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Sumo Merchandise

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Is there anyway to get official NSK merchandise from somewhere that's not-Japan? I'm trying to find Harumafuji themed stuff for my wife for our anniversary.

I remember someone posting a link to the Japanese website earlier in the year, but I apparently didn't bookmark it (geeenius).

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Is there anyway to get official NSK merchandise from somewhere that's not-Japan? I'm trying to find Harumafuji themed stuff for my wife for our anniversary.

I remember someone posting a link to the Japanese website earlier in the year, but I apparently didn't bookmark it (geeenius).

Are these sites any good to you?∏=Bags/harumafuji_tegata.htm

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Thanks, but no - that's what I get when I search in English. There was a Japanese website someone had linked to previously.

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I posted about the kokugikan shop site, but I have to look if it ships outside of Japan.

Another thing of importance in the kokugikan are of course the sumo goods. You can get a limited overview of what is sold there at the kokugikan-shop site (at which you can order without going there) and plan what you want buy and what to spend. There is more in the shops than on the site though.

The site has the goods grouped by type and also a few groups for individual rikishi goods, namely the 3 yokozuna and Kisenosato plus the special hype rikishi: Endo and Ichinojo.

Several new goods for Terunofuji were just announced in the press, especially the extra popular mini-rikishi straps for mobile phones, named as the sign of being a popular rikishi, but it may take a while till he has a group on the site.

Both the strap and the mini-nobori for him are not on the site yet.

Last year for Natsu the hype around the last few mage-less-Endo straps was in the headlines, this year the straps of Endo with the sekitori ooicho-mage are sold. In the worst case scenario we won't ever see that on the dohyo.

Last year no rikishi mini-nobori were sold for the Endo with just an chon-mage at the time, but Ichinojo, who of course had no goods whatever last year at the time, has one this year.

I'm going especially for Ichinojo goods this year, my favorites are

the portrait+tegata colored paper board at 870 Yen:

the shikona-only t-shirt at 1080 Yen:

the rikishi mini-nobori for 760 Yen:

for the mini-rikishi strap (for him maybe yukata-type only), rather Endo (collectors item?)


Edited by Akinomaki
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Thanks Akinomaki, that's what I was thinking of. I thought it was you who'd posted it, but couldn't find it searching the forums.

I don't think they ship overseas, but I have a friend in Tokyo I can possibly get to forward things on!

Edited by Irakusamaru

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You'll only find something on the forum with the advanced search (on the right of the search field), where you can select all instead of any words included in the search and restrict the search further.

I usually know who posted (also) about something I want to find (especially if it was me of course) and restricting to the author usually gets the information quickly.

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Thanks, but no - that's what I get when I search in English. There was a Japanese website someone had linked to previously.

Thought not, but it was worth a try. They're sites that came up in the net when I was looking for sumo art. Hope you find the perfect present.

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The perfect present would involve actually capturing Harumafuji for my wife - I foresee issues with that.

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With a thoughtful, humourous husband like you, she doesn't need Harumafuji except maybe on a poster, and you can tell her I said so. :-)

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Does your wife already have the "official" Harumafuji bath towel? If not, she would LOVE to be dried off with it! My husband bought one for me at the 2013 (I think) Nagoya basho. A year ago, I saw them still being sold at the Kokugikan during the Aki basho.

On the towel, Harumafuji is dressed as a Yokozuna and has a soulful look on his face. Even better, whoever did the artwork left off his acne scars!! The towel is 42 inches by 24 inches and Harumafuji takes up the whole towel from top to bottom. If your wife does not have this towel, I can contact 2 sumo friends of mine in Japan to see if they know where to get one. They are both Ebay sellers and one of them had listed this towel probably over a year ago. Maybe they might know where to get one. You can let me know. I'm pretty good at finding stuff. I would consider selling you my towel but it's used.

When is your anniversary? It would be helpful to know if you're pressed for time or not.

You are a cool husband!

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There is a Hakuho version of this bath towel. To get an idea of what the towel actually looks like, you can see the Hakuho version on Using English, type Hakuho Bath Towel in the search box. Harumafuji's bath towel is almost identical except he's facing the other way. To the left, there are thumbnail photos of Hakuho's towel that you can click on. Cool, huh?

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I bought one of the Hakuho towels at the Kokugikan in January. Also picked up a rubber Hakuho mask. LOL!

Picked up so much sumo merchandise (tegata, playing cards, magazines, magnets) that I had to buy an additional duffel bag to haul it back home.

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Thank you for the links Akinomaki

I started lusting after the Ichinojo teeshirts, clicked on the link, set Google Translate on the job and got;

☆ popular wrestlers name into T-shirt is Inno-jo appeared ☆ ☆ gold letters on a black background, we have two types available in black characters on a white background ☆ ☆ character is also luxury because they are lame processing, design even simple men

Hmmm ...

I clicked on the terms and conditions anyway, and there's nothing about sending orders overseas, but there was an email address, so I thought about writing directly to ask if it could be done by special demand, for a little extra or whatever, and explain what I wanted. The only sizes they have in stock, however, are big enough for Ichinojo himself. Maybe him and me together.

I'll wait a while and if they get my size in stock, try again, and tell the good news if it works. Not everybody has friends in Japan after all, and Amazon, Ebay, PriceMinister etc just gave me sites in Mongolian or Japanese that apparently didn't ship overseas either.

Nothing ventured ...

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​ Some of the online retailors that specialize in exporting Otaku Goods and such may be able to help you. I am sure if demand is high enough, they would even add a regualr line up of Sumo items.


​You should ask a few of them. Jlist, Tokyo Otaku Mode, ect...

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I clicked on the terms and conditions anyway, and there's nothing about sending orders overseas, but there was an email address, so I thought about writing directly to ask if it could be done by special demand, for a little extra or whatever, and explain what I wanted.

Let us know how you go!

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I clicked on the terms and conditions anyway, and there's nothing about sending orders overseas, but there was an email address, so I thought about writing directly to ask if it could be done by special demand, for a little extra or whatever, and explain what I wanted.

Let us know how you go!

I just sent an enquiry by email. Fingers crossed.

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If you can't get stuff and you know what you want, whether it is merchandise from the kyokai, programs from basho past, banzuke, original tegata etc, send me a message and I'll get it for you.

You're a prince.

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