Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 24, 2020 (edited) For the 5th (and last) year a profit for the NSK, due to pay rise for the rikishi, 189 million less than last year, 317 million yen. Business earnings of nearly 12 billion yen were down 48.5 million, esp. due to less ticket sales after the prices rose due to the consumer tax increase. Net assets had an increase by 206 million to 37 963 million Yen. This Haru basho will earn the NSK about 1 billion yen less than last year's. http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20200323/sum20032321250012-n1.html details - profit Spoiler 科 目 当年度 前年度 増 減 Ⅰ 一般正味財産増減の部 1.経常増減の部 (1) 経常収益 基本財産運用益 366401 366401 0 基本財産受取利息 366401 366401 0 特定資産運用益 34639349 32905076 1734273 特定資産受取利息 34639349 32905076 1734273 事業収益 11945975140 11994523473 △ 48,548,333 相撲事業収益 10616563305 10722099757 △ 105,536,452 貸館事業収益 831310752 742423344 88887408 広告・物品販売事業収益 490871231 502564764 △ 11,693,533 一般外来診療事業収益 5450513 5346645 103868 協会員福利厚生事業収益 1779339 22088963 △ 20,309,624 受取補助金等 934643 989040 △ 54,397 受取補助金振替額 934643 989040 △ 54,397 受取寄付金 369420000 372640000 △ 3,220,000 受取寄付金 369420000 372640000 △ 3,220,000 その他収益 2538289 590303 1947986 受取利息 1724237 9076 1715161 雑収益 814052 581227 232825 経常収益計 12353873822 12402014293 △ 48,140,471 (2) 経常費用 事業費 役員報酬 81915200 81940400 △ 25,200 給料手当 4009530805 3865991912 143538893 臨時雇賃金 3545645 3562737 △ 17,092 賞与 887927986 874370192 13557794 賞与引当金繰入 7286500 6941900 344600 退職給付費用 481009793 499621376 △ 18,611,583 役員退職慰労引当金繰入 0 84591889 △ 84,591,889 法定福利費 850787634 829909600 20878034 力士等奨励金 435481330 372749470 62731860 力士等補助費 21237000 20978000 259000 福利厚生費 174319484 171008556 3310928 会議費 1467457 1298068 169389 入場券販売手数料 358602860 368151067 △ 9,548,207 広告宣伝費 242778971 254528813 △ 11,749,842 旅費交通費 602564894 617575817 △ 15,010,923 通信運搬費 10930264 9038393 1891871 運搬費 27690187 26491385 1198802 減価償却費 368847627 390037860 △ 21,190,233 利息費用 6384995 6332437 52558 消耗品費 48373312 45285923 3087389 修繕費 70885855 65951172 4934683 保安衛生費 256815602 257568614 △ 753,012 印刷製本費 141983227 143258291 △ 1,275,064 光熱水料費 88354314 76769527 11584787 設営費 188532549 187457704 1074845 会場使用料 158568155 157144532 1423623 賃借料 6208126 6034708 173418 保険料 18304783 18335225 △ 30,442 諸謝金 18232147 18598527 △ 366,380 租税公課 162318366 162144067 174299 支払助成金 13013553 22344196 △ 9,330,643 支払寄付金 4004200 4441950 △ 437,750 指導費 32801922 34432009 △ 1,630,087 交際費 31656839 31762463 △ 105,624 委託費 165225169 166427089 △ 1,201,920 力士等養成費 1367835000 1267477000 100358000 稽古褌費 4880625 4636250 244375 薬品費 61580670 56355906 5224764 雑費 11192652 6450688 4741964 事業費計 11423075698 11217995713 205079985 管理費 役員報酬 43312170 41260800 2051370 給料手当 122255629 105584629 16671000 賞与 46812700 43993100 2819600 賞与引当金繰入 2105100 1693300 411800 退職給付費用 6380043 9936250 △ 3,556,207 役員退職慰労引当金繰入 0 35008111 △ 35,008,111 法定福利費 24793257 25164804 △ 371,547 福利厚生費 18289639 2507301 15782338 会議費 4004482 4052866 △ 48,384 旅費交通費 19719348 20378659 △ 659,311 情報加工料 23349000 23349000 0 通信運搬費 3503232 2416440 1086792 運搬費 227334 0 227334 減価償却費 23305934 21426752 1879182 利息費用 77551 76912 639 消耗品費 19888414 13579775 6308639 修繕費 14201191 2110567 12090624 保安衛生費 48607181 51895932 △ 3,288,751 印刷製本費 161000 2051900 △ 1,890,900 光熱水料費 822057 1037430 △ 215,373 設営費 1960000 1845926 114074 賃借料 1762200 499300 1262900 保険料 356189 395144 △ 38,955 諸謝金 126403383 259777582 △ 133,374,199 租税公課 2539927 3546449 △ 1,006,522 支払寄付金 9086880 20850000 △ 11,763,120 交際費 8960086 6239910 2720176 委託費 32523861 27453509 5070352 雑費 4806933 12510152 △ 7,703,219 管理費計 610214721 740642500 △ 130,427,779 経常費用計 12033290419 11958638213 74652206 評価損益等調整前当期経常増減額 320583403 443376080 △ 122,792,677 特定資産評価損益等 △ 3,358,634 63185853 △ 66,544,487 評価損益等計 △ 3,358,634 63185853 △ 66,544,487 当期経常増減額 317224769 506561933 △ 189,337,164 assets Spoiler 2. 経常外増減の部 (1) 経常外収益 経常外収益計 0 0 0 (2) 経常外費用 固定資産除却損 414559 3256782 △ 2,842,223 合意解除に伴う許諾料の返還 110000000 0 110000000 経常外費用計 110414559 3256782 107157777 当期経常外増減額 △ 110,414,559 △ 3,256,782 △ 107,157,777 税引前当期一般正味財産増減額 206810210 503305151 △ 296,494,941 法人税等 151400 151400 0 当期一般正味財産増減額 206658810 503153751 △ 296,494,941 一般正味財産期首残高 37716461091 37213307340 503153751 一般正味財産期末残高 37923119901 37716461091 206658810 Ⅱ 指定正味財産増減の部 受取補助金等 一般正味財産への振替額 934643 989040 △ 54,397 当期指定正味財産増減額 △ 934,643 △ 989,040 54397 指定正味財産期首残高 41010352 41999392 △ 989,040 指定正味財産期末残高 40075709 41010352 △ 934,643 Ⅲ 正味財産期末残高 37963195610 37757471443 205724167 Edited May 6, 2020 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted May 10, 2020 (edited) On 06/05/2020 at 08:21, Akinomaki said: Sponichi after the 1 billion yen minus for Haru gives an estimate of way over 3 billion yen loss of income for the NSK now, with the complete