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Endou situation

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Kyujo for sure- left knee injured, meniscus, 2 months to heal was the diagnosis at the hospital, according to Oitekaze Oyakata. He will probably be in hospital for a few days and may even have to undergo surgery. "We're looking forward now to the healing process and I hope he can get back on the dohyo quickly so that he may gambarize the best he can," added the Oyakata.


Edited by Kintamayama
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OW OW OW OW OW my GOD just looking at that picture hurts!

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Great pics as always Yubi. Looks sickening. On video it did not look half as bad. Hope he recovers fast but may be best to miss the next basho. Wish they allowed 1 basho injury break/ per year w/o loss of rank for situations like this.

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What a shame. He was just starting to find his feet in the top ranks too. Hopefully this doesn't end up in big metal knee braces under thick bandages, and a potentially great career held back because of bum knees.

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It is sad that their is no longer kosho. It is obvious that he has a real injury unlike some rikishi in the past. I am not an Endo fan but I wish nothing bad on anyone. I hope he will not rush his return but I know he doesn't want to drop down the banzuke.

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It is sad that their is no longer kosho. It is obvious that he has a real injury unlike some rikishi in the past. I am not an Endo fan but I wish nothing bad on anyone. I hope he will not rush his return but I know he doesn't want to drop down the banzuke.

I would hate seeing rikishi abuse the kosho system and abuse must have have been pretty prevalent since it was abolished. Not quite sure why they took such as drastic step in abolishing it rather than restrict it to one basho per year (Requiring 83%+ of bashos seems fair). I personally admire the fighting spirit Sumotori show to make every basho and guess the Oyakata wanted to emphasize that.

Edited by Mongolith

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I hope he heals instead of trying to come back to try and avoid Juryo. If he does drop down, maybe he can rise back up with stable mate Abiko :)

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What a shame. He was just starting to find his feet in the top ranks too.

Choice of words..

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Great pics as always Yubi. Looks sickening. On video it did not look half as bad. Hope he recovers fast but may be best to miss the next basho. Wish they allowed 1 basho injury break/ per year w/o loss of rank for situations like this.

I was just thinking that some kind of system where you don't immediatly lose rank when you get seriously injured wouldn't be all that bad.

Offcourse there used to be one and it got abolished, so there must have been reasons. But the current system certainly also has his flaws.

Edited by Kotoshoumi

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"There will be no surgery. Of course, the intention is to appear next basho, but it's important to heal properly," said Oitekaze Oyakata. At first, Endou was taken to the Osaka Police hospital that has an agreement with the Kyokai, but couldn't get an MRI done because there is a one-week waiting list. He was then moved to a hospital in Sakai and got the MRI done there. The hospital said it will apologize, but is hoping for a sit-down with the Kyokai to settle this.

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I am really sorry about Endo. As Morty said "he was finding his feet" and I was sure he would deliver this time. My impression was of ligament injury and I am surprised not to hear/read a word about it. Seeing the strong Jokoryu hobbled by a knee injury is bad enough, I hope in Endo's case it is mory ugly that serious.

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My impression was of ligament injury and I am surprised not to hear/read a word about it.

Left knee ligament injury is the official word.

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Ligament tears are never much fun but better the meniscus than any of the cruciate ligaments. Hopefully his recovery is speedy. Although Endo is not my favorite (mainly due to media hype), there is no doubt in my mind that he is a very talented rikishi with a bright future.

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My impression was of ligament injury and I am surprised not to hear/read a word about it.

Left knee ligament injury is the official word.

Specifically, the Kyokai reported anterior cruciate ligament and lateral meniscus damage.

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Nooooo ACL injuries are the worst :-( I hope Endo can gambarize to the fullest.

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He should have surgery. 'The intention is to appear next basho'. That is insane. :-(

Edited by Kishinoyama

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I get the feeling I’ve seen ACL injuries before that ended in retirement…

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It's really unfortunate for Endo and I feel for him. He may not have turned out to be the instant yokozuna candidate that he was hyped up to be, but he was strong enough and given time could've made it to sanyaku. Now I'm afraid it's going to be another case of talent hobbled by a serious injury...

Btw, if someone wanted to start a totally outlandish conspiracy theory, they could ask how come all the Mongolians manage to stay healthy?

Edited by dingo

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At first, Endou was taken to the Osaka Police hospital that has an agreement with the Kyokai, but couldn't get an MRI done because there is a one-week waiting list.

However, the hospital staff did inquire if it was hurting with every breath he takes and every move he makes.
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At first, Endou was taken to the Osaka Police hospital that has an agreement with the Kyokai, but couldn't get an MRI done because there is a one-week waiting list.

However, the hospital staff did inquire if it was hurting with every breath he takes and every move he makes.

I'll be watching you!

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At first, Endou was taken to the Osaka Police hospital that has an agreement with the Kyokai, but couldn't get an MRI done because there is a one-week waiting list.

I know a Japanese friend that was involved in a car accident. She had a compound fracture of her lower leg with bone sticking out. She had to wait a week before having surgery done on the leg. The doctor that could perform the surgery was 'on vacation'. >:-(

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