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Videos Natsu 2012

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Having problems with recording-upgraded my VLC to 2.0 and that was not a good decision-records but the recording can't be edited.

Do the clips have a working seek bar? (If not, did they before?)

Everything is the same, but the finished .asf file is corrupt in some way-tried to do an asf to avi conversion but got an error message saying the file was damaged. OTOH, it can be played on WMP with no problem, as it can on VLC, as a file. Trying to edit it gives me an error message on WMM (Movie maker).

Edited by Kintamayama

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Gotta ask since I never quite figured out how you're recording your clips - you're starting and stopping the recording for each bout, right? Does that result in separate clips for each bout, or in a single file that "skips" at the breaks?

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kotoshogiku must have a very strong pushing ability to plough Gagamaru out the way like that, crumbling opponent syndrome indeed hehe, and you are right about Hakuho, he seems to lack a spark, still moves like a deadly tiger though :) as Asojima says, his left ankle might be the problem. (hope i got that right Asojima, i seem to remember you saying that his left ankle was the problem, if not i'm sorry i have a terrible memory)

Thank you for day 3 kintamayama :)

Edited by Bugman

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Gotta ask since I never quite figured out how you're recording your clips - you're starting and stopping the recording for each bout, right? Does that result in separate clips for each bout, or in a single file that "skips" at the breaks?

Separate clips-I've become pretty savvy with that. I can't touch the clips in any way (edit, etc. ). I tried a file with 5 bouts running-same result. I'm downgrading to 1.9 and will see what happens.

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you are right about Hakuho, he seems to lack a spark, still moves like a deadly tiger though :) as Asojima says, his left ankle might be the problem. (hope i got that right Asojima, i seem to remember you saying that his left ankle was the problem, if not i'm sorry i have a terrible memory)

We are talking a probably more serious than appears left hand injury. The reporters were hounding him asking him about the hand, but he did not answer them at all, which is not his usual "style". In general, he is subdued in the shitakubeya these days, which is being described as "unusual".

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Having problems with recording-upgraded my VLC to 2.0 and that was not a good decision-records but the recording can't be edited. Maybe some setting got changed.

Rolled back to VLC 1.1.9 and all is well. Beware 2.01!!

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Rolled back to VLC 1.1.9 and all is well. Beware 2.01!!

Glad you were able to roll back. Thanks for the videos.

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Hakuho doesn't seem to be able to get a grip on his opponent's mawashi like he used to.

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Hakuho doesn't seem to be able to get a grip on his opponent's mawashi like he used to.

Guess that'll be the sprained finger. He can wing it against most of the rank and filers by being a bit sly, but when the time comes to face the Ozeki................hmmmm.

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With all 6 Ozeki looking good, and Hakuho losing right off the bat, this might be the most interesting basho in years.

And IMHO, if this was taking place anywhere but Tokyo, the Nishiki-Hak bout would have been up for grabs. The fact that Nishiki, wobbly leg and all, was able to maintain his footing significantly worked to his advantage.

And, just for fun, let's venture that it's a (very) remote possibility that all 7 Yok/Ozeki could end up, say, 13-2. Or 12-3. What a playoff that would be.

Should it happen, Paul, I have had all the playoff possibilities on my list for ages. But the most likely line-up for Senshuraku is simply the list of trophies, and I don't think they have been properly covered for years. I was in there this morning checking up the updates....

Orion licking her chops

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Tochiozan looks very good. I hope this basho he makes something big...

Aoiyama also slooks quite stable and in the right "flow".

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yeah go Kei! I just love that wild guy. :-D But if he wants to become a sekitori, I guess his dohyo-awareness should get better. But I still can't believe I added him to my adoptees before I saw any bouts of him, but since then I'm glad I did. :-D

thanks for uploading the Juryo-visit of him, Kintamayama. And of course for the makuuchi bouts as well!

Edited by The_Arrow87

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Hmm, even after looking twice I think Toyonoshima touched ground earlier than Goeido. I know the aggressor gets the benefit but still...

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I agree with Doitsuyama, I really thought that Goeido won his bout, or that it was close enough for a monoii

Edited by Gusoyama

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It was indeed a strange day, i feel a little sorry for kotooshu, he was going well till that time when he should probably have got a mono-ii over that hard decision, and now he's gone downhill again :( the "Sorry... in the video's for the matta's really making me laugh :)

Thank you kintamayama for the video's, fantastic as always :)

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Could someone please make a compilation of, say, 500 matta-sorry-situations, and then cut in the BP-Oilspill-"We're sorry!" spots from Southpark episodes 14.11 to 14.13 once in a while? Please?

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Tochiozan looks very good. I hope this basho he makes something big...

Aoiyama also slooks quite stable and in the right "flow".

Seems to me you don't believe in a jynx. What about a double one ? ;-)

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It was indeed a strange day, i feel a little sorry for kotooshu, he was going well till that time when he should probably have got a mono-ii over that hard decision, and now he's gone downhill again

I don't think he was ever 'going well', he started losing on day 2 and the questionable call was on day 3.

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Perhaps this thread should be re-named "Videos Nasty" to reflect what's going on with the Ozeki's!

Edited by ronnie

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Perhaps this thread should be re-named "Videos Nasty" to reflect what's going on with the Ozeki's!

The Ozekis seem to be doing better than normal. Kotooshu is doing what has become normal for him. Harumafuji is off to his normal slow start. The rest are still yusho material.

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My hats off to Kotooshu, his one tough customer. Day in and day out bending down to meet his opponents must be brutal on his body. Early on but its great to see Kotoshogiku in the groove! Go Fukuoka boy!!!

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