cancellation of Natsu and another empty following basho there will be 3 basho in a row without ticket sales - and no jungyo this year till the winter one in December. Pay reduction for the salaried NSK members is one problem that may happen and make their living difficult, the other are the maintenance costs the NSK pays each heya for each of the 6 main basho of the year: 115 000 yen for each rikishi, 45 000 to maintain the keiko grounds and more. In 2011 this was payed when the basho was canceled, this time it is not yet decided if the heya will get those sums. https://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2020/05/06/kiji/20200505s00005000307000c.html The heya gets monthly sums per rikishi as well - these will be unaffected. I regularly search for documents about income and regulations in the NSK - again now in connection with the canceled basho. What I can't find are the detailed NSK regulations, that are mentioned e.g. in the rules for taxation of toshiyori and rikishi http://www.nta.go.jp/law/tsutatsu/kobetsu/shotoku/shinkoku/590311/01.htm Only those regulations have the recent figures, the rules the NSK publishes (http://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/kyokai/zaimu/teikan191106.pdf) are much less detailed - posted e.g. also here http://a-new-sumo-fan.com/category/articles-of-endowment/ and the older rules have really old numbers http://goza.blog.shinobi.jp/寄附行為/ I hope the data I found are not all outdated, most are from 2011 - riji salary was much less then, I put the other old salary figures in italics. Toshiyori income details https://sumo-guide.com/toshiyori-kyuuryou-system updated with On 30/01/2016 at 12:26, Akinomaki said: The papers reported the riji salary, Nikkan correct as 1498 000 yen (from 2 years ago) http://www.nikkansports.com/battle/sumo/news/1598425.html Sanspo not, with 1448 000 yen (from 15 years ago, but better than wikipedia), but they mention a year-end executive bonus of 800 000 yen for riji http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20160130/sum16013005030002-n3.html the riji-cho gets 1.1 million The kyokai gives quite some figures for riji here (2 years ago): http://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/kyokai/zaimu/h2603yakuin.pdf figures are 1000yen monthly income Rijicho Riji Fuku-riji, Kanji, Yakuin taigu I-in Shunin/Sanyo (consultant) plain toshiyori Salary+Allowance 1498 1498 1232 1001 849 784 work allowance 50 40 40 15 15 15 A yearly bonus of 2 times salary+allowance Toshiyori myoseki money 年寄名跡金: 50 000 yen a month Tokyo basho allowance (3 times a year): 200 000 yen Clothing subsidy for the shimpan: 300 000 yen a year allowance for years of service (in 1000yen) years of service monthly allowance 6-11 5 11-16 8 16-21 11 21-26 14 26-31 17 >31 20 Riji allowances year end executive allowance: riji 800 000, rijicho 1 100 000 yen taking part in a jungyo: 20 000 yen per day taking part in a conference: 50 000 yen - also for kanji being the leading riji for a regional basho: Osaka and Nagoya 1.55 million yen, Fukuoka, 1.7 million yen The sums an oyakata gets for his heya http://www.excite.co.jp/News/sports_g/20110121/Real_Live_3456.html The amount for raising the makushita and below rikishi - 70 000 yen per month The amount for having raised a sekitori 養成奨励金, according to rank. My old source (Naruhodo Ozumo!) gives this as paid per basho, recent sources with newer figures name it as paid per year: In million yen: juryo 1.14, makuuchi 1.26, komusubi/sekiwake 1.56, ozeki 2.16, yokozuna 2.76 No source mentions if the sums are for having raised a rikishi up to the rank or only if the rikishi presently has the rank. And what happens for 1 basho in juryo: for 10 months the 70 0000 yen plus the 1.14 million? Per basho: heya maintenance costs 115 000 yen and keiko ground maintenance costs 45 000 yen = 160 000yen per deshi Edited May 10, 2020 by Akinomaki 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Churaumi 743 Posted May 12, 2020 Just the baseless speculation I'm fond of on this forum, but that "raising a (rank)" amount seems like it would be a bonus for the oyakata upon promotion of a rikishi. The numbers would add up quick otherwise...it would mean 70K per makushita and below rikishi, whether they promoted or not. It looks like they get money for upkeep of their deshi and heya in other columns of your numbers. By the way, I switched phones and teaching this one to speak sumo is painful. Sometimes autocorrect is more trouble than it's worth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted May 13, 2020 (edited) The loss for ozumo for the first half of the year due to Corona is calculated by a Kansai university prof. as 