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Sumo school - graduation/entry

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On the 31st were the graduation of class 364 and entry of classes 367 and 368 in the sumo training institute

11 graduated, 10 newcomers were present


Nishiiwa-oyakata with his 7th deshi Wakakosuge, the first who got an 優等賞 yuutoushou, the prize for outstanding study grades



Suzuki entered


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Today was the graduation of class 366 and 367 and entry of classes 369 and 370 in the sumo training institute

Graduates Daitenma, Roga, Sawada and Yada


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Not new entry, but I post here the pics from a day at the sumo training institute, which the NSK posted today

first the much hated running around the kokugikan

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asageiko class schedule, preparation and actual training


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the dohyo is put back in a proper state

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other class - teacher is Kabutoyama


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also here cleaning up the place afterwards

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and at last singing the sumo training song

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On 14/06/2019 at 20:25, Akinomaki said:

Not new entry, but I post here the pics from a day at the sumo training institute, which the NSK posted today

And today the NSK posted the video that goes with the pics

Edited by Akinomaki
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Today the ceremonies for the graduation of classes 368 and 369 and entry of classes 370 and 371 were held in the sumo training institute.



chief Yamahibiki hands the certificate to Tochikamiyama


Sadogatake-beya: the oyakata with Kotosusumu and Kotoegashira


Dewanoumi: Okanojo, Kiyota


Yamahibiki: Yabugasaki, Ienoshima

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Sakaigawa - Oishi, Hakkaku - Fukui, Nakagawa - Yoshii

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Tokitsukaze: Tokisakae, gyoji Shikimori Tomokimi, Tomiyutaka

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Suzuki, Hashimoto, Ito

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Numano, Hodaka, Inaba

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Daikisho, Wakahiroto, Andozakura

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new: Minato-beya - Shiryu, Koki


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Graduation time again - classes 370 and 371 graduated, 373 and 374 had their entry ceremony, in the focus: the Naruto half dozen, especially Motobayashi - Mishima, Sakurai (back), front: Iwata, Yamane, Marusho,

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the Kokonoe trio: Chiyotsurugi, Chiyokozan, Chiyotora




Onomatsu graduate Araoyama and entry Nihonyanagi



the graduation photo - with oyakata and teachers in the majority


Edited by Akinomaki
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Don't know if there was a graduation/entry ceremony (or school at all) in Corona times yet. Classes started today at the sumo training institute. Also minarai urakata are in the (history) class.

EjuL23PU8AApLxE.jpg:thumb  o


Edited by Akinomaki
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This term not just the theoretical ones, also practical lessons (the proper gestures on the dohyo) take place in the kokugikan reception hall, not the usual training institute classroom and dohyo space shown in the other pics and videos in this thread. ElAs0spVcAARoTj.jpg:thumbo


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graduation ceremony on the 28th


back: Nihonyanagi, Dewanoryu, Nabatame, Shinohara, front: Takeoka, Hayatefuji


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Today the ceremonies for graduation of classes 382, 383 and 384 and entry of classes 387 and 388 took place in the sumo training institute

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the graduates, new recruits of last year Natsu, Nagoya and Aki


with 2 sets of brothers from Tatsunami-beya, Gaia and Byakuen, Kiryuko and Shunrai (sons of Tokitsuumi)


entry of the Haru and Natsu new recruits


class 388 with Suyama - Nigerian half Ikazuchido was also there, he was absent due to injury at the shinjo shusse hirou - Naruto's Oyamada was missing, training at the heya seems to promote injuries, rather than preventing them


never has this events got so many articles, I expect a detailed coverage of sumo school from now on


 the oyakata responsible for the training institute: Otowayama, Kabutoyama, Tateyama and Kiyomigata


Edited by Akinomaki
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Classes 385, 386 and 387 celebrated graduation, 389 and 390 their entry. Oshoma and Kinbozan were in class 385


all graduates with university background - next to Kinbozan: Kanzaki, Hatsuyama - front: Arise, Toseiryu, Satsumasho


all graduates and teachers


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Today Suyama graduated (not yet from Todai), with classes 388 and 399 from Natsu and Nagoya

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and Ochiai entered with class 392 from Hatsu, class 391 from Kyushu also had the entry ceremony

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Edited by Akinomaki
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2 hours ago, rokudenashi said:

And to the surprise of absolutely no-one, Ochiai is indeed the first person to join the school already as sekitori, as mentioned in the headline of the Sponichi article

If you didn't know the context, it wouldn't sound so good; sort of like reporting "the eighteen-year-old, who will enter the fourth grade in the Fall ... "

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Onosato joined the school yesterday in class 394, entry also of class 393 that day

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Kiho (Kawazoe) graduated, active student (在所生 zaishosei)  Ochiai Hakuoho was interviewed - classes 390 and 391 graduated


Edited by Akinomaki
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Onosato (and others) at class - yesterday on the curriculum: cleaning at the Nomi-no-Sukune shrine





also at the yokozuna stone with the name of his shisho on it


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Edited by Akinomaki

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I don't remember noticing the different colours of the inscribed names. Is there any significance to that?

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20 minutes ago, Kamitsuumi said:

I don't remember noticing the different colours of the inscribed names. Is there any significance to that?

Judging by the positions, I would guess that yellow inscriptions belong to dead yokozuna.

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11 hours ago, Bunbukuchagama said:
11 hours ago, Kamitsuumi said:

I don't remember noticing the different colours of the inscribed names. Is there any significance to that?

Judging by the positions, I would guess that yellow inscriptions belong to dead yokozuna.

This. In East Asia, because it usually takes time to inscribe a stone plate for use in cemeteries, worship halls, etcetc, your plate is usually inscribed when you're alive, and/or a slot is reserved for you in columbaria etcetc. To avoid the implication of a curse, either red ink is used to fill in the inscription, like with the yokozuna stone, or a piece of red paper is just pasted over the entire thing to be torn off only when the inscribed person dies, as red is supposed to bring good luck and ward off any unfortunate implications.

Edited by Seiyashi
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Graduation of the big classes 392 and 393 today (and entry of classes 395 and 396) - with Hakuoho, who was kyujo, but not long absent from school o

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still a bit more students than staff (more shisho than staff though)


Edited by Akinomaki
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Onosato graduated yesterday from sumo school with class 394 - under much media surveillance. It is no surprise when he has no perfect attendance - it takes 80 minutes by train from the heya to the kokugikan, keiko there starts at 7:30h

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It was a Graduation and Entry ceremony, but only teachers and the 5 graduates in the photo, and no mention by the NSK of the classes 397 (Kyushu) and 398 (Hatsu) , who had their entry


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Graduation for Onokatsu, Aonishiki and Kyokukaiyu today with classes 396 and 397 o


The Asahigaoka Mongolian duo with excellence awards - Onokatsu was in the focus today

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- and entry for Kotomotomura with classes 399 and 400


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15 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:

The Asahigaoka Mongolian duo with excellence awards

No excellence for Aonishiki. (Laughing...)

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The new classes started with school on the 3rd and have asageiko at the training institute at 7 in the morning from the next day on, generally each weekday of even numbered months till end of October.

Leaving after their first lessons: from class 399 Matsui and Amanofuji, from class 400 Miyanofuji, Kusano, Miyazaki


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