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Endo up and sumo popularity up

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Indeed, I think the pressure is likely getting to him. He looked like he didn't even want to be there against Tochiozan.

I often call him Endo-mame, which is (green) peas in Japanese. But I don't get much appreciation from my Japanese friends.

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Endo cannot deliver what is expected from him. He's not, right now, the Yok candidate everybody was hoping for. He ssems battered, no much entusiasm.

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Endo cannot deliver what is expected from him. He's not, right now, the Yok candidate everybody was hoping for. He ssems battered, no much entusiasm.

He fought well today, though.

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Endo cannot deliver what is expected from him. He's not, right now, the Yok candidate everybody was hoping for. He ssems battered, no much entusiasm.

He fought well today, though.

Really? I found him rather uninspired...

Edit: Despite the fact he actually won the bout of course.

Edited by torquato

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Really? I found him rather uninspired...

Edit: Despite the fact he actually won the bout of course.

Well, his defense was outstanding. Anyone else would’ve been thrown by that kotenage, I think…
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Was just watching this bout again. Yes, that was indeed very good sumo. You're right. Still something not really convincing me of Endo recently. I dont't know why. Something... I don't know...

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Anybody seen the life-size cutout of Endo, in front of the big stone staircase? He's wearing a kabuki-style kesho-mawashi, but is holding in his arms a faceless woman in a pink kimono. with a very safe staircase up behind it that even the old and infirm can climb up to stick their face through the hole and get their photo taken apparently in the smiling Endo's arms.

I got a shot on Thursday, learned a lesson and went back today -- but this time I had to join a line. I got brownie points for shouting advice on positioning to the women ahead of me (which the photo-takers and friends agreed worked to their advantage).

Got my new, improved, photo -- but obviously can't use it for credit anywhere since by now the regular fans are onto it!

Orion, still in there pitching

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Still something not really convincing me of Endo recently. I dont't know why. Something... I don't know...

Yeah, I agree with that in general, but today I liked him. Edited by ALAKTORN
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Give that boy some slack. He's been pushed far above his current orbit, but he will do no worse than Goeido in days to come, I'm sure.

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Strong legs and good balance. He is an automaton. Hit, retreat, pull, sidestep, push. Break the pattern by not overpursuing his retreat and he is very vulnerable. He has a lot of potential for growth, but he will linger in mid-maegashira until he diversifies.

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The problem I see with some college rikishi is that they get close to their peak very early and whatever improvement they have afterwards is marginal. Two examples I can give - from rikishi I've been following since turning pro - are Higonojo and Tenkaiho. They basically do what they did early in their careers, but a bit better - with added experience and strength, not a score of new moves or approaches.

I would usually expect a 23-year-old recently arrived to makuuchi to keep improving for some more years, and I indeed hope he does, but I wouldn't rule out at this point the possibility of Endo becoming just a slightly better version of what he is now.

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Strong legs and good balance. He is an automaton. Hit, retreat, pull, sidestep, push. Break the pattern by not overpursuing his retreat and he is very vulnerable. He has a lot of potential for growth, but he will linger in mid-maegashira until he diversifies.

As I said, he's young and brash, with much to learn. Only 1 basho in Juryo didn't give him time to learn the things he really needs to know to do well in the higher ranks. As noted above, he's likely doing the same things that have always worked for him, only they don't work consistently any longer and he doesn't know (yet) how to adapt very well (IMO). If he hangs around in mid-to-lower Maegashira ranks, maybe all the ruckus will subside and he'll have some time to get his feet under him (metaphorically).

Of course, if he hangs around in the mid-to-lower Maegashira ranks, some will consider him a failure due to all the PR attention given him that promised so much more, and now, and that's something else he'd have to learn how to deal with.

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Strong legs and good balance. He is an automaton. Hit, retreat, pull, sidestep, push. Break the pattern by not overpursuing his retreat and he is very vulnerable. He has a lot of potential for growth, but he will linger in mid-maegashira until he diversifies.

As I said, he's young and brash, with much to learn.

But he must want to learn, want to improve. I didn't see that will in past two bashos.

Merely be there is not enough to learn

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Strong legs and good balance. He is an automaton. Hit, retreat, pull, sidestep, push. Break the pattern by not overpursuing his retreat and he is very vulnerable. He has a lot of potential for growth, but he will linger in mid-maegashira until he diversifies.

As I said, he's young and brash, with much to learn.

But he must want to learn, want to improve. I didn't see that will in past two bashos.

Merely be there is not enough to learn

Endo learned plenty.

There is much to be learned every time we get the piss beaten out of us.

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