (and the fix to manual search), but maybe I just didn't test it sufficiently... I can't seem to search for multiple words now, just complete phrases. I've tried all the usual approaches that work somewhere (+word +word;; word | word;; word and word;; word AND word;; word, word) but everything is either getting ignored or interpreted as a phrase.

Hm, another puzzling one. Manual search is still enabled. (Eh?) I'll have to poke around the settings a bit.

Text in code boxes is all over the place, for example in Doitsuyama's full banzuke or daily results posts.

But as nobody else has mentioned it, I'm wondering if I'm having a display issue or if I need to change a setting somewhere?

I've been working on this with Invision support, and we've confirmed it as a bug. To further complicate matters, it might be related to CKEditor and not IP.Board itself. The suggested workaround is to use the text-only editor when posting space-delimited tables. The separate issue of old threads not looking as they should is also being worked on.

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The old had a list of what the calendar entries for the day were (along with who was in the forum at the time, and other things) when you were in the index (or forums) page. I think this was at the bottom of the page. The current version doesn't auto-display the calendar entries for the day (but does list who's here) - you have to click on Calendar. I kind of liked the old way. Is this something that can be added, or is it here and I'm missing it? (sorry if this has been asked already, I have obviously missed it if it has)

I though I fixed this already. Anyway, it's back.

I feel officially stupid. When you said you fixed it, I still couldn't see it. I'm using Firefox so I opened up IE to look - and there it was. That made me remember there was something said a while back about a setting making the forum listings be full screen width. I finally found the Amazing Self-Hiding Switch to the right of the forum listings (in my browsers you have to mouseover it for a black X to display). Clicked on the X, and the upcoming calendar events, birthdays, and recent topics appeared in a column down the right side. Sooooo - I'd apparently turned it off and it was probably there all along.

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Hmm, maybe I'm overlooking something really simple, but - notwithstanding the issue of too many BBCode tags, how exactly do I post tables such as the ones in the Heisei Hopefuls thread? I suppose the use of straight HTML code is a problem; with the option to "activate" HTML parsing for a post gone now, I can't figure out how to get anything other than badly formatted gibberish out of that code.

Edit: Also, trying to use tags manually in WYSIWYG mode fails spectacularly. Sigh, back to plaintext.

Late more edit: Okay, mixing BBCode and HTML isn't the problem - converting one of those Heisei tables to pure HTML code doesn't work either. Is there a forum setting that needs to be activated before HTML code can be used in posts at all? Is that even possible in IP.B 3.x? If not, I guess that's another reason to work up something CMS-like...

Edited by Asashosakari

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After not having been here for nearly a month, I still have to adapt quite a lot to the new look. I hope that'll slowly go away during the first basho after the update. :-)

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The new version is great. The greatest thing is the new mobile theme. That is just great. Great. I access the page quite a lot by mobile, and this is a major change for me.


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Hmm, maybe I'm overlooking something really simple, but - notwithstanding the issue of too many BBCode tags, how exactly do I post tables such as the ones in the Heisei Hopefuls thread? I suppose the use of straight HTML code is a problem; with the option to "activate" HTML parsing for a post gone now, I can't figure out how to get anything other than badly formatted gibberish out of that code.

I think I mentioned this a couple of pages back, but just to reiterate: HTML embedding does not work. You can use either BBCode, images, plaintext, or external document hosting (such as Google Docs), whichever option best suits your needs.

I haven't had a problem with url tags. Are you using quotation marks?

Manual searching doesn't seem to work. *sigh* I guess I should notify IPS. Again. (Sigh...)

Edited by Exil

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So why on Earth did they disable HTML embedding when parsing HTML is seemingly still supported given that my old posts look just fine, unlike the buggy space-delimited tables? (Rhetorical question, mostly.) I generally like the forum update, but it sure seems like IP.B is going for the type of "Internet For Dummies" users who get upset if there are actually some features that aren't self-explanatory and/or possible to use with just the click of a shiny button.

(Side note, so that it's not just me whining about my feelings of entitlement: Naganoyama's Leaderboard tables also use HTML.)

Quote marks only made a difference in that it resulted in differently broken output. I can't consistently reproduce it though - I got the bug when I first tried to include an example in this comment, but not on subsequent attempts. Hmm. I'll see if I can track it down a bit more definitively.

Edited by Asashosakari

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So does this mean we can't embed videos anymore? Oh..

Yes, you can still post videos. Just put the URL in your post where you want the video to appear.

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