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Endo up and sumo popularity up

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Endo all over the place: on TV e.g. wide-shows - and referred to in all kind of news.

They all agree that he can give sumo popularity an upward push.

E.g. in the weekly TV ratings top 30:

Title: Ozumo waits for Endo: only if Endo rises higher on the banzuke an upward movement in sumo popularity can be expected:

The final Hakuho-Kakuryu play-off showdown had with 16.4% (12th for NHK at 17-18:01 JST) less than the 17.3% (5th) by Shōten from NTV at the same time: a very popular rakugo show and my choice for advanced learning of Japanese: listening to the recorded ōgiri on (JS)TV while reading it on the homepage - as always using Rikai-chan in Firefox.

Second half of makuuchi on day 14 is 24th with 14.9%, nothing in the top 30 in the first week.

Endo is back home, with a kimono in his favourite pink colour. About 60 fans at the airport were greeting him with applause. Calming down a bit, resting and enjoying the journey is his aim (and some celebrations await him). He plans to return to Tokyo till Feb. 1st, keiko start is planned to be in one week.




Edited by Akinomaki
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A little bit more public interest and pressure and we can say "good bye" to our next talented rikishi who maybe become ozeki or even aspire to higher merits...

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A little bit more public interest and pressure and we can say "good bye" to our next talented rikishi who maybe become ozeki or even aspire to higher merits...

The Hanada Bros. managed quite well with all that hype.
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I hope Endo fails, just so that I can call him Pretendo.

I rather see new sponsors approaching him, just in time before a shikona change is coming up when he soon starts knocking on Sanyaku's door.

One sponsor that comes to mind is:

NintEndo :-)

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A little bit more public interest and pressure and we can say "good bye" to our next talented rikishi who maybe become ozeki or even aspire to higher merits...

The Hanada Bros. managed quite well with all that hype.

Demonface and Captain Paranoid? Maybe it just cought up with them later, hmmm...

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A little bit more public interest and pressure and we can say "good bye" to our next talented rikishi who maybe become ozeki or even aspire to higher merits...

The Hanada Bros. managed quite well with all that hype.

They were born in a "sumo dynasty" and early get used to that media hype about them and their family.

But on the other side (I do not know many about Endo's personality), when he is a "limelight hog", all that fuss about him may push him forward!

Edit: Forgot to add a Endo-related word: Endofallhopes

Edited by Tsubame

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I can totally see the NintENDO sponsorship LOL.


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Endo is named PR ambassador for the Maebashi jungyo on Apr- 12th, Gunma pref. Rare to be named one for an unrelated region, not home: another sign of his popularity.

He will be throwing beans for setsubun on Feb. 3rd at the main location, where popular rikishi and actors etc. are invited, the Narita-san Shinsho-ji (-temple), together with Hakuho etc.

Edited by Akinomaki
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All of this innuendo must cease!

To stay topic: Dude is interesting to watch on the dohyo though. I think it will be cool to watch him develop his game. So long as we can stand the ridiculous hype machine. I hope he doesn't end up looking fried like Jokoryu had been lately.

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Endo the Ender of Mongol domination? Let us see the Ender's game in coming few years.

His first task then has to be to give Kakuryu an early torikoboshi loss next basho.

Meanwhile the Endo strap which was quickly sold out during the basho (collectors item: last time with that hairstyle and maybe no longer with Endo as shikona later in the year) is planned be on sale tomorrow at Miyabiyama's intai zumo.


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I really do hope Endo becomes at least ozeki, because if he doesn't all this hype will turn out to be the most ridiculous thing in Ozumo in the entire Heisei era.

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