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Takamisakari commentary

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Sumo today (16th) Takamisakari is the guest commentator. Despite his popularity with fans he is known as a bit of a wallflower and somewhat unapproachable. So I was surprised how interesting and involved his commentary about his and others' sumo is. I hope he will do more commentary in future tournaments, not just his first post-active basho.

Edited by Asanomeshi

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Yep an interesting choice, I tried listening to the English for a bit, but it was Ken Swenson who is extraordinarily boring, how does he keep getting on the English commentary team with his lifeless droning?

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Yeah, I was about to switch over too, as in my opinion the English commentary is better - more willing to conjecture and admit how things really are - but I found Takami immediately interesting and stayed tuned in the whole time.

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Sumo today (16th) Takamisakari is the guest commentator. Despite his popularity with fans he is known as a bit of a wallflower and somewhat unapproachable. So I was surprised how interesting and involved his commentary about his and others' sumo is. I hope he will do more commentary in future tournaments, not just his first post-active basho.

I too was impressed -- though Mainoumi sitting on the right (of the TV picture) played a very important part in supporting the new oyakata and when asked, saying his own piece. He's a real pro and a very nice guy; he may well have helped ex-Takamisakari to get a regular slot. We'll see.


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Mainoumi is the man, I'd like him to get the main announcer's gig - he's more than competent.

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Takamisakari was a real surprise...he had some very interesting and eloquent insights into how rikishi feel about the various things they go through. Hope he is asked to go on again...pretty likely, I reckon.

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Mainoumi is the man, I'd like him to get the main announcer's gig - he's more than competent.

Mainoumi is a freelance sports announcer so fulltime NHK announcers will always act as the anchor.

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