5.6 billion yen, among a loss of 127.2 billion for the whole pro sports world in Japan. Including the losses of restaurants and other related businesses and reduced consumption as a whole, the economic effect is a minus of 274.7 billion yen. Released to the press today https://www.u-presscenter.jp/2020/05/post-43654.html - details of the report will only be given to press related persons So also in connection with sumo, the loss is likely double the given sum. The ticket and catering selling chaya surely got compensation from the NSK https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200301/k00/00m/040/255000c https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200302/k00/00m/050/243000c and will get more for their losses, like in 2011 for the canceled basho https://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2011/02/06/kiji/K20110206000193540.html The compensation should already be contained in the 5.6 billion above. Edit: the calculation simply assumed a 40% reduction of the market scale for sumo, which was calculated from past data as 14 billion. http://resemom.jp/article/2020/05/13/56228.html Article about what payments for Haru 2011 to the rikishi and heya were canceled and which not http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASDG0903M_Z00C11A2CC1000/ Edited May 13, 2020 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tsuchinoninjin 1,276 Posted December 28, 2020 https://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20201225/sum20122521420005-n1.html The kyokai will be 5.5 billion yen ($53M) in the red at the end of the year, so a little bit better than the initial projections. Somewhat similar to 2011, 4.9 billion yen loss with a cancelled basho and a non-basho. So I don't have the detailed figures as Akinomaki seems to dig up but seems that holding skeleton basho is far more preferable to cancelling, at least for revenue purposes. ”In front and behind, right and left, a hopeless situation" summed Shibatayama oyakata. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 12, 2021 (edited) On 28/12/2020 at 21:18, Tsuchinoninjin said: The kyokai will be 5.5 billion yen ($53M) in the red at the end of the year, so a little bit better than the initial projections. Somewhat similar to 2011, 4.9 billion yen loss with a cancelled basho and a non-basho. So I don't have the detailed figures as Akinomaki seems to dig up but seems that holding skeleton basho is far more preferable to cancelling, at least for revenue purposes. ”In front and behind, right and left, a hopeless situation" summed Shibatayama oyakata. About the same was reported again officially today, above 5 billion for the year 2020 http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20210312/sum21031219470009-n1.html - without the detailed numbers yet. The NSK will publish the complete figures later, usually in May, after all is checked, the press usually gets the important precise data late in March. Edited March 10, 2023 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 29, 2021 (edited) On 12/03/2021 at 15:53, Akinomaki said: About the same was reported again officially today, above 5 billion for the year 2020 http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20210312/sum21031219470009-n1.html - without the detailed numbers yet. The NSK will publish the complete figures later, usually in May, after all is checked, the press usually gets the important precise data late in March. Details are out, a minus of 5026 million yen. o Ordinary revenue was about 6 billion yen, 6.3 billion less than last year. Business earnings dropped 6.1 billion yen. Expenses dropped by 1 billion to 11 billion due to all jungyo canceled. A loss after 6 years again, the biggest in history. o For this year a minus of 3 - 3.5 billion yen is expected, for a 3 year period, over 10 billion. Corona measures like the tests of all NSK members had cost 54 million yen. Net assets dropped by 5 billion to 32.935 billion yen. o Last summer a total minus of 6 billion was expected, this could be cut by 1 billion. o Edited March 10, 2023 by Akinomaki 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 28, 2022 (edited) The hyogi-in-kai today acknowledged the NSK income figures for the year 2021. The losses are not that bad as the previous year, which had the most in history: now it's a minus of 3240 million yen. Bad ticket sales are the main reason, but they are on the rise again. The NSK intensified advertisements and sales of goods (e.g. via the new fanclub), to not be too dependant on ticket sales. For 2022 a minus of 1700 to 2000 million yen is expected. https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2022032800801 Edited