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Nagoya Basho 2012 - General Discussion Thread

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If you've never seen the shimpan group move from the middle of the dohyo during a discussion (I don't think I had), Day 9's Mori-Asanojo bout has you covered...

Checking for footprint evidence. That is why they do all that sweeping along the edge. I've seen it happen about once a year.

Edited by Asojima

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I didn't notice, but do they announce each day this basho that the people shouldn't throw zabutons ?

The Nagoya mayor had asked for allowing it. Even Hakuho as the one who'd suffer the most is in favour, according to a Zakzak article.

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Kaisei asked about another Tomozuna-beya yusho: "No No. Tomorrow I may lose. Lucky if I win. I want to go for a sansho."

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Kaisei should be able to prevail over Goiedo. The Sakaigawa man was visibily annoyed by the pain in his left ribcage.

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HF brutal win over KS.

Edited by Nabuko

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Not sure if this has been answered already, but has a basho winning rikishi ever gone 0-15 in the tournament following their yusho win? If not, Kyokutenho looks like he's trying hard to create a new record.

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Not sure if this has been answered already, but has a basho winning rikishi ever gone 0-15 in the tournament following their yusho win? If not, Kyokutenho looks like he's trying hard to create a new record.

The worst post-yusho record (discounting kyujo) in Makuuchi is at 2-13, held by Wakanami in 1968 and Takatoriki in 2000.

Edit: Oh, and I see that it has been answered before...

Edited by Randomitsuki

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Incidentally, 2-13 is also the worst full-attendance record achieved after a juryo yusho. ;-) Nobody has finished 3-12 after a makuuchi yusho, BTW, so that's also something to shoot for, in case Tenho actually starts winning...

And I just noticed that a milestone of sorts passed by in May - 450th basho since the introduction of the yusho system.

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Again a perfect foot sweep from Tokitenku. And in mid-bout.

Today the stream had kesho-mawashi close-ups for both sides of the dohyo-iri.

I hope this time I managed to record it.

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Kakuryu makekoshi? Some comments.

Don't think so..

He fights Kotooshu tomorrow, who already got his 8 wins and is injured as everybody knows, so no surprise if Kakuryu picks up his 7th win.

Then he needs to split his final two bouts, which should be Kotoshogiku (already kachikoshi) and Goeido (who can clinch kachikoshi tomorrow).

He'll manage - I guess...

Edited by kuroimori

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Some days ago I read somewhere that the Nagoya dohyo is known for being more slippery. Then does Nagoya see more kimarite like f.i. tsukite and other slipping ones than any other basho ? Last two days I noticed 2x tsukite defeats. Yesterday Myogiryu against Kotoshogiku & today Kitaharima against Kimurayama.

Speaking about special kimarite, I wonder how many special ones Tokitenku is usually having, with that ketaguri earlier this basho and that susoharai today. Seems like he's patented on using knee kicks & leg sweeps.

And Takanoyama has been using virtually the same tachiai armlocking technique several times now, and still it works. Also, each one resulted in a different kimarite : okuridashi on day 8, oshidashi yesterday & tottari today.

Sorry, but I find this interesting stuff. :-P

But of course also :

- how Chiyotairyu is throwing away what 5 days ago still looked like an almost certain KK

- how Hochiyama keeps failing to come even close to a KK on Makuuchi level, seeing him perform at this level makes me wonder how he even keeps getting there

- how Korean Tochinowaka keeps dropping away after a rather steep climb to top Maegashira, is he injured ?

- how littlelungs Masunoyama keeps finishing bouts in just a couple of seconds, with a couple exceptions

- how Takarafuji was looking rather good at the start of this basho, but is slowly facing MK now

- how Tamaasuka, apart from his maiden basho at Makuuchi level, is almost a copycat of Hochiyama

- how Miyabiyama suddenly manages to win differently than hatakikomi or hikiotoshi

- how Takayasu suddenly has all luck at his side once he started winning this basho (what a bout that was today)

- how Kyokutenho could win last basho and might end up 0-15 this one

- how Toyonoshima is only a shadow of his usual self this time around

- how Kotooshu manages to get his KK after 12 days, injured as he clearly is

- what's wrong with Baruto since day 8, him being injured now so it seems

- and whether Harumafuji stands a chance against Hakuho for the yusho

Not the best of bashos, but sure not the worst either.

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Speaking about special kimarite, I wonder how many special ones Tokitenku is usually having, with that ketaguri earlier this basho and that susoharai today. Seems like he's patented on using knee kicks & leg sweeps.

And Takanoyama has been using virtually the same tachiai armlocking technique several times now, and still it works. Also, each one resulted in a different kimarite : okuridashi on day 8, oshidashi yesterday & tottari today.

If only those rikishi who keep falling to Kungfu-tenku's footsie jobs or to the increasing specialists from the Henka Department, if only they would know about sumoreference and the superb new video function...

But honestly, most of the rikishi do not use video analysis or do they...?

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Hakuho-Harumafuji switched to senshuraku, the usual Day 15 lineup (Ye-O1e, O1w-O2e, O2w-O3e, O3w-Se) will now take place on Day 14. Amazing.

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Hakuho destroyed Baruto today. No chance. He is just too good. How is it possible for a champion to be so dominant?

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Hakuho destroyed Baruto today. No chance. He is just too good. How is it possible for a champion to be so dominant?

Well, Baruto made Hakuho work quite hard (and long) to get this win- he even lifted him up shortly, trying to apply his crane move tsuridashi.

If someone was destroyed today I would say it was Kaisei.

Edited by kuroimori

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Hakuho destroyed Baruto today. No chance. He is just too good. How is it possible for a champion to be so dominant?

Did you watch a different day or something? Baruto was dominant in the beginning and Hakuho won thanks to a great counter attack that Baruto didn't expect. It was Barutos' to lose and he did lose it! Ama looks better than the Yokozuna at the moment!

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Yoshiazuma didn't step outside, did he ?

Yes, he did. At 0:14.

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What went wrong here ?

Yoshiazuma didn't step outside, did he ?

If he did, I think it was with his right heel at 0:16 in the clip... Hard to know from the angle if the gyoji stopped the bout on his own or got a sign from the East-side shimpan, BTW.

Yoshiazuma didn't step outside, did he ?

Yes, he did. At 0:14.

It really doesn't look to me like the gyoji is reacting to that attempt, and even for a gyoji-by-shimpan decision it seems too slow, IMO.

Edited by Asashosakari

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