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January 2014 Videos- Days 1-15

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Day 9- A bit late but finally, something I can live with. Tomorrow no video and I can't tell you why for security reasons. Maybe on CNN..

Edited by Kintamayama
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On Day 9, Kinta mentioned the pi-shaped tape on the back of Chiyotairyu's back.

Now I wonder whether the bout took 3.141592... seconds.

Gonna check this now...

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On Day 9, Kinta mentioned the pi-shaped tape on the back of Chiyotairyu's back.

Now I wonder whether the bout took 3.141592... seconds.

Gonna check this now...

3.8 seconds! the timekeeping unit must have made a mistake...

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3.8 seconds! the timekeeping unit must have made a mistake...

3.8 = pi * (1 + 1/10)²
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Off topic but on- I was sure I wouldn't be able to post the matches today because we had a gig playing for the visiting Canadian PM and with all the security I thought we would leave early but I pressed the send button just as the van rolled in to pick me up..,.

We got him on stage and he sang three songs. On CNN now.. One may share one's experiences with one's fellow sumo fans, right?

Edited by Kintamayama
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Off topic but on- I was sure I wouldn't be able to post the matches today because we had a gig playing for the visiting Canadian PM and with all the security I thought we would leave early but I pressed the send button just as the van rolled in to pick me up..,.

We got him on stage and he sang three songs. On CNN now.. One may share one's experiences with one's fellow sumo fans, right?

Great experience, i am sure :).

I hope you didn't miss the chance to show him how to do matawari and shiko and to convince him to side with us on the campaign for the preservation of the endangered "Live Sumo Feed"?

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On Day 9, Kinta mentioned the pi-shaped tape on the back of Chiyotairyu's back.

Now I wonder whether the bout took 3.141592... seconds.

Gonna check this now...

Chio pi ryuu.

Edited by Kintamayama

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Off topic but on- I was sure I wouldn't be able to post the matches today because we had a gig playing for the visiting Canadian PM and with all the security I thought we would leave early but I pressed the send button just as the van rolled in to pick me up..,.

We got him on stage and he sang three songs. On CNN now.. One may share one's experiences with one's fellow sumo fans, right?

Moti in action. He rocks! :-D (Clapping wildly...)

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Day 12- I really enjoyed doing this today. And now for the hard part..

Yep, it's time again for me to remind you that donations are accepted at
No obligation-just as a token of appreciation for my time, especially this basho with all that happened.

I hate myself every time I do this, but I spend hours on

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Day 12- I really enjoyed doing this today. And now for the hard part..

Yep, it's time again for me to remind you that donations are accepted at
No obligation-just as a token of appreciation for my time, especially this basho with all that happened.

I hate myself every time I do this, but I spend hours on

Done and done. Its not much, but at least it is something. Come on everyone, this basho should show you more than ever that we need to support those that do the hard work to make it easy for us to watch our sumo.

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To be fair I wanted to donate something, but I fear the amount I could be spending at this crucial economics time + no-income university student away from home + using up parents' reserves would be more of a joke than exactly a token of appreciation.

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To be fair I wanted to donate something, but I fear the amount I could be spending at this crucial economics time + no-income university student away from home + using up parents' reserves would be more of a joke than exactly a token of appreciation.

Even the smallest amount is excellent-I'm not doing this for the money- I love doing it, so the amount really isn't the issue here. Thanks for the thought.

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Yep, it's time again for me to remind you that donations are accepted at

Well, I had a problem with paypal several years back, and have not used it since. I have just reactivated my account, but due to not being able to change my billing address to Hong Kong (UK is (for some reason) unchangeable) it won't recognise my debit card. Any alternatives to paypal? (E.g. PM your snail mail address, and I can send you some US dollars (if safe?) once I get back from Chinese New Year holiday...)

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Thanks again for the uploads everyone!

Kinta, very cool to see you on stage with my prime minister! I'm not his biggest fan, but I had already heard about his crooning in Israel on the CBC. He's lucky to share the stage with you!

BTW, I was happy to make a small donation to support your dedicated work for the global sumo community. Thanks again!

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Day 12- I really enjoyed doing this today. And now for the hard part..

Yep, it's time again for me to remind you that donations are accepted at
No obligation-just as a token of appreciation for my time, especially this basho with all that happened.

I hate myself every time I do this, but I spend hours on

Done... I enjoy so much your work...

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Day 12- I really enjoyed doing this today. And now for the hard part..

Yep, it's time again for me to remind you that donations are accepted at
No obligation-just as a token of appreciation for my time, especially this basho with all that happened.

I hate myself every time I do this, but I spend hours on

Thanks for all your efforts. Happy to contribute

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Day 12- I really enjoyed doing this today. And now for the hard part..

Yep, it's time again for me to remind you that donations are accepted at
No obligation-just as a token of appreciation for my time, especially this basho with all that happened.

I hate myself every time I do this, but I spend hours on

Thanks so much for all your hard work and the passion you put into it!

I enjoy your daily digestive videos digests with all those hilarious jokes and observations even more now,

since the old boys at the NSK showed their own stlye of humor - which is as nonexistent as their international marketing & PR skills - by chasing most of us away from their "dohyo-webcam-with-audio" service just before the start of the basho.

I was happy to donate a few bucks, which the NSK expected to collect from me on a daily basis. (Neener, neener...)

Thanks again Kinta and keep on throwing those nifty jokes - or should I call them i-pun-zeoi?

Edited by kuroimori
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