March 10, 2023 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themistyseas 242 Posted March 28, 2022 1 hour ago, Akinomaki said: For 2022 a minus of 1700 to 2000 million yen is expected. https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2022032800801 I know I'm beating the decomposed corpse of a horse here, but seems like an easy step towards clearing that, especially now that they've moved into online with the fanclub and goods sales, is to offer international shipments and take away the sales of sumo merch that are happening on the secondary market. There are multiple sellers we can contact in Japan to go and purchase or acquire goods from the NSK and ship anywhere in the world for a markup. The issue as we always know is their reluctance to deal with the hassle of gaikokujin customer service (and yes, I realise the amount of "international fandom" is often overstated), but even if they only offered it to territories where recorded deliveries were available, with the customer bearing the shipping cost, there's revenue to be had. In hindsight, they left money on the table by not figuring out a merchandising strategy for Georgia around Tochinoshin's peak, when internet traffic there around sumo was far higher than many other far more populated countries. Hopefully with a slate of new-thinking (and some internationally minded) oyakata and the need to guard against this issue happening again, they can be more open minded on the issue in future. If there are people outside the Kyokai making money off of this, then the Kyokai should be looking at how they can close their losses gap by making money off of this. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 28, 2022 (edited) On 28/03/2022 at 11:16, Akinomaki said: the NSK income figures for the year 2021. The losses are not that bad as the previous year, which had the most in history: now it's a minus of 3240 million yen. Expenses for Corona measures, especially the PCR tests for all, were 120 million yen. An extra income was the use of the kokugikan for the Olympic boxing events. Net assets dropped by 3200 million to 29.692 billion yen. https://www.sankei.com/article/20220328-ESXW6BSS7FKFTE5NMZV2OUG6Q4/ Edited March 10, 2023 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gurowake 4,098 Posted March 28, 2022 I couldn't find any information anywhere on Hakuho's retirement bonus. Well, I found some speculation, but nothing solid. Is that not paid out until the haircut? If so, have they accrued a liability for it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 29, 2022 (edited) 21 hours ago, Gurowake said: I couldn't find any information anywhere on Hakuho's retirement bonus. Well, I found some speculation, but nothing solid. Is that not paid out until the haircut? If so, have they accrued a liability for it? I have seen no reports, there were only worries that the NSK may not be able to pay the money. The fix retirement money is usually paid when the rikishi goes intai, except the special korokin for ozeki and yokozuna, which the rijikai has to decide upon. The amounts are no longer published and for Hakuho there was no report at all that the rijikai discussed the matter. The big sum for Hakuho is the remaining kensho money, maybe they are delaying that. I guess we will find something in the 決算のご報告 kessan file for Reiwa 3, which should appear late in April: https://www.sumo.or.jp/IrohaKyokaiFinancialInformation/wrap/ The NSK reports there also the reserves for retirement benefits 退職給付, in 2020 that were 5,506,770,200 Yen. What they had to pay is listed under 退職給付費用 - the difference to the previous year should be enormous, though the kensho money sum is maybe not listed. The NSK keeps the money for the rikishi, so they don't have to list that among their income and expenses. Edited March 29, 2022 by Akinomaki 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 10, 2023 (edited) On 28/03/2022 at 11:16, Akinomaki said: For 2022 a minus of 1700 to 2000 million yen is expected. https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2022032800801 As expected last year, the NSK is heading for another loss for the year 2022 - income/expenditures today were reported at the rijikai in Osaka, on the 27th the balance sheet will be acknowledged by the hyogiin-kai https://www.daily.co.jp/general/2023/03/10/0016128170.shtml no figures were made public yet, Shibatayama hinted at a loss in his comment Edited March 10, 2023 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 27, 2023 Figures for the year 2022 were announced today, a deficit for the 3rd year running. Ordinary income was about 10 billion yen, 2.6 billion more than last year. Income from