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Juryo occurence that made me angry

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Which heya Takanoiwa was from?

How about some benevolence to his oyakata, or I might not be right.

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For several bouts recently the gyoji repeat their command of "Put your hands down" before the tachi-ai, if the rikishi don't react, with a slightly impatient voice the second time. Was there a bout with 3 times that ? - and did they do that before? I began to notice that only after the Takanoiwa-Oiwato incident.

I also noticed that, although I've heard the gyoji say it many times before. It seems this time they are a bit more emphatic.

Kimura Kounosuke for the day 14 Chiyotairyu bout kept repeating the "hands down", 5 times in all. First time I noticed the impatient repeat was also Chiyotairyu with Kounosuke, on day 11 had also 4 times, day 12 3 times, day 13 2 times - always the same impatient gyoji with Chiyotairyu.

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Kimura Kounosuke for the day 14 Chiyotairyu bout kept repeating the "hands down", 5 times in all. First time I noticed the impatient repeat was also Chiyotairyu with Kounosuke, on day 11 had also 4 times, day 12 3 times, day 13 2 times - always the same impatient gyoji with Chiyotairyu.
Maybe Konosuke is just relaying Kokonoe's orders. ;-)

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Which heya Takanoiwa was from?

How about some benevolence to his oyakata, or I might not be right.

Takanohana beya.

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Which heya Takanoiwa was from?

How about some benevolence to his oyakata, or I might not be right.

Takanohana beya.

Thanks, but this was more like a rhetorical question. My point was that maybe it was like a favor for Great Takanohana.

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It seemed to me as deliberate action to have longer bout since Oiwato is in advantage with strong tachia while in yotsu sumo Takanoiwa is in advantage. Anyway this is the best basho for Takanoiwa so far.

Edited by Nabuko

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If memory serves me well (unlikely at my age), Takanoiwa was one of the rikishi taken to the woodshed for multiple matttas back when there was a strong push being made for full four-on-the-floor tachiais. He just couldn't get it right. The standards have been loosened, but he may still be paying the price for that admonishment.

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