Asojima 2,874 Posted June 30, 2013 Almost every non-oriental sekitori has fought with his butt in the air. Most have been frequent visitors to the meatgrinder. Some, the Hawaiians, Kotooshu and Baruto, have done exceptionally well. Some have become aristocrats of the henka world. They adapt, and most thrive. Hakurozan is the only one I can think of who was routinely tossed, thrown and tripped. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScreechingOwl 343 Posted June 30, 2013 Regarding the absence of keiko reports on Baruto, I think this should cause all of us to pause and consider. As Sherlock Holmes noted in The Adventure of Silver Blaze, the absence of conduct (or evidence) is sometimes telling in itself. (Holmes’ remark specifically concerned the “curious incident” of a dog not barking or otherwise reacting to an event.) It seems to me that there are no keiko reports on Baruto because it is likely he isn’t involved in any keiko, outside of whatever practice, if any, he is having at his own heya. I believe the absence of keiko reports bodes ill for the likelihood of him having success at Nagoya, even so far down the banzuke. As for Osunaarashi, one reason why he is getting so much attention is because he is something new – the first Arab and African sekitori. It seems clear to me that he has the body type and strength as well as the heart and determination to rise very far in sumo. So the question for him is how will the third quality necessary to success – sumo skill – develop. Of course that’s difficult to say. Baruto, for instance, shows improved technique, although still limited. Kotooshu’s technique, on the other hand, is quite good. (I’d say heart and determination is the area that is a challenge for him.) So overall it is likely that Osunaarashi’s technique will improve, perhaps by a little, perhaps considerably. I also suspect Endo will be quite good and their matches should be interesting for years to come. But I believe that time is on Osunaarashi’s side in this one, not Endo’s. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yubinhaad 11,719 Posted July 1, 2013 Some more keiko pictures taken before everyone left for Nagoya. Tamanoi-beya. In the entrance are yusho portraits of the shisho and his father. Irie, Sakaguchi and Fujiazuma along with the heya's affiliated sewanin, former Juryo Ohidake. Irie and Juryo returnee Yoshiazuma square up for a bout. Azumasato and Fujiazuma in action. Fujiazuma doing some stretching exercises. The suriashi train. The session concludes with the rikishi singing the heya's keiko song. ============= Hakkaku-beya. Okinoumi warms up with matawari. Oiwato prepares for a practice bout. Hakkaku-oyakata (former Yokozuna Hokutoumi) watches over his deshi. Suzaku and Hokudozan in action. Okinoumi prepares for a practice bout. The session ends with matawari. Hokutowaka gets some assistance from Okinoumi. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yubinhaad 11,719 Posted July 1, 2013 And in Nagoya: Takasago-beya. Sewanin Fusanobori offers some advice. Asabenkei after the session. ============= Chiganoura-beya. Masunoumi and Masunosho about to make contact. Masutoo and Masunoyama. Masunosho hits the deck. Sewanin Tochinoyama again showing rookie Masaya the ropes. ============= And finally, one shot of Wakanosato. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 1, 2013 It seems to me that there are no keiko reports on Baruto because it is likely he isn’t involved in any keiko, outside of whatever practice, if any, he is having at his own heya. I believe the absence of keiko reports bodes ill for the likelihood of him having success at Nagoya, even so far down the banzuke. Exactly that is reported today. Baruto is not showing up for keiko (on the 30th), the danger of kyujo and dropping to juryo is imminent. The oyakata: “I can't say anything yet. I don't know. Watching the situation (we'll decide).” Baruto had restarted keiko after banzuke publication, but only basics, no moushi-ai bouts. That day he had acupuncture treatment. The old injury, the left knee has caused 4 kyujo so far. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krindel 671 Posted July 1, 2013 Some more keiko pictures taken before everyone left for Nagoya. Irie and Juryo returnee Yoshiazuma square up for a bout. Interesting... Isn't Yoshiazuma entitled to wear a sekitori mawashi yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nomadwolf 8 Posted July 1, 2013 And in Nagoya: Masutoo and Masunoyama. Didn't know we had a Hungarian in the mix. Woo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 1, 2013 Oosunaarashi with Otake-oyakata putting on the new pyramid keshou-mawashi, designed by Kototsurugi, production cost about 1.3 million yen. Guided by the oyakata: “Throw out your chest with dignity”, he trained the dohyo-iri with it: “It's looking good with its magnificent design. I want to do my best to become a bridge between Japan and Egypt.” 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryukyushi 2 Posted July 1, 2013 Hi all, first time to write here :) Any thoughts on Homashou? DO you think he will be able to get back to Makuuchi? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 1, 2013 Oosunaarashi: “A very pleasant feeling. I'm happy and satisfied.” About the dohyo-iri moves: “I'm nervous, but maybe it's OK.”“Day by day, I want to do the sumo as always.”The oyakata: “Yes, it's a fine thing. Makes me recall the time when I was a new juryo.” 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 1, 2013 Okinoumi also was at degeiko in Kasugano-beya, 3-6 in moushi-ai with Aoiyama: “(My condition is) now at the bottom. From now on it will rise up”, being optimistic. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benevolance 2,501 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) Any thoughts on Homashou? DO you think he will be able to get back to Makuuchi? He looked fine last tournament, considering he missed the previous two. I don't think it's a problem of getting back to makuuchi, but whether he can get back up into the sanyaku and stay there. Edited July 1, 2013 by Benevolance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torquato 1,075 Posted July 1, 2013 I can see 大阪大竜会. How is the 大竜 read? Dairyu or Otatsu? And what actually is the 大竜会? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,448 Posted July 1, 2013 I can see 大阪大竜会. How is the 大竜 read? Dairyu or Otatsu? And what actually is the 大竜会? Dairyu is Osunaarashi's shisho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torquato 1,075 Posted July 1, 2013 Ah, thank you. I see.But it's still unclear for me what sort of club or assembly 会 this would be. Is this some sort of personal supporters group of the stable master as opposed to the stables supporters group? I'm also wondering what the difference between a stables koenkai an its tomonokai would be.Sorry for being off-topic... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,448 Posted July 1, 2013 But it's still unclear for me what sort of club or assembly 会 this would be. Is this some sort of personal supporters group of the stable master as opposed to the stables supporters group?I would guess it's the successor organization to his hometown koenkai from his active days - most rikishi who stay on as oyakata continue to have supporters clubs even if they're not heya owners, although the nature of that support might be different and sometimes (I believe) the name of the group changes to denote the new status. (This might have happened here.) For heya-founding oyakata their former personal koenkai pretty much become heya koenkai most of the time, I think. Guys like Dairyu who take over an existing stable - often only after quite a long time as oyakata - are caught in the middle a bit; I wouldn't be surprised if Otake-beya continues to be supported by some Taiho-originated groups as well. I'm also wondering what the difference between a stables koenkai an its tomonokai would be.I have no idea. :-) Maybe there's a higher degree of formality with koenkai groups, but I'm just guessing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 2, 2013 (edited) Chiyotairyu with the new kinniku-man keshou-mawashi from Yudetamago, which he got at the event celebrating a total of 100 books of the popular manga character(s).With the kinniku-man special power slogan “kaji-ba no kuso-jikara” (damn power at the fire scene/in dire straits) he wants to win against the yokozuna. He plans to wear it from day 8 till day 15.Oosunaarashi with his new keshou-mawashi Edited July 2, 2013 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asashosakari 19,448 Posted July 2, 2013 It's a bit obscured by the tachiai-ish position, but I think Osunaarashi's kesho graphic qualifies as the first known example of a no-flag pose with flags. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yubinhaad 11,719 Posted July 3, 2013 Osunaarashi about to get some assistance with his matawari from sewanin Yuho. (Sewanin are totally overhyped in this thread) Random shot of Takayasu, Wakanosato in the background. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 3, 2013 (edited) Tochiozan after vanquishing Kisenosato on the 1st, giving Harumafuji a good fight yesterday. With his specialty, a swift attack after getting moro-zashi (both arms in), 5-6, though: “I couldn't move very much because of lower back pain.” But: “In that state winning against the yokozuna was fine.”From tormenting the top rankers day after day “I get the feeling of a reaction. I want to win double digits.”Sokokurai yesterday training with Hakuho (0-6), and 5-10 with Tokitenku (bad shape?, he lost by yorikiri), Sotairyu, Daikiho Edited July 3, 2013 by Akinomaki 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masumasumasu 902 Posted July 3, 2013 Are these 'musicians' boys or girls? One cannot tell these days. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yubinhaad 11,719 Posted July 4, 2013 We don't hear too much about Irumagawa-beya so I was pleased to find a few pictures from asageiko there. Aratoshi. The shisho giving shiko advice to one of his deshi (possibly Mitotsukasa but I'm not sure). Sagatsukasa, back in Makushita for the first time in over two years. The shisho outside his heya's lodgings. =========== And here are some from Takanohana-beya, starting with the shisho meeting the locals. Outside the lodgings is a board introducing each member of the heya. Asageiko. Watching on are Tatsutagawa-oyakata (former Maegashira Kobo), Otowayama-oyakata (former Ozeki Takanonami) and the shisho. One of the heya's sets of twins, Takageppo (left) and Takatoshi. And in the background is sewanin Ranbo. Takatoshi and Takanoiwa have a practice bout. Weightlifting... Sonkyo concludes the session. Takanoiwa after keiko. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 4, 2013 Are these 'musicians' boys or girls? One cannot tell these days. A former girl group, disguised as boys (also in the name). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony 16 Posted July 4, 2013 I read on Takanohana-beya's website that it's not possible to watch asageiko. Is this rule actually applied? Indeed, I'll go to Nagoya next week and would like go to Takanohana-beya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akinomaki 40,642 Posted July 4, 2013 Sokokurai gradually got better during the several days degeiko to Tokitsukaze-beya, especially against Tokitenku, who remarked: “For pushing and thrusting sumo it takes time to regain strength, but his is belt sumo. If he can grab the mawashi he may somehow manage it.” Arashio-oyakata, uneasy: “His tachi-ai is slow.” He gained 2-3kg from his usual 135kg. Oosunaarashi was in focus on NHK news watch 9 yesterday. He was trying to win his keiko bouts with his arm power, the oyakata told him: “It's doing keiko to win at the basho, not trying to win in keiko.” Apart from some short sentences in Japanese, all his interviews were in English and Egyptian Arabic. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites