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Haru 2014 discussion thread **probable spoilers**

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  On 22/03/2014 at 20:49, Fukurou said:
  On 22/03/2014 at 20:34, Asashosakari said:
  On 22/03/2014 at 20:13, Torabayama said:

Sorry for being a bit off topic, but was wondering if someone could add a bit more info on this. I've heard it over the years but haven't understood exactly 1. Where does the split of the 'Hakuho group' and the 'Asashoryu/Harumafuji group' originate from? Must be more than simple Yokozuna rivalry? and also 2. Which group do the current Mongolians fall under? For example, I've always known Asashoryu and Harumafuji were close but never had any idea where Kakuryu fell.

I'm not privy to any details (especially concerning stuff that may have happened back in past generations already), but my understanding is that Hakuho is seen - or sees himself - as the spiritual successor of the old Kyokushuzan-led "original Mongolians" faction, which for whatever reasons was rather at odds with Asashoryu.

As far as Kakuryu goes, I suspect the fact that he comes from a different social stratum (father is a university professor) and doesn't share the Mongolian wrestling background with most of the other rikishi means that he doesn't naturally belong to any of the big factions, although it's of course possible he's feeling more sympathetic to one of them than the other(s).

Wasn't there a bit about Hakuho's father and Asashoryu's father being some sort of rivals, and that's where some of the "animosity" between Hakuho and Asashoryu came from? Or do I have my Mongolian rikishi confused?

No Asashoryu's father and Hakuho's father were not rivals. Hakuho's father was dai Yokozuna, Asashoryu's father a good Sekiwake. Hakuho's father had bitter rivalries with another dai Yokozuna who is not involved in any of Japanese sumo.

But Hakuho tipped off Asashoryu at some point by saying that my father never lost to Asashoryu's father, there is a big gap between dai Yokozuna and Sekiwake. This statement was widely circulated in Mongolian media and Asashoryu expressed his distaste of it publicly. But it was factually true that Hakuho's father never lost to anyone but the rival dai Yokozuna during his hey days. Hakuho didn't stop there and stated that being son of a dai Yokozuna, I must follow my father's suit, implying that he was head and shoulder better than Asashoyu. Asashoryu took it quite personally and that is how their animosity started.

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  On 22/03/2014 at 19:55, rzombie1988 said:

Kak 8-7 vs Fut 11-4

Kak10-5 vs Fut 12-3(2nd place)

Kak 10-5 vs Fut 10-5

Kak 9-6 vs Fut 10-5

Kak 9-6 vs Fut 12-3(2nd place)

Kak 14-1(2nd place) vs Fut 14-1(2nd place)

You're numbers are shifted. Actually it's:

Kak10-5 vs Fut 11-4

Kak 10-5 vs Fut 12-3(2nd place)

Kak 9-6 vs Fut 10-5

Kak 9-6 vs Fut 10-5

Kak 14-1(2nd place) vs Fut 12-3(2nd place)

Kak 14-1 (1st place) vs Fut 14-1(2nd place)

(assuming Kakuryu wins tomorrow)

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Thanks for those clarifications Asashosakari and wanderer. And last question, was the Kyokushuzan/Asashoryu divide started due to Kyokushuzan being the elder and Asashoryu usurping his accomplishments so to speak? Surely it began before the mage pulling, mirror breaking incident.

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  On 22/03/2014 at 16:14, Fay said:
  On 22/03/2014 at 12:22, Masumasumasu said:
  On 22/03/2014 at 12:11, ronnie said:
  On 22/03/2014 at 09:23, Fay said:

Have to make a phone call to Kotoshogiku now ...

Phrase your words carefully, Kintamayama (the conspiracy theorist) has a tap on the phone!
I'm going to call the Richijo now and maybe Akihito later. Does anyone want me to relay a message to either of them?

I should have made a smiley ;-), so that even triple Masu understands that I was joking ...

I realize that you weren't actually going to call him. Nonetheless, it seems like you are bragging about having his phone number. And with regard to THAT there is no way for me to know if you are joking or not.

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You still dont get it MMM, but I must admit a joke you have to explain is a bad one ...

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Kakuryu is very close to Hakuho but I wouldn't say he belongs to a special group. Every mongolian rikishi I talked to respects him a lot and he seems to be well liked by a lot of them.

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  On 22/03/2014 at 23:27, Fay said:

You still dont get it MMM, but I must admit a joke you have to explain is a bad one ...

You were joking about calling Kotoshogiku to urge him to lose to Kakuryu. Am I mistaken? I am not a mind reader.

South Park said it all:

Edited by Masumasumasu

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That was a great bout and i cant see Kak faltering now......will Goeido make Ozeki? I hope so he is one of my favourites.

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The worst thing for me about Kakuryu's promotion: I'm already wincing when I think of all the posts to come about the "yoks hak and kak".

(No offense to you, Musashoryu, you're not to blame.)

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How can he start a basho with winning against Kakuryu (in his arguably best basho ever) and then finish 5-10???

When will he show a more stable ability?

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  On 23/03/2014 at 07:51, Masumasumasu said:

Asashoryu in the house.

Looks good. Nice suit.

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  On 23/03/2014 at 07:56, Treblemaker said:
  On 23/03/2014 at 07:51, Masumasumasu said:

Asashoryu in the house.

Looks good. Nice suit.

Here to greet the new yokozuna

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Almost no mono-ii all basho long and now there is one on the last bout.

And even a tori-naoshi - although it looked that Harumafuji's left arm clearly touched down first? shin-tai rule?

But the shimpan said it looked like they touched down at the same time.... hmmm...

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setting a dangerous precedent if he is promoted without the back-to-backs.

A return to the days of tepid yokozuna performances a la late 80s/early 90s.

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It was an esay affair for Harumafuji in the rematch, beating Hakuho, so all panned out quite nicely in Osaka:

Yusho & new Yokozuna: Kakuryu 14-1

Jun-Yusho: Hakuho, Harumafuji and local hero Goeido 12-3

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Needless rematch. HF clearly lost. But his tachi-ai in the rematch was a fastest and most aggressive I've ever seen! Literally blew Hakuho off the dohyo. It was almost a matta. Hak was certainly NOT ready for that.

Congrats to Kakuryu. Great basho.

The customers certainly got their money's worth.

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  On 23/03/2014 at 08:37, kuroimori said:
kuroimori, on 23 Mar 2014 - 01:37, said:

Almost no mono-ii all basho long and now there is one on the last bout.

And even a tori-naoshi - although it looked that Harumafuji's left arm clearly touched down first? shin-tai rule?

But the shimpan said it looked like they touched down at the same time.... hmmm...

Strange call. Harumafuji clearly touched down first. If shinitai, Harumafuji wins. If a touch down, Hakuho wins. No way it is a torinaoshi.

Edited by Asojima
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  On 23/03/2014 at 08:42, Asojima said:

If shin-tai, Harumafuji wins. If a touch down, Hakuho wins.

I haven't seen it yet so I don't know how obvious it was, but maybe this was the part they couldn't decide.

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