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FAWL Kyushu basho 2012 banzuke (+discussion)

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Hello dear Fawlers, the new banzuke has been published !

This time, we went through computer issues, work overbooking, and all of that kind of stuff that usually complicate our editing with no problem. So the banzuke is quickly published. :)


By the way, we would like to start a topic about the game with you, Fawlers. Those who were close to sign in but never did it (explain it to us), or those who stopped FAWL are welcome too.

During this Aki 2012, only 20 Fawlers played the game (at maximum we're now 24 Fawlers). The total of players is drecreasing each basho, so we have two questions (to begin the topic) :

- 1) Is there still an interest to run the game (in term of gaming pleasure) with so few players ?

- 2) If you want to play FAWL in the future, what would we have to do, to fix, to change to the game ?

Don't hesitate to return your opinion, good or bad we'll consider it. Thank you ! icon_smile.gif

Edited by Sakana

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1) Yes, I personally find it appealing thanks to fact that its unique among the sumogames. It brings something of its own, not all the sumogames does that.

2) I'm fine with how it is.

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- 1) I'm VERY interested in continuing to play this game. It's different, and because the picks are made pre-basho, I'm able to play it more readily. It would certainly be better with more players, however, is a challenging game.

- 2) It's good! I guess Sekitori Quad. is what "bumps" FAWL to the side... sadly.

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A big game is not always a good game and a small game doen'nt mean a bad game...

Fawl is a great game,sadly oerlooked by many players...

Banzai is another game that struggles with numbers but great to play..

How about we have a small games supporters group?(Any more games?)

We could start by encouraging FAWL players,who do not play Banzai to give it their support and encourage Banzai players who do not play FAWL to lend their support,players and Rijicho from both games can gain from it..

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1/ I would like to continue playing, I enjoy the game.

2/ I would not change anything, but maybe a little advertising could attract more player.

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1.) I like this game and I am willing to continue participating in it.

2.) I like the format, but I will like it better, if (I don't know whether the rijicho will agree with me):

a.) Comments are given daily, not every 3 days, or infrequently. (I know that it takes time and sometimes the rijicho is busy, so I'd suggest each basho 2-3

players to commit and give comments like the giyojis in Bench Sumo in an alternate manner);

b.) I don't know whether this game could be automated, but I think it will be more interesting if the achievements like 3/3 or 6/6, and failures like 0/3 or 0/6

somehow are reflected in the SCORE, not to be used ONLY for the Sansho or as a tie-breaker. To be frank, I don't care too much about the Sansho, but achieving KK and eventually winning the Yusho are my main goals.

As for some previous comments:

1.) I don't think the Sekitori Quad game must be blamed. These 2 games are totally different. First of all FAWL is a pre-bashogame, while SekiQuad is a daily game. I don't see how thes two games interfere.

2.) As for the Bansai game it looks to me very difficult and for sumo specialists because great knowledge of the kimarites is necessary.

Edited by Achiyama

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Many thanks for your comments. (Nodding yes...)

It seems that the main idea is to continue as it is now. But it seems too that some enlightment (3/3, 6/6, 0/3 & 0/6, daily comments) are welcome. We'll see how to allow those ideas to be (maybe) applied.

Does anybody want to add a comment ? (Dohyo-iri...)

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2.) As for the Bansai game it looks to me very difficult and for sumo specialists because great knowledge of the kimarites is necessary.

Actually no thats not true,I know very little about Kimarites and I have done reasonably well in the game..

I have sent a PM to tell you why and hopefully you might give it a go...

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Belatedly, but still

1) I really like the game - and it is different to any other sumogame

2) No, I wouldn't change anything - it is fine as is

3) Bansai - happy to look into it @Fujisan - any link to the game

Xiaotan aka Neko

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2.) As for the Bansai game it looks to me very difficult and for sumo specialists because great knowledge of the kimarites is necessary.

Actually no thats not true,I know very little about Kimarites and I have done reasonably well in the game..

I have sent a PM to tell you why and hopefully you might give it a go...

Thanks Paul for your PM. I sent you my reply.

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Belatedly, but still

1) I really like the game - and it is different to any other sumogame

2) No, I wouldn't change anything - it is fine as is

3) Bansai - happy to look into it @Fujisan - any link to the game

Xiaotan aka Neko

There is a link in the sumo game deadlines and regular scoring by Nekonishiki..

Just in case heres the log in page-

I have sent the same hints to your PM as I did to Achiyama..

Dont want to put them out on public display but if anyone else wants to give it a go,let me know

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