admission fees was about 4.1 billion yen, about 65% of the amount from before Corona, last year it only were about 30%. Expenses were up 2.4 billion to about 13.2 billion yen, mainly by repair works at the kokugikan and travel expenses for the revived jungyo. Net assets were down about 3.2 billion to 26.46 billion yen. Losses were about 5 billion yen in 2020 and about 3.2 billion yen in 2021. http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOKC27AYX0X20C23A3000000/ This year the deficit is about 3.1 billion yen, for 2023 a plus is expected. http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2023032700986&g=spo 2 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted March 25, 2024 On 27/03/2023 at 21:31, Akinomaki said: This year the deficit is about 3.1 billion yen, for 2023 a plus is expected. After 4 years the NSK has a surplus again - after all restrictions on ticket sales were lifted. Different figures ATM - jiji http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2024032500796&g=spo A plus of 480 million yen. Net assets are up 346 million to 28.6 billion yen Elsewhere the plus is 346 million, e.g. http://www.zakzak.co.jp/article/20240325-H3FP6ONHNNIYFDKE5KYRTRFQCQ/ 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted Monday at 22:44 (edited) On 25/03/2024 at 14:54, Akinomaki said: After 4 years the NSK has a surplus again - after all restrictions on ticket sales were lifted. Announced at the Hyogi-inkai, a surplus for the 2nd year in a row - no surprise with the sumo boom now and the whole year a sell-out. A plus of 1445 million yen. Net assets up 1100 million yen, to 27.9 billion. To recover the loss of 10 billion yen during corona, still 60-70% to go. http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2025032400893&g=spo Kyodo and NHK report a plus of 1158 million yen, all say it's ordinary revenue minus expenses, apparently different expenses used o Ordinary revenue 1446.6 million yen, 1300 million more than last year. Operating costs about 1314.8 million yen, increase of 270 million. o Edited Tuesday at 07:06 by Akinomaki 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kamitsuumi 402 Posted Tuesday at 02:47 That should translate to "still 60-70% to go (to recover the losses due to COVID)" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gurowake 4,098 Posted Tuesday at 16:27 17 hours ago, Akinomaki said: Announced at the Hyogi-inkai, a surplus for the 2nd year in a row - no surprise with the sumo boom now and the whole year a sell-out. A plus of 1445 million yen. Net assets up 1100 million yen, to 27.9 billion. To recover the loss of 10 billion yen during corona, still 60-70% to go. http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2025032400893&g=spo Kyodo and NHK report a plus of 1158 million yen, all say it's ordinary revenue minus expenses, apparently different expenses used o Ordinary revenue 1446.6 million yen, 1300 million more than last year. Operating costs about 1314.8 million yen, increase of 270 million. o It's possible that one of the measures of net income is something like EBITDA or Free Cash Flow that's more cash-basis, while the other is accrual-basis accounting income. I don't know enough Japanese to be able to read financial statements, but I suspect that the lower number is likely to be accounting income, as they would have a lot of depreciation, amortization, and accrual of rikishi retirement benefits some which are not part of EBITDA or FCF but would be part of accounting income. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,719 Posted yesterday at 11:40 19 hours ago, Gurowake said: It's possible that one of the measures of net income is something like EBITDA or Free Cash Flow that's more cash-basis, while the other is accrual-basis accounting income. I don't know enough Japanese to be able to read financial statements, but I suspect that the lower number is likely to be accounting income, as they would have a lot of depreciation, amortization, and accrual of rikishi retirement benefits some which are not part of EBITDA or FCF but would be part of accounting income. Jiji is always different On 25/03/2024 at 14:54, Akinomaki said: Different figures ATM - jiji http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2024032500796&g=spo A plus of 480 million yen. Net assets are up 346 million to 28.6 billion yen Elsewhere the plus is 346 million, e.g. http://www.zakzak.co.jp/article/20240325-H3FP6ONHNNIYFDKE5KYRTRFQCQ/ The differences in base figures can be found by checking the financial reports https://www.sumo.or.jp/IrohaKyokaiFinancialInformation/wrap/ but I have no time for that (